Love and sex

So tell me, my fellow member of the Two-Decade Club, what was YOUR best and worst experience of marriage, if you don't mind sharing? I think a more balanced view of committed life-building might be of use.

I wouldn't know how to even begin to answer that. All I can really say on the subject is that my experience, in my marriage, has covered a much broader range than the range between our worst argument and our best sex.

I can see that. After 23 years, it's hard to even pick and choose. I've lost track of the number of times I've looked at my husband and thought, "Dear God, I would be so lost right now if I hadn't married you."

I thought you were separated from your husband.

Didn’t you write that you went on a date with a young guy and he took you to McDonalds?
When I was very young, I believed love making was for the procreation of children. That’s how I got here as well as my other three brothers and a sister. It was the natural flow of life.

This is how I lived my life; which gave me two sons and a happy marriage; the term “sex” never entered my mind.

Now with my wife gone and my children having children of their own the need for comfort still exists, so I am here to ask;

Is wanting the comfort of a woman knowing you have no intention of having children in the process a bad thing---

Is this a sin--?
This depends on the women. I currently have some one much younger than I very interested. She is the type that likes long term relationships and I would rob the world of great genetics by sowing her up in a relationship. I think it would be wrong to be with this girl. On the other hand if the women is also past child rearing years or does not want children I do not see god having an issue with you still having some love to give. 1 is a lonely number and company tends to lead to a longer happier life. God gave the gift of life and wants you to have a long prosperous one.
The more sexual partners a woman experiences, lowers her ability to pair bond.
Ive seen hoes turn into housewives
No you haven’t...
Lmao yes i have!
Likely what you’ve witnessed was middle aged to late middle aged women; realizing that their sexual market value, was in decline, and nearing crash. At this point many women will latch onto the best option available to them at the time. Which is more of an innate expression of their desire to secure a steady flow of resources. The flow of resources is almost certainly what such women are bonded to. Squandered youth, and beauty as the clock ran out for them left them with no higher rung on the ladder that is realistically achievable to them. In short... They settled at a depreciated value. But don’t think they won’t try and trade up, if they believe the opportunity presents itself...
You should bang as many chicks as you can before you get married.
Believe me you can take that too far. My kids spent some time in my home town recently and were told of my exploits. I was regretting them then. Also there became a time when I wanted to settle down and there was no one in my area that was going to give a go at a relationship with me.
The more sexual partners a woman experiences, lowers her ability to pair bond.
Ive seen hoes turn into housewives
No you haven’t...
Lmao yes i have!
Likely what you’ve witnessed was middle aged to late middle aged women; realizing that their sexual market value, was in decline, and nearing crash. At this point many women will latch onto the best option available to them at the time. Which is more of an innate expression of their desire to secure a steady flow of resources. The flow of resources is almost certainly what such women are bonded to. Squandered youth, and beauty as the clock ran out for them left them with no higher rung on the ladder that is realistically achievable to them. In short... They settled at a depreciated value. But don’t think they won’t try and trade up, if they believe the opportunity presents itself...
I was actualluly thinking of younger women doing it.
I am soecifically thinking of 3 girls i went to school with. It took kids, but they did it.
You should bang as many chicks as you can before you get married.
Believe me you can take that too far. My kids spent some time in my home town recently and were told of my exploits. I was regretting them then. Also there became a time when I wanted to settle down and there was no one in my area that was going to give a go at a relationship with me.
Yea, i banged a couple of my boys friends moms.
I hope that never comes out lol
Many rag on the Bible for demanding that people be celibate, except for in the case of marriage.

However, what is better? Is it better going around having sex with people you are not in love with or is it better saying you love them but are not really committed to them. Is that really love?
or marrying 3 women and cheating on them all,,,, Know anyone like that?
i love lots of people that i dont want to have sex with.... or be married to.

and i wouldnt wanna marry everyone i love ...what, then, can seperate whom id marry from others i love? prolly.

if it(sex) isnt compatable we arent talking marriage, we're talking strong friendship.

gotta check that out 1st before committing for life. itd be sillyness not to.

And if, God forbid, something happens to you or your spouse that ends the sex? Does that mean the marriage is over?

And seriously, for the life of me, I can't understand how other people are having sex that it has some mystical "compatibility" component. What is THAT all about? Do you find the person attractive or repulsive? If the answer is "attractive", then you've got your compatibility, and the rest is a matter of learning and growing together.

Meanwhile, that "strong friendship" you talk about so disparagingly is exactly what you SHOULD be working for in a long-term relationship.
i didnt disparage anything

Yes, you did. You may not have meant to, but that's what it comes down to anyway. You very clearly consider that relationship to be somehow less than the infatuation of physical arousal.
yeah, without physical marriage is all i said.

then...we are just friends...

which my SPOUse is ALSO my friend. but uh...we shag alot

No, you don't, because "alot" is not a word!
The more sexual partners a woman experiences, lowers her ability to pair bond.
Ive seen hoes turn into housewives
No you haven’t...
Lmao yes i have!
Likely what you’ve witnessed was middle aged to late middle aged women; realizing that their sexual market value, was in decline, and nearing crash. At this point many women will latch onto the best option available to them at the time. Which is more of an innate expression of their desire to secure a steady flow of resources. The flow of resources is almost certainly what such women are bonded to. Squandered youth, and beauty as the clock ran out for them left them with no higher rung on the ladder that is realistically achievable to them. In short... They settled at a depreciated value. But don’t think they won’t try and trade up, if they believe the opportunity presents itself...
I was actualluly thinking of younger women doing it.
I am soecifically thinking of 3 girls i went to school with. It took kids, but they did it.
Having children not only lowers a woman’s market value, it is also a very strong impetus for securing a steady flow of resources, via a partner. Let’s face it; the six figure investment banker isn’t settling down with a 28 year old single mother of two...
Ive seen hoes turn into housewives
No you haven’t...
Lmao yes i have!
Likely what you’ve witnessed was middle aged to late middle aged women; realizing that their sexual market value, was in decline, and nearing crash. At this point many women will latch onto the best option available to them at the time. Which is more of an innate expression of their desire to secure a steady flow of resources. The flow of resources is almost certainly what such women are bonded to. Squandered youth, and beauty as the clock ran out for them left them with no higher rung on the ladder that is realistically achievable to them. In short... They settled at a depreciated value. But don’t think they won’t try and trade up, if they believe the opportunity presents itself...
I was actualluly thinking of younger women doing it.
I am soecifically thinking of 3 girls i went to school with. It took kids, but they did it.
Having children not only lowers a woman’s market value, it is also a very strong impetus for securing a steady flow of resources, via a partner. Let’s face it; the six figure investment banker isn’t settling down with a 28 year old single mother of two...

But he’ll bang the stripper at Rick’s Cabaret.
No you haven’t...
Lmao yes i have!
Likely what you’ve witnessed was middle aged to late middle aged women; realizing that their sexual market value, was in decline, and nearing crash. At this point many women will latch onto the best option available to them at the time. Which is more of an innate expression of their desire to secure a steady flow of resources. The flow of resources is almost certainly what such women are bonded to. Squandered youth, and beauty as the clock ran out for them left them with no higher rung on the ladder that is realistically achievable to them. In short... They settled at a depreciated value. But don’t think they won’t try and trade up, if they believe the opportunity presents itself...
I was actualluly thinking of younger women doing it.
I am soecifically thinking of 3 girls i went to school with. It took kids, but they did it.
Having children not only lowers a woman’s market value, it is also a very strong impetus for securing a steady flow of resources, via a partner. Let’s face it; the six figure investment banker isn’t settling down with a 28 year old single mother of two...

But he’ll bang the stripper at Rick’s Cabaret.
Where is this Ricks cabaret A friend wants to know
Here is hoping Votto's Religious Collectivism was correct, and he is watching Brady Bowl from heaven getting the most polite dome possible from 3 of the classiest Angel Hookers the heavenly strip club called Cloud 9 has to offer.

RIP Votto, give me a sign if your dick in heaven becomes spiritual or if its still physical

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