Louisiana Republican Flees Interview When Asked About Obama's Birthplace

And it is a matter of controversy. Whitney is right. The birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was investigated by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and found to be a 100% forgery.

And yet when asked to verify the birth certificate, Obama's place of birth, and Obama's eligiblity to be president by the Secretary of State of Arizona the State of Hawaii affirmed them all.

"Arizona's secretary of state says Hawaii's verification of President Barack Obama's birth records meets necessary requirements and that the president's name will appear on Arizona's ballot in the fall....

....Bennett said Wednesday that Hawaii has officially confirmed the information on a copy of Obama's birth certificate as accurate."

Obama birth certificate OK by Arizona official | Fox News

Just as they did years ago when Director of the Department of Health of Hawaii Dr. Chiyome Fukino held a press conference to confirm that she'd personally inspected Obama's birth certificate and confirmed that the State has it, that Obama was born in Hawaii and that he was a natural born citizen of the United States.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.

Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

Hawaiian officials referring to their own documents trump any 'posse' in Arizona. They are the world's leading authority on the topic. And the COLB they issued in 2007 is more than adequate to establish Obama's eligibility to be president in any court of law, as its contents are prima facie evidence.

All reasonable doubts were answered in 2008 with Obama's release of his COLB. What's left are unreasonable doubts....which obligate no one to do anything.

Fukino only saw the record, but was not qualified to determine if what was on file was phony. The authentication later by Fuddy only authenticated the copy to be authentic.

Obama is likely phony as a three-dollar bill, and most don't have the sense or balls to admit it!
Another Sarah Palin clone?


Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
The burgher question was a trap. They were right to end the interview.

how is it a trap? what's the trap?
"you're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list acton & dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that barack obama was born in kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," goderich wrote. "there was never any information given to us by obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in kenya and not hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

literary agent says 1991 booklet was a mistake

he had to say that or face getting vince fostered (don't-cha-know).
And it is a matter of controversy. Whitney is right. The birth certificate released on April 27, 2011 was investigated by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office and found to be a 100% forgery.

And yet when asked to verify the birth certificate, Obama's place of birth, and Obama's eligiblity to be president by the Secretary of State of Arizona the State of Hawaii affirmed them all.

Just as they did years ago when Director of the Department of Health of Hawaii Dr. Chiyome Fukino held a press conference to confirm that she'd personally inspected Obama's birth certificate and confirmed that the State has it, that Obama was born in Hawaii and that he was a natural born citizen of the United States.

"I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen.

Hawaii: Obama Birth Certificate is Real - ABC News

Hawaiian officials referring to their own documents trump any 'posse' in Arizona. They are the world's leading authority on the topic. And the COLB they issued in 2007 is more than adequate to establish Obama's eligibility to be president in any court of law, as its contents are prima facie evidence.

All reasonable doubts were answered in 2008 with Obama's release of his COLB. What's left are unreasonable doubts....which obligate no one to do anything.

Fukino only saw the record, but was not qualified to determine if what was on file was phony. The authentication later by Fuddy only authenticated the copy to be authentic.
That's very correct. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigators think that what Hawaii Dept of Health has in their data base is false information and is going by that. As the lead investigator stated at the second press conference, in 1961 in Hawaii a family member like the grandmother could have walked into a outlying Health Dept office and submitted a form submitting false information stating a child was born at their home and they would have accepted it and once that info was entered into the system, a vital record would have been created triggering the newspaper birth announcements. Makes sense. But here is another problem. In the MSNBC interview with Dr. Chiyome Fukino, "she found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files."That's REALLY significant! Because, if half of his Birth Certificate is handwritten, then that implies changes to the original certificate! This happens in adoptions, or when changes to the original are requested. It would explain the written notation that Abercrombie found in the archives after searching for the 51 year old original birth certificate and why Hawaii stalled for two weeks giving AZ Sec of State Bennett his original requested information including date of birth of August 4, 1961 and if the information was a true and accurate copy. Hawaii did not submit either. The Hawaii Verification of Birth they sent to Bennett lacked the most crucial information...............date of birth and the registrar Alvin Onaka didn't personally handle it as requested, someone with the initials qk did as evident by the stamp

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We see in this topic the halfwits Wright is pandering to.

That's what the Right has descended into in recent years.
All intelligent people know he was. She demonstrated her lack of intelligence by not plainly answering the question with, "He was born in America, silly!"

Why do the retards spend so much energy trying to "prove" he wasn't then?

You'll have to ask them. I've never thought twice about it.

Given Obama's track record for lying, it would not surprise me at all.

Even if it were true, you can't prove it and you certainly would have a good time doing anything about it.

All intelligent people know....?

Sorry, but I wasn't there. I suspect it to be the case....but given my lack of first hand information (and lack of interest)....I don't know.

Sorry. That is really lame.

If someone argued that the Earth was flat, and provided "evidence", how fucking retarded would you have to be to say, "Well, gee, I guess I can't really be sure the Earth is round now. I suspect it to be the case, but..."

There are no buts. Obama was born in the US.

You are sorry and your example is lame.

You take the word of other with confidence they know what they are doing or talking about.

Frankly, I am more worried they are lying to me about the earth being flat than I am about Obama's place of birth.

Who really cares and what would they do if they proved he was lying (which does not even seem remotely possible....you could assemble and entire hosptial staff to testify he was born in Antartica....and you'd never get anything done about it).

She spoke to something she might not know anything about in a way the conveyed that.....which seems to bother you.
Another Sarah Palin clone?


Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
The Right thinks they're safe with putting out stupid comments, especially in certain areas of the country. Her constituents think she's some kind of genius, no doubt.
That's very correct. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office investigators think that what Hawaii Dept of Health has in their data base is false information and is going by that. As the lead investigator stated at the second press conference, in 1961 in Hawaii a family member like the grandmother could have walked into a outlying Health Dept office and submitted a form submitting false information stating a child was born at their home and they would have accepted it and once that info was entered into the system, a vital record would have been created triggering the newspaper birth announcements. Makes sense. But here is another problem. In the MSNBC interview with Dr. Chiyome Fukino, "she found the original birth record, properly numbered, half typed and half handwritten, and signed by the doctor who delivered Obama, located in the files."That's REALLY significant! Because, if half of his Birth Certificate is handwritten, then that implies changes to the original certificate! This happens in adoptions, or when changes to the original are requested. It would explain the written notation that Abercrombie found in the archives after searching for the 51 year old original birth certificate and why Hawaii stalled for two weeks giving AZ Sec of State Bennett his original requested information including date of birth of August 4, 1961 and if the information was a true and accurate copy. Hawaii did not submit either. The Hawaii Verification of Birth they sent to Bennett lacked the most crucial information...............date of birth and the registrar Alvin Onaka didn't personally handle it as requested, someone with the initials qk did as evident by the stamp


Another Sarah Palin clone?


Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
The Right thinks they're safe with putting out stupid comments, especially in certain areas of the country. Her constituents think she's some kind of genius, no doubt.

Please explain how the comment is stupid.

Her comment sounds more British than anything...they tend to state the obvious in order to not say anything (which generally turns out to be the same).

Or are you just dogpiling with the rest of your friends in the hopes of copping a free feel ?
Another Sarah Palin clone?


Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.
Her constituents think she's some kind of genius, no doubt.
She is well respected in the 6th district of deep southeast Louisiana. She was in the oil and gas business. If she beats her GOP opponents, her likely opponent will be 86 year old former 4 term democrat governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards who got out of prison after doing 10 years a few years ago. His campaign bumper sticker during the 91 gubernatorial election between he and David Duke was 'Vote For The Crook'.

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Her constituents think she's some kind of genius, no doubt.
She is well respected in the 6th district of deep southeast Louisiana. She was in the oil and gas business. If she beats her GOP opponents, her likely opponent will be 86 year old former 4 term democrat governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards who got out of prison after doing 10 years a few years ago. His campaign bumper sticker during the 91 gubernatorial election between he and David Duke was 'Vote For The Crook'.

None of that changes the fact that her comment was stupid and will be accepted by her constituents. I know that area of LA.
Her constituents think she's some kind of genius, no doubt.
She is well respected in the 6th district of deep southeast Louisiana. She was in the oil and gas business. If she beats her GOP opponents, her likely opponent will be 86 year old former 4 term democrat governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards who got out of prison after doing 10 years a few years ago. His campaign bumper sticker during the 91 gubernatorial election between he and David Duke was 'Vote For The Crook'.

None of that changes the fact that her comment was stupid and will be accepted by her constituents. I know that area of LA.
How was her comment stupid? The subject of Obama's birthplace is controversial, especially since his birth certificate was found to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after a lengthy investigation into the forensics of it using top adobe experts and a top court recognized handwriting and computer-generated forensic expert in the field of document attestations from Hawaii who even did work at one time for Obama's own personal law firm Perkins Coie. Also Rasmussen recently did a poll where 40% of Americans questioned his birth place. And then there is this that went unchanged for 16 years from 1991 to 2007 when he decided to run for president. If his birth whereabouts were indeed NOT controversial then why did Wasserman feel the need to focus on birtherism and ignore issues such as the economy?

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She is well respected in the 6th district of deep southeast Louisiana. She was in the oil and gas business. If she beats her GOP opponents, her likely opponent will be 86 year old former 4 term democrat governor and convicted felon Edwin Edwards who got out of prison after doing 10 years a few years ago. His campaign bumper sticker during the 91 gubernatorial election between he and David Duke was 'Vote For The Crook'.

None of that changes the fact that her comment was stupid and will be accepted by her constituents. I know that area of LA.
How was her comment stupid? The subject of Obama's birthplace is controversial, especially since his birth certificate was found to be a 100% forgery by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after a lengthy investigation into the forensics of it using top adobe experts and a top court recognized handwriting and computer-generated forensic expert in the field of document attestations from Hawaii who even did work at one time for Obama's own personal law firm Perkins Coie. Also Rasmussen recently did a poll where 40% of Americans questioned his birth place. And then there is this that went unchanged for 16 years from 1991 to 2007 when he decided to run for president. If his birth whereabouts were indeed NOT controversial then why did Wasserman feel the need to focus on birtherism and ignore issues such as the economy?

Like I said, her constituents will believe her.
Now the truth can be told. JFK committed suicide. You see, he was about to be exposed for having killed Marilyn Monroe, so he rigged up a gun inside the trunk of the Limo, with it's barrel aimed through a hole .............

See, if she'd answered the question truthfully, she would have been made fun of.
For such a fundamental issue that means everything to the American people, any president should go to extraordinary means to absolutely prove citizenship if there is a doubt.

Most persons sooner or later have to prove it with an original copy of a birth certificate to do business within or without the government.

We should not have to be weak and take it as a matter of faith or a matter of believing Obama's word.

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