Louisiana woman forced to deliver headless baby.

So, another tread, where dembots forget that the people leading the State they are talking about....are Dems! hahah
The repeal of Roe v Wade, and the evil heartless laws that have gone into effect since then are pure. religious nut, right wing garbage.
why does that not surprise me,,,

one good take away from you doing that is more women die from it when they try to kill their own children,,
kinda like the kids fighting back,,,

Women dying is a good outcome for you???? Why am I not surprised.

What an idiotic opinion but really not unexpected from a piece of shit such as yourself.
The repeal of Roe v Wade, and the evil heartless laws that have gone into effect since then are pure. religious nut, right wing garbage.
The Dem Gov of LA has been Gov, before the repeal, and since. He literally made the law this article is about, into law.

Try again dembot
It was in the news last night, if this is the same case, or similar case...
Its only a few minutes...watch, pretty p!ease! :)

Here's a link for hard copy transcripted.


Ok, but an anecdotal case, as horrible as the story is, and the daily beast is not a major news outlet. They are reporting on an agenda.

It will take time for state legislatures to get their laws straight...As for the girl, NCs laws may have been better for her, it 1.5 hrs north.
So, post it then.
I already posted several sources for the story, including an interview of the woman on Baton Rough news. Obviously, your choice to ignore reality is not my problem to solve. .
I already posted several sources for the story, including an interview of the woman on Baton Rough news. Obviously, your choice to ignore reality is not my problem to solve. .
Oh yeah? Well it's not your problem to rid the Earth of blind, partisan, braindead hacks either. Nor those who clearly dream about beating up all non-barefoot, unimpregnated women. Wait,.. maybe that is your problem..?
Oh yeah? Well it's not your problem to rid the Earth of blind, partisan, braindead hacks either. Nor those who clearly dream about beating up all non-barefoot, unimpregnated women. Wait,.. maybe that is your problem..?
Not sure what your point might be, but thank you for sharing.
Not sure what your point might be, but thank you for sharing.
The point? Firstly, laughter is the only cure for such things. Second, your interlocutors are clearly partisan hacks -- one note "Dem" obsessed morons. Third, they hate women, i.e. wish to subjugate them and make them suffer. Third, you're welcome though I don't believe you didn't get it the first time.
Ok, but an anecdotal case, as horrible as the story is, and the daily beast is not a major news outlet. They are reporting on an agenda.

It will take time for state legislatures to get their laws straight...As for the girl, NCs laws may have been better for her, it 1.5 hrs north.
It's happening all over the place, not just now after Dobbs, but in states that had abortion restrictions prior.

It's a horrible situation! It truly is, and something needs to be done yesterday, on it.

What I posted was shown last night, on msnbc. That's how I knew to search for it.....
I already posted several sources for the story, including an interview of the woman on Baton Rough news. Obviously, your choice to ignore reality is not my problem to solve. .
the reality is the dem gov made this law
This headless baby is a prospect for future Democrat Parody nominee for President of the United States. Up to today, they have at least one precedent for brainless President. Sometimes they even allow Brandon out of bed to make appearances.
How monumentally moronic.

The really mind boggling part of this is that the law could have EASILY covered every single case similar to this one by simply stating an abortion is legal in all cases where the child is not expected to live past 1 year or some other such line.

How the fuck these lawmakers did not see this coming is beyond idiocy. Want to enshrine abortion as fast as possible then keep making laws, or let the asinine ones that are in existence, that lead to these absurd outcomes.
  • achondrogenesis
  • anencephaly
  • acardia
  • body stalk anomaly
  • campomelic dysplasia
  • craniorachischisis
  • dysencephalia splanchnocystica (Meckel-Gruber syndrome)
  • ectopia cordis
  • exencephaly
  • gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
  • holoprosencephaly
  • hydrops fetalis
  • iniencephaly
  • perinatal hypophosphatasia
  • osteogenesis imperfecta (type 2)
  • renal agenesis (bilateral)
  • short rib polydactyly syndrome
  • sirenomelia
  • thanatophoric dysplasia
  • triploidy
  • trisomy 13
  • trisomy 16 (full)
  • trisomy 18
  • trisomy 22

Women dying is a good outcome for you???? Why am I not surprised.

What an idiotic opinion but really not unexpected from a piece of shit such as yourself.
So you do realize the child is being killed right? It’s kind of hard to be sympathetic for a woman who dies while killing her own child. Am I really supposed to feel bad about that? Sounds kind of like justice.

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