Louisville Shooter was a Trump hating lib

What do you suggest?
Embrace the 2nd amendment. Promote everyone being armed. Teach kids gun safety in school. Stop gun bans. Criminals are generally cowards and won't attack an armed populace. Crazies with guns can be put down before they do much damage. Stop law enforcement from punishing people for defending themselves with firearms. Guns are a fact of life, pretending you can magically stop violence by confiscating guns is ludicrous.
Embrace the 2nd amendment. Promote everyone being armed. Teach kids gun safety. Stop gun bans. Criminals are generally cowards and won't attack an armed populace. Crazies with guns can be put down before they do much damage. Stop law enforcement from punishing people for defending themselves with firearms. Guns are a fact of life, pretending you can magically stop violence by confiscating guns is ludicrous.
Those dotard's still try to sell the political narrative that the right is a major threat of domestic terrorism.
While the reality is the left racks up the bodies and continues to smack them in the face with a stinky fish!!
Total ass clowns.

Embrace the 2nd amendment. Promote everyone being armed. Teach kids gun safety in school. Stop gun bans. Criminals are generally cowards and won't attack an armed populace. Crazies with guns can be put down before they do much damage. Stop law enforcement from punishing people for defending themselves with firearms. Guns are a fact of life, pretending you can magically stop violence by confiscating guns is ludicrous.
Would you change your mind if most empirical evidence is that more guns mean more deaths. There are no examples of gun deaths going down with more lax gun laws and lots of evidence that making guns harder to get reduces deaths (but does not eliminate). Or does the results not really matter and you are simply for super easy gun access and consider high gun death rates a necessary evil to have guns?
Would you change your mind if most empirical evidence is that more guns mean more deaths. There are no examples of gun deaths going down with more lax gun laws and lots of evidence that making guns harder to get reduces deaths (but does not eliminate). Or does the results not really matter and you are simply for super easy gun access and consider high gun death rates a necessary evil to have guns?

You got a :link: to your progressive faculty lounge bullshit??
You got a :link: to your progressive faculty lounge bullshit??
I do. But regardless my question is would it matter? Are you opposed to gun laws no matter what, or would you support them if evidence was that strict gun laws reduced gun violence?

Here is a simple article but there are a million studies on it.

Would you change your mind if most empirical evidence is that more guns mean more deaths. There are no examples of gun deaths going down with more lax gun laws and lots of evidence that making guns harder to get reduces deaths (but does not eliminate). Or does the results not really matter and you are simply for super easy gun access and consider high gun death rates a necessary evil to have guns?
I'm not advocating for lax gun laws just advocating for more acceptance, education and recognition of guns, what they are, what they are capable of, etc. Especially children should be taught gun safety. We have more guns than people in the U.S. today and they are NEVER going away.

How about not letting those who commit gun crimes out of jail like the woke prosecutors are doing today? How about the death penalty being used swiftly for those committing murder with guns? How about letting law abiding citizens open carry without being harassed?

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