Louisiana Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban

The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?
Not always, but the Democrats can, now, just like back then, when Democrats discriminated against the African Americans in the courts, I read in history that Judges actually supported slavery and after the war that Judges supported the Democrat Governors and that Democrat Judges told people even where they could ride on buses and trains.

Those Judges got it wrong. So many Democrats, its not that you got one Civil Rights issue wrong and now you got one right, it is simply that Democrats are wrong on everything, from how to fight a war or how to keep Ebola out of the country.

Democrats, histories losers.

Yea,,,,I guess some Southern Democrats (as well as Southern Republicans) discriminated against blacks. But at the same time, you had Northern Democrats fighting for Civil Rights legislation

However, with gay marriage you have almost 100% opposition among Republicans
Don't forget the orphaned chosen you want forced into homosexual relationships, they are 100 % in opposition to your dictating.

Link to support your claim that orphaned and abandoned children don't want to be adopted by a gay couple?

They should, if there are no qualified heterosexual couples left. I don't give a crap about heterosexual or homosexual adoptees, I care about the kids, and they are best served in a qualified straight home. After that you're dealing with non-ideal, gay is fine once you reach that point. I still can't believe you don't know the difference between men and women other than their sex organs. I guess sitting alone in your apartment surfing porn all day you haven't had the chance to learn anything else. But if you want to be a dyke on the internet, you should first learn that lesbians actually aren't focused on women's sex organs above their emotional attachment. Give it a shot on other sites you post on pretending to be a gay woman before you get nailed for your lies like you did on this one.

I can't believe you don't know the difference between procreation and parenting. One does not require the other and children don't require male and female parents. Kids do best in two parent homes, not a male and female parent home.

You really do have a very rich fantasy life. I hope it serves you well.
The fight against gay marrige is a lost cause for Republicans. The Supreme Court will decide it next year and Republicans might as well accept it before the decision is made for them

Can't always be on the wrong side of history, can you?
Not always, but the Democrats can, now, just like back then, when Democrats discriminated against the African Americans in the courts, I read in history that Judges actually supported slavery and after the war that Judges supported the Democrat Governors and that Democrat Judges told people even where they could ride on buses and trains.

Those Judges got it wrong. So many Democrats, its not that you got one Civil Rights issue wrong and now you got one right, it is simply that Democrats are wrong on everything, from how to fight a war or how to keep Ebola out of the country.

Democrats, histories losers.

Yea,,,,I guess some Southern Democrats (as well as Southern Republicans) discriminated against blacks. But at the same time, you had Northern Democrats fighting for Civil Rights legislation

However, with gay marriage you have almost 100% opposition among Republicans
Don't forget the orphaned chosen you want forced into homosexual relationships, they are 100 % in opposition to your dictating.

Link to support your claim that orphaned and abandoned children don't want to be adopted by a gay couple?
Link to your claim, that you have studies, you are the one that states you have studies, you expect links when you will not provide yours, and its been a lot more than one post in which you brandished these studies around like they settle the question.

So post the studies, ask all your friends for help, you claim studies support your posts, you state your posts are fact based on studies, well that is a bunch of crap, you never read a study let alone linked to the study.

I have...over and over and over. Others have too. You respond by doing this:


And in like a half dozen threads you've started about how scary gay parents are, you've not provided a single link or any evidence to support your claim. Not a single major medical or psychological organization agrees with your unsupported claims.

But do keep posting. Opposition to gay marriage and gay adoption probably dropped 2% just from people reading your posts.
Supreme Court cases disagree with your opinion.

We can legally marry in 19 states and counting. You've lost, move on.

Give it a year and it will be legal nationwide

At which time Republicans will declare that they really favored it but thought it should be a state issue

You mean like Democrats did in Afghanistan and Iraq? I see what you're saying.

Actually Republicans are saying it is a State issue now. I don't know any who are trying to block it at the national level.
You forget DOMA?

You forgot the full faith and credit clause?

Very true

Every state should have to accept a legal marriage performed in another state

And if the SCOTUS ruled only that, that others states must recognize the legal, civil marriages performed in other states, this "debate" would be over. Not every state will marry 1st or 2nd cousins...but their marriage is recognized in all 50. Strike down or remove the rest of DOMA and everybody is happy.
It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

no matter how many times you say it, a gay union is not a marriage. It is a civil union of two same sex persons that is recognized in several states. I think it should be recognized in all states and given the same status as a man/woman marriage--------------------------------BUT ITS NOT A MARRIAGE.

So you do think government owns bestowal of recognition of the word "marriage?" I find that mind boggling. I call it "government marriage" to denigrate government doing it. I believe true marriage has nothing to do with government. A married couple can get a government marriage for various reasons, but the government has nothing to do with making it an actual "marriage."

you misunderstand what I am saying. The government should not be involved in marriage-----------but it is. The govt give tax breaks to married couples. I want those same tax breaks for gay couples. But thats not what this is about. This is about what society accepts as normal human behavior. Allowing gays to call their union a marriage is society saying that homosexuality is a normal human condition, equal in every way to heterosexuality-----------some believe that, the majority do not. Are we to be ruled by minority opinion or majority opinion? Thats what this gay debate is really about.
When are Republicans just going to give up their objections to gay marriage so the country can move on?
Its not just republicans, Im one registered Democrat who opposes gay marriage, and I'm sure there are many others. California's vote on prop 8 proves that as the state is largely Democratic in registration. And it is probably one of the most liberal of states.
California has moved on. It now has gay marriage and the world did not come to an end

Gay marriage is now a fact of life. The "social experiment" of gay marrige shows that it does work and society is not negatively affected. The supreme court is going to make that decision next year

Republicans might as well accept it

Pay attention, you partisan hack. This is not a republican/democrat issue. The people of the left coast state of california voted against gay marriage. A liberal gay judge overruled the will of the people. that is wrong no matter what the issue.
It's pretty simple, if you're opposed to marriage equality for any reason, you're a bigot.

The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

no matter how many times you say it, a gay union is not a marriage. It is a civil union of two same sex persons that is recognized in several states. I think it should be recognized in all states and given the same status as a man/woman marriage--------------------------------BUT ITS NOT A MARRIAGE.

So you do think government owns bestowal of recognition of the word "marriage?" I find that mind boggling. I call it "government marriage" to denigrate government doing it. I believe true marriage has nothing to do with government. A married couple can get a government marriage for various reasons, but the government has nothing to do with making it an actual "marriage."

you misunderstand what I am saying. The government should not be involved in marriage-----------but it is. The govt give tax breaks to married couples. I want those same tax breaks for gay couples. But thats not what this is about. This is about what society accepts as normal human behavior. Allowing gays to call their union a marriage is society saying that homosexuality is a normal human condition, equal in every way to heterosexuality-----------some believe that, the majority do not. Are we to be ruled by minority opinion or majority opinion? Thats what this gay debate is really about.

No, this "gay debate" is really about equality...as has been pointed out to you multiple times. YOU care about the word, we don't therefore the onus is upon YOU to have it changed...for everyone. Civil Unions for ALL, Fishy, not marriage for straights, civil unions for gays. Change the name for everyone.
Link to support your claim that orphaned and abandoned children don't want to be adopted by a gay couple?
Link to your claim, that you have studies, you are the one that states you have studies, you expect links when you will not provide yours, and its been a lot more than one post in which you brandished these studies around like they settle the question.

So post the studies, ask all your friends for help, you claim studies support your posts, you state your posts are fact based on studies, well that is a bunch of crap, you never read a study let alone linked to the study.

You didn't find her misinterpretation of an article giving an opinion about a study persuasive? LOL, neither did I. Seawytch has a policy of never grasping an argument she doesn't agree with much less countering or God forbid provide any actual evidence.
Give it a year and it will be legal nationwide

At which time Republicans will declare that they really favored it but thought it should be a state issue

You mean like Democrats did in Afghanistan and Iraq? I see what you're saying.

Actually Republicans are saying it is a State issue now. I don't know any who are trying to block it at the national level.
You forget DOMA?

You forgot the full faith and credit clause?

Very true

Every state should have to accept a legal marriage performed in another state

And if the SCOTUS ruled only that, that others states must recognize the legal, civil marriages performed in other states, this "debate" would be over. Not every state will marry 1st or 2nd cousins...but their marriage is recognized in all 50. Strike down or remove the rest of DOMA and everybody is happy.

Yes, and if you have your way. bigamy, polygamy, sibling/sibling, parent/child, and all other forms of human combining will become legal, and our society will crumble like Rome, Greece, Aztec, Inca, Egypt and all others did when they lost their moral compass and since or right and wrong.
The irony of that statement...

Yes, I'm a bigot who thinks government should treat all it's citizens equally. You don't want to be treated as some mere single person. You worship government and crave validation and want party gifts. Not just for everyone, just for you. Because you're not a bigot like me. LOL. That's why I just have fun with you.

Repent, sinner. You know anti-gay is like 8 of the 10 commandments, and the other two imply it.

All single people are treated equally...all married people are not. My civil marriage is not equal to yours. Your civil marriage (don't forget you were validated by one) is legal and binding in all 50 states, mine in less than half that. That isn't equality and you are opposed to my civil marriage being on equal footing with yours. That makes you a bigot, your religious status notwithstanding.

Take away the cash and prizes Kaz. Call your congressman, your Senator, your state legislator. Stand outside the city clerks office and demand no civil marriages be performed...until then, give us equal access to the rights, benefits and privileges you so hypocritically (oh, and reluctantly, of course) enjoy.

no matter how many times you say it, a gay union is not a marriage. It is a civil union of two same sex persons that is recognized in several states. I think it should be recognized in all states and given the same status as a man/woman marriage--------------------------------BUT ITS NOT A MARRIAGE.

So you do think government owns bestowal of recognition of the word "marriage?" I find that mind boggling. I call it "government marriage" to denigrate government doing it. I believe true marriage has nothing to do with government. A married couple can get a government marriage for various reasons, but the government has nothing to do with making it an actual "marriage."

you misunderstand what I am saying. The government should not be involved in marriage-----------but it is. The govt give tax breaks to married couples. I want those same tax breaks for gay couples. But thats not what this is about. This is about what society accepts as normal human behavior. Allowing gays to call their union a marriage is society saying that homosexuality is a normal human condition, equal in every way to heterosexuality-----------some believe that, the majority do not. Are we to be ruled by minority opinion or majority opinion? Thats what this gay debate is really about.

No, this "gay debate" is really about equality...as has been pointed out to you multiple times. YOU care about the word, we don't therefore the onus is upon YOU to have it changed...for everyone. Civil Unions for ALL, Fishy, not marriage for straights, civil unions for gays. Change the name for everyone.

Why? how does the use of a word create equality? If you don't get the tax breaks but get the word, are you happy?
Give it a year and it will be legal nationwide

At which time Republicans will declare that they really favored it but thought it should be a state issue

You mean like Democrats did in Afghanistan and Iraq? I see what you're saying.

Actually Republicans are saying it is a State issue now. I don't know any who are trying to block it at the national level.
You forget DOMA?

You forgot the full faith and credit clause?

Very true

Every state should have to accept a legal marriage performed in another state

And if the SCOTUS ruled only that, that others states must recognize the legal, civil marriages performed in other states, this "debate" would be over. Not every state will marry 1st or 2nd cousins...but their marriage is recognized in all 50. Strike down or remove the rest of DOMA and everybody is happy.

Combined with the 14th amendment, I don't see how they can rule otherwise

They will accept a heterosexual marriage performed in another state but deny a homosexual marriage performed in that same state

Equal protection under the laws?
What I do know is that you do not want to treat gays equally under the law. That does make you a bigot.

If your fantasy life is improved by believing I'm a guy, more power to ya love.

Yet you can't name one person who has different rights being gay than if they were straight. When you can, get back to me, Steve. So did pretending to be a lesbian on the Internet turn out to be the hoot you thought it would be?

Remember the tip if you want a date, women are actually different than you, it's not just the equipment. Good luck with that.
Link to support your claim that orphaned and abandoned children don't want to be adopted by a gay couple?
Link to your claim, that you have studies, you are the one that states you have studies, you expect links when you will not provide yours, and its been a lot more than one post in which you brandished these studies around like they settle the question.

So post the studies, ask all your friends for help, you claim studies support your posts, you state your posts are fact based on studies, well that is a bunch of crap, you never read a study let alone linked to the study.

You didn't find her misinterpretation of an article giving an opinion about a study persuasive? LOL, neither did I. Seawytch has a policy of never grasping an argument she doesn't agree with much less countering or God forbid provide any actual evidence.

So explain, exactly, how I misinterpreted the research? You said children do best with a mother and father (and provided no studies, research or links...just some "these are the facts of life" bullshit). I said children do best in two parent homes, the gender of those parents is immaterial...and then provided research, studies and actual evidence. Studies that show gender has no effect on parenting and the outcomes of the children. Studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to children raised by straights, again reiterating the fact that the gender of the parents does not effect the outcomes.

How did I misrepresent anything. Be specific.
You forgot the full faith and credit clause?

Very true

Every state should have to accept a legal marriage performed in another state

You never really left the playground, did you big guy?

Full Faith and Credit Clause legal definition of Full Faith and Credit Clause

The Full Faith and Credit Clause—Article IV, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution—provides that the various states must recognize legislative acts, public records, and judicial decisions of the other states within the United States. It states that "Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State."

How do they not recognize a marriage performed in another state?
You mean like Democrats did in Afghanistan and Iraq? I see what you're saying.

Actually Republicans are saying it is a State issue now. I don't know any who are trying to block it at the national level.
You forget DOMA?

You forgot the full faith and credit clause?

Very true

Every state should have to accept a legal marriage performed in another state

And if the SCOTUS ruled only that, that others states must recognize the legal, civil marriages performed in other states, this "debate" would be over. Not every state will marry 1st or 2nd cousins...but their marriage is recognized in all 50. Strike down or remove the rest of DOMA and everybody is happy.

Combined with the 14th amendment, I don't see how they can rule otherwise

They will accept a heterosexual marriage performed in another state but deny a homosexual marriage performed in that same state

Equal protection under the laws?

Then that equal protection MUST also extend to bigamists and polygamists. Why do you support discrimination against the rights of these people to live and love who they want to?
What I do know is that you do not want to treat gays equally under the law. That does make you a bigot.

If your fantasy life is improved by believing I'm a guy, more power to ya love.

Yet you can't name one person who has different rights being gay than if they were straight. When you can, get back to me, Steve. So did pretending to be a lesbian on the Internet turn out to be the hoot you thought it would be?

Remember the tip if you want a date, women are actually different than you, it's not just the equipment. Good luck with that.

The right to marry the non familial consenting adult of my choice. Just as Mildred Loving could not marry a black man, I cannot marry a woman of any race. That is discrimination based on gender. Mildred didn't want to marry a black man, I don't want to marry a man at all. I married another woman. Why is it that you don't want my legal, civil marriage treated exactly like yours?
Link to your claim, that you have studies, you are the one that states you have studies, you expect links when you will not provide yours, and its been a lot more than one post in which you brandished these studies around like they settle the question.

So post the studies, ask all your friends for help, you claim studies support your posts, you state your posts are fact based on studies, well that is a bunch of crap, you never read a study let alone linked to the study.

I have...over and over and over. Others have too. You respond by doing this:


LOL, from the guy who keeps insisting men and women are identical other than the equipment. So Steve, you presented an article, how is that a "study?"
Link to support your claim that orphaned and abandoned children don't want to be adopted by a gay couple?
Link to your claim, that you have studies, you are the one that states you have studies, you expect links when you will not provide yours, and its been a lot more than one post in which you brandished these studies around like they settle the question.

So post the studies, ask all your friends for help, you claim studies support your posts, you state your posts are fact based on studies, well that is a bunch of crap, you never read a study let alone linked to the study.

You didn't find her misinterpretation of an article giving an opinion about a study persuasive? LOL, neither did I. Seawytch has a policy of never grasping an argument she doesn't agree with much less countering or God forbid provide any actual evidence.

So explain, exactly, how I misinterpreted the research? You said children do best with a mother and father (and provided no studies, research or links...just some "these are the facts of life" bullshit). I said children do best in two parent homes, the gender of those parents is immaterial...and then provided research, studies and actual evidence. Studies that show gender has no effect on parenting and the outcomes of the children. Studies that show that our children are at no disadvantage to children raised by straights, again reiterating the fact that the gender of the parents does not effect the outcomes.

How did I misrepresent anything. Be specific.

You misinterpret everything to the benefit of your erroneous arguments. Who is the male role model in a lesbian couple with young boys? For that matter, who is the female role model in a lesbian couple with young girls? Since you are not sexually attracted to men, how do you teach a girl that its normal to have heterosexual attractions?
What I do know is that you do not want to treat gays equally under the law. That does make you a bigot.

If your fantasy life is improved by believing I'm a guy, more power to ya love.

Yet you can't name one person who has different rights being gay than if they were straight. When you can, get back to me, Steve. So did pretending to be a lesbian on the Internet turn out to be the hoot you thought it would be?

Remember the tip if you want a date, women are actually different than you, it's not just the equipment. Good luck with that.

The right to marry the non familial consenting adult of my choice. Just as Mildred Loving could not marry a black man, I cannot marry a woman of any race. That is discrimination based on gender. Mildred didn't want to marry a black man, I don't want to marry a man at all. I married another woman. Why is it that you don't want my legal, civil marriage treated exactly like yours?

Since you are lesbians, what is wrong with marrying your sister?
you misunderstand what I am saying. The government should not be involved in marriage-----------but it is. The govt give tax breaks to married couples. I want those same tax breaks for gay couples. But thats not what this is about. This is about what society accepts as normal human behavior. Allowing gays to call their union a marriage is society saying that homosexuality is a normal human condition, equal in every way to heterosexuality-----------some believe that, the majority do not. Are we to be ruled by minority opinion or majority opinion? Thats what this gay debate is really about.

No, this "gay debate" is really about equality...as has been pointed out to you multiple times. YOU care about the word, we don't therefore the onus is upon YOU to have it changed...for everyone. Civil Unions for ALL, Fishy, not marriage for straights, civil unions for gays. Change the name for everyone.

Once again caught in a lie. Last time it was about the money, now it's about the validation again. So bureaucrats pat you on the back and tell you you're OK, you're as good as anyone else, then you can go off and live your life in joy. The desire for validaton from government is something I cannot remotely fathom.

This is why liberals are lucky and we are cursed you live in this country. In most of the world, you would be so happy to be left alone to live your life. In a large chunk of the world, you could go to jail or die. But in this country, you are obsessed with needing a pat on the back from government and validation from the collective, it's a critical issue to you. You can do whatever you want, live with who you want, have sex with who you want, spend your life with what you want. But government hasn't blessed you. Liberals are weak and pathetic, you'd starve anywhere else. Yet you rule here because we have one man, one vote. And you are one man.

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