Loving America and Valuing Hard Work, Newest 'Micro-agression' Racism?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Simply asking someone “Where are you from?” or calling America "the land of opportunity” is now considered offensive at some colleges and universities, where such "micro-aggressions" are detailed in training programs and seminars for new faculty and staff.

Other examples of “offensive” statements include, “I believe the most qualified person should get the job,” “Affirmative action is racist,” Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough,” When I look at you, I don’t see color,” and “I don’t believe in race.” A full list of these “offensive” statements can be seen here. The newly forbidden terms were initially identified in a 2007 American Psychologist publication by Columbia University’s Psychology and Education Professor Derald Wind Sue, that has now become a key training primer for incoming faculty at schools including the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Political correctness 101 Praising America virtues of hard work dubbed micro-aggression on campuses Fox News

The PC Nazis are ruining this country. The only way to straighten it all out I guess is to just let the country collapse then rebuild and THIS TIME keeping the libtards OUT.
The PC nazis of the far right are dying out quickly: not to worry, the problem will resolve itself.
The only safe way to not commit hurtful microaggressions is for white people not to speak to minorities at all. Put up a wall of silence that is not subject to complaints of hurtful words.
The PC nazis of the far right are dying out quickly: not to worry, the problem will resolve itself.

You don't even realize that your stupid bullshit does nothing to advance your cause, whatever the hell that may be.

You just lie almost randomly.

You still an elected member of the States Amendments Constitutional Convention, ass hole?
The only safe way to not commit hurtful microaggressions is for white people not to speak to minorities at all. Put up a wall of silence that is not subject to complaints of hurtful words.

A reestablishment of segregation is what this is all heading toward, but they think that is better if only minorities can segregate themselves from whites, lol.
Simply asking someone “Where are you from?” or calling America "the land of opportunity” is now considered offensive at some colleges and universities, where such "micro-aggressions" are detailed in training programs and seminars for new faculty and staff.

Other examples of “offensive” statements include, “I believe the most qualified person should get the job,” “Affirmative action is racist,” Everyone can succeed in this society, if they work hard enough,” When I look at you, I don’t see color,” and “I don’t believe in race.” A full list of these “offensive” statements can be seen here. The newly forbidden terms were initially identified in a 2007 American Psychologist publication by Columbia University’s Psychology and Education Professor Derald Wind Sue, that has now become a key training primer for incoming faculty at schools including the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.

Political correctness 101 Praising America virtues of hard work dubbed micro-aggression on campuses Fox News

The PC Nazis are ruining this country. The only way to straighten it all out I guess is to just let the country collapse then rebuild and THIS TIME keeping the libtards OUT.

The Solution is simple and that solution is now unavoidable.

If ya aren't familiar with the solution, it's a natural standard which comes when and where-ever there exists irrational lunatics determined to set one people in diametric opposition to another.

The key to success however, is to find out who those people are and erase them... then, represent the alternative to the ignorant who were being targeted and provide them with the alternative to drop that nonsense or join those who were recently erased.

In most cases, roughly 80% they will choose to join you. The others... doesn't matter.
step 1: Find a wackoo with an opinion
step 2: Write about it as if its news
step 3: Be outraged as if its widely accepted truth
step 4: No matter the political affliation they shall be labeled liberal
The only safe way to not commit hurtful microaggressions is for white people not to speak to minorities at all. Put up a wall of silence that is not subject to complaints of hurtful words.

A reestablishment of segregation is what this is all heading toward, but they think that is better if only minorities can segregate themselves from whites, lol.

Its already started. White Flight part 2. Gated communities in the burbs.
The PC nazis of the far right are dying out quickly: not to worry, the problem will resolve itself.

You don't even realize that your stupid bullshit does nothing to advance your cause, whatever the hell that may be.

You just lie almost randomly.

You still an elected member of the States Amendments Constitutional Convention, ass hole?
The cause of having you guys be polite. Yup.
The only safe way to not commit hurtful microaggressions is for white people not to speak to minorities at all. Put up a wall of silence that is not subject to complaints of hurtful words.
Then they would be "offended" by being ignored, because their lawyers would tell them to feel that way.
The only natural solution and selection is already in process: the far right social cons are diminishing in % per capita and in cultural and political importance. The tipping point has been reached and passed: we can never go back to how things were; we won't permit it.
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