Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

it is not intruding on others happiness or misery. Its about preserving a sane and moral society. Its also about maintaining sanity in our legal system. Can you imagine how a divorce of a marriage of 5 men and 6 women would play out? How much court time and money would such a fiasco tie up?

this is about much more than allowing two gays to legally hook up. I want gays to be able to have a legal mutual committment agreement. Its when you call it a marriage that all of the unwanted results start to pile up.

Religious objections to gay marriage aren't valid where the law is concerned. For starters, reliigons which might forbid such marriages didn't invent the institution of marriage. So their objections are irrelevant. For another, religion has no support under US law insofar as the law incorporating a specific religion's tenets into laws applicable to everyone - not everyone belongs to the religion with a bug up it's butt about gay marriage.

I said nothing about religion in my post that you quoted. A sane and moral society does not have to be founded on any religion.

There's no moral arguement possible without involving religion. Marriage being about love and commitment of two people. Perfectly moral proposition.

are you saying that human morality and sense of right and wrong would not exist without religion?

Any society should decide what it considers moral. A majority of the people of planet earth do not consider a homosexual union as moral. Societal morals should be decided by a majority of the members of the society.

Oh, now we're going with the whole planet? Sorry, this is America...and Americans don't think gays are immoral anymore.

New Record Highs in Moral Acceptability

We are talking about human society. It does exist on the entire planet. Its not really a question of whether gays are moral. its a question of whether homosexuality is a normal human condition. The majority of humanity does not consider it normal. We do however, tolerate and accept those with abnormal conditons as equal citizens.

But as I have reminded you many times, the gay agenda is not about equality. Its about forced societal acceptance of homosexuality as normal.
Oh, now we're going with the whole planet? Sorry, this is America...and Americans don't think gays are immoral anymore.

That's not what you keep saying, you keep saying it's only liberals who don't think you're immoral, the rest of us are Christian bigots who condemn you to hell and think you're contagious.

Stay over there if you don't mind, I don't want to catch your gay disease, you're headed to hell you know.

Really? I've condemned all Christians as bigots? You can, of course, link to those posts.

The only Christians (and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, satanists, etc) I think are bigots are the ones opposed to civil marriage equality for gays.

kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.
It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

no matter how many times you say it, a gay union is not a marriage. It is a civil union of two same sex persons that is recognized in several states. I think it should be recognized in all states and given the same status as a man/woman marriage--------------------------------BUT ITS NOT A MARRIAGE.
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Homosexual < > Infertile



Homosexual <> (Does Not Equal) Infertile.

Homosexuals have children the same way that heterosexual couples that are infertile together have children. Sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and IVF.


Except that the child is not the product of the two of them. Only one of them has a genetic tie to the child.
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Homosexual < > Infertile



Homosexual <> (Does Not Equal) Infertile.

Homosexuals have children the same way that heterosexual couples that are infertile together have children. Sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and IVF.


Except that the child is not the product of the two of them. Only one of them has a genetic tie to the child.

So if say a husband is infertile and they artificially inseminate from a donor, should they be allowed to maintain their government marriage?
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Homosexual < > Infertile



Homosexual <> (Does Not Equal) Infertile.

Homosexuals have children the same way that heterosexual couples that are infertile together have children. Sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and IVF.

Actually Homosexuals do not have children the same as an heterosexual couple. But who knows, maybe homosexuals believe their type of intercourse does fertilize the egg, so I guess you are right, after repeatedly trying to have a baby the homosexual couple goes to the doctor to find out what is wrong, to see which one of themselves is not fertile.
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

Homosexual < > Infertile



Homosexual <> (Does Not Equal) Infertile.

Homosexuals have children the same way that heterosexual couples that are infertile together have children. Sperm donation, egg donation, surrogacy, and IVF.


Responding to an argument is a lot more persuasive than saying you don't get what they are referring to when you obviously do.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

no matter how many times you say it, a gay union is not a marriage. It is a civil union of two same sex persons that is recognized in several states. I think it should be recognized in all states and given the same status as a man/woman marriage--------------------------------BUT ITS NOT A MARRIAGE.

So you do think government owns bestowal of recognition of the word "marriage?" I find that mind boggling. I call it "government marriage" to denigrate government doing it. I believe true marriage has nothing to do with government. A married couple can get a government marriage for various reasons, but the government has nothing to do with making it an actual "marriage."
Oh, now we're going with the whole planet? Sorry, this is America...and Americans don't think gays are immoral anymore.

That's not what you keep saying, you keep saying it's only liberals who don't think you're immoral, the rest of us are Christian bigots who condemn you to hell and think you're contagious.

Stay over there if you don't mind, I don't want to catch your gay disease, you're headed to hell you know.

Really? I've condemned all Christians as bigots? You can, of course, link to those posts.

The only Christians (and Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, satanists, etc) I think are bigots are the ones opposed to civil marriage equality for gays.

kaz: You think everyone who opposes gay marriage is a christian bigot

seawytch: I said all Christians are bigots! Did not.

Your lack of reading comprehension and basic logic is actually hilarious.

Perhaps it's your skills that are lacking. I don't think all that are opposed to marriage equality are Christian bigots. There are plenty of Atheist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Satanist, etc bigots as well. The largest demographic opposed to marriage equality in the US are Evangelical Christians, but that doesn't mean all bigots are Christian.

It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

are you in favor of marriage equality for those americans who believe in bigamy and polygamy? if not, then YOU are a bigot.

Much of the far left are bigots and racists, but they are not able to see it or admit it.

Marriage is not a right.

Gay's CAN get married, just that it may not be recognized as such. So there is nothing stopping them from getting "married". That is right they may not get that piece of paper that has the words "Marriage License". But then as it has already been pointed out this is all over getting access to someone else's social security money and that is why the far left is for it.

This is just another group of slaves for the far left to command, that believe they are having their "rights" taken away.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?

When are Democrats going to give up your sick obsession with the W administration so the country can move on?

The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?
Homosexuals have no right to something they can not create, Homosexuals want children, that is not a right.

So you want government telling people who can have children? Really? That's one of the things that hurts my head about government deciding who is and who isn't married.
You demand that the Government make Laws and Enforce Laws telling us that Homosexuals can adopt children as well as you tell us Homosexuals can have children created in a laboratory and then use another human to incubate.

The Government is telling us who can, as you decide, you have decided that the government tells us who can, and who can't.

That does hurt your head, you got it backwards.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?

When are Democrats going to give up your sick obsession with the W administration so the country can move on?

The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?
Not always, but the Democrats can, now, just like back then, when Democrats discriminated against the African Americans in the courts, I read in history that Judges actually supported slavery and after the war that Judges supported the Democrat Governors and that Democrat Judges told people even where they could ride on buses and trains.

Those Judges got it wrong. So many Democrats, its not that you got one Civil Rights issue wrong and now you got one right, it is simply that Democrats are wrong on everything, from how to fight a war or how to keep Ebola out of the country.

Democrats, histories losers.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end

Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year

Republicans might as well accept it
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end

Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year

Republicans might as well accept it
California is a Democrat state that voted against, but a homosexual judge declared homosexuals come first and dictated against the constitution and the people.

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