Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end

Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year

Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.

There is no justification in being able to vote on what rights others should be allowed to have

That is why we have judges
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When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?

When are Democrats going to give up your sick obsession with the W administration so the country can move on?

The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?
Not always, but the Democrats can, now, just like back then, when Democrats discriminated against the African Americans in the courts, I read in history that Judges actually supported slavery and after the war that Judges supported the Democrat Governors and that Democrat Judges told people even where they could ride on buses and trains.

Those Judges got it wrong. So many Democrats, its not that you got one Civil Rights issue wrong and now you got one right, it is simply that Democrats are wrong on everything, from how to fight a war or how to keep Ebola out of the country.

Democrats, histories losers.

Yea,,,,I guess some Southern Democrats (as well as Southern Republicans) discriminated against blacks. But at the same time, you had Northern Democrats fighting for Civil Rights legislation

However, with gay marriage you have almost 100% opposition among Republicans
It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

There is no difference other than a technical one between you and the man/woman government marriage crowd. You draw the same line of discrimination, you just draw it in a different place. Get off your high horse, you are no better than they are.

I do like your admission you're in it for the money. So why does civil marriage bother you then?

So, we know:

- Parents are only babysitters, cooks and housekeepers, only taking care of the physical needs of children matter.

- No one has studied gender roles in parenting

- You only date women because of their equipment, other than that, you'd be indifferent between dating men and women because they are identical.

- You're into government marriage for the $$$.

You and I have one fundamental difference. The difference is not race or gender, we are both white men. That difference is that you equate marriage with government marriage and I believe there is no relation between those at all.

Well, let's start with I'm not a white man. White I am, a man I'm not. We both civilly married women. We both have that good old Gubmit marriage with all the cash and prizes and the "validation".

I can differentiate between civil and religious marriage. We have equal access to one and are halfway to the other. Call your congressman. :lol:
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end

Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year

Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.

So a California initiative banning all firearms would be okay with you? How about a California initiative banning evangelical Christians from civil marriage? That be okay with you?
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Homosexual < > Infertile



Homosexual <> (Does Not Equal) Infertile.

Homosexuals have children the same way that heterosexual couples that are infertile together have children. Sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and IVF.

Actually Homosexuals do not have children the same as an heterosexual couple. But who knows, maybe homosexuals believe their type of intercourse does fertilize the egg, so I guess you are right, after repeatedly trying to have a baby the homosexual couple goes to the doctor to find out what is wrong, to see which one of themselves is not fertile.

We have them the same way millions of infertile couples have them, through AI and IVF. I've done both.
That's not what you keep saying, you keep saying it's only liberals who don't think you're immoral, the rest of us are Christian bigots who condemn you to hell and think you're contagious.

Stay over there if you don't mind, I don't want to catch your gay disease, you're headed to hell you know.

Really? I've condemned all Christians as bigots? You can, of course, link to those posts.

The only Christians (and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, satanists, etc) I think are bigots are the ones opposed to civil marriage equality for gays.

kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.

Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end
Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year
Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.
There is no justification in being able to vote on what rights others should be allowed to have
That is why we have judges
We have judges too interpret what the people,WE the PEOPLE, sometimes through their representatives...meant in different situations. They are not meant to legislate.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end
Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year
Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.
So a California initiative banning all firearms would be okay with you? How about a California initiative banning evangelical Christians from civil marriage? That be okay with you?
I'm guessing California has a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that pretty much copies the Federal Bill of Rights. Any initiative in California would have to be a Constitutional initiative which I'm also guessing needs an increased signature requirement. Even if such an Initiative were to get on the ballot in California, I doubt it would pass. IF it did it would still be subject to restriction by the Federal Bill of Rights which represents a wider majority opinion.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end
Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year
Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.
There is no justification in being able to vote on what rights others should be allowed to have
That is why we have judges
We have judges too interpret what the people,WE the PEOPLE, sometimes through their representatives...meant in different situations. They are not meant to legislate.
Judges are there to protect the rights of the minority

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for supper
Really? I've condemned all Christians as bigots? You can, of course, link to those posts.

The only Christians (and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, satanists, etc) I think are bigots are the ones opposed to civil marriage equality for gays.

kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.

Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.

Give it a year and it will be legal nationwide

At which time Republicans will declare that they really favored it but thought it should be a state issue
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?

When are Democrats going to give up your sick obsession with the W administration so the country can move on?

The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?

If you were in Germany in the 30s, you'd be in love with Hitler, that wouldn't make it right.
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

So you want government telling people who can have children? Really? That's one of the things that hurts my head about government deciding who is and who isn't married.
You demand that the Government make Laws and Enforce Laws telling us that Homosexuals can adopt children as well as you tell us Homosexuals can have children created in a laboratory and then use another human to incubate.

The Government is telling us who can, as you decide, you have decided that the government tells us who can, and who can't.

That does hurt your head, you got it backwards.

What? You seem to have me confused with someone, no idea what you're talking about. Did you understand my question?
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end
Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year
Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.
So a California initiative banning all firearms would be okay with you? How about a California initiative banning evangelical Christians from civil marriage? That be okay with you?
I'm guessing California has a Constitution with a Bill of Rights that pretty much copies the Federal Bill of Rights. Any initiative in California would have to be a Constitutional initiative which I'm also guessing needs an increased signature requirement. Even if such an Initiative were to get on the ballot in California, I doubt it would pass. IF it did it would still be subject to restriction by the Federal Bill of Rights which represents a wider majority opinion.

Whether you like it or not, marriage has been declared a fundamental right...which is why anti gay laws (based solely on animus for gays) are being found unconstitutional.
Well, let's start with I'm not a white man. White I am, a man I'm not. We both civilly married women. We both have that good old Gubmit marriage with all the cash and prizes and the "validation".

I can differentiate between civil and religious marriage. We have equal access to one and are halfway to the other. Call your congressman. :lol:

No, you just play one on message boards. You're a lily white New England male elitist who's never been on a date and thought it would be cool to be a lesbo.

No parent would believe the role of parenting is housekeeping, baby sitting and cooking and attending to the physical needs of kids and like you do and no lesbian would claim men and women are the same, you just like the female equipment. Actual lesbians, who apparently I know and you don't, say the equipment is the least of it. The one thing that's true is you like the female equipment, but since you're a guy that makes you not gay. You've just never actually seen it other than on the Internet.

Nice try, but fail, Michael. Or Steve. Or whatever your name is. Probably Archie. Do you live in Queens? Is that where you got the idea?
Really? I've condemned all Christians as bigots? You can, of course, link to those posts.

The only Christians (and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, satanists, etc) I think are bigots are the ones opposed to civil marriage equality for gays.

kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.

Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.

LOL, a socialist telling me to "move on" when I lost? That's priceless. You never move on from anything.
kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.

Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.

Give it a year and it will be legal nationwide

At which time Republicans will declare that they really favored it but thought it should be a state issue

You mean like Democrats did in Afghanistan and Iraq? I see what you're saying.

Actually Republicans are saying it is a State issue now. I don't know any who are trying to block it at the national level.
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Children who are orphaned need a Father and a Mother, they are born of a Mother and Father, Children Naturally desire their Mother and Father, they have a right to their Mother and Father, they have the right to pick who their Mother and Father is if they are Orphaned and to be adopted.

But, it does not work the other way around, Homosexuals have no right to what they can not create, Marriage does not make Homosexuals equal, granted or not, two man/man does not equal man/woman

Who's saying gay people have a right to children? No one. It's about MARRIAGE, not children.

You don't need to be married to have children. You don't have to have children if you're married.

So, children who lose a father in, say, Iraq, should have a new father provided for them by the US govt then? Because they have a right to a father, and the US govt's policy of sending troops to die for oil was clearly the fault of the govt, they then should provide a replacement.

Why does a child whose parents aren't together any more not have a right to a mother and a father then?
Well, let's start with I'm not a white man. White I am, a man I'm not. We both civilly married women. We both have that good old Gubmit marriage with all the cash and prizes and the "validation".

I can differentiate between civil and religious marriage. We have equal access to one and are halfway to the other. Call your congressman. :lol:

No, you just play one on message boards. You're a lily white New England male elitist who's never been on a date and thought it would be cool to be a lesbo.

No parent would believe the role of parenting is housekeeping, baby sitting and cooking and attending to the physical needs of kids and like you do and no lesbian would claim men and women are the same, you just like the female equipment. Actual lesbians, who apparently I know and you don't, say the equipment is the least of it. The one thing that's true is you like the female equipment, but since you're a guy that makes you not gay. You've just never actually seen it other than on the Internet.

Nice try, but fail, Michael. Or Steve. Or whatever your name is. Probably Archie. Do you live in Queens? Is that where you got the idea?

You're adorable when you're flailing.

What I said (and is supported by scientific research) is that children need two parents and that the gender of the parents has no effect on the outcomes of the children they raise. Like Elekra who insists that means I want eunuchs to raise children, you're intentionally misrepresenting that to say I believe maids and servants can raise children just as well.

I guess I shouldn't expect better of you, but damn me, I really did.
kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.

Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.

LOL, a socialist telling me to "move on" when I lost? That's priceless. You never move on from anything.

Wow, so now the LINO is pulling out the "socialist" label? Marxist must be right around the corner. :lol:

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