Low Energy Mitt Romney, who used to support coal, now 'looking at' carbon tax out of spite for Trump

What a back stabbing little weasel prick. Never did like that panty waist. McCain either.
a lot of people supported coal - then along came copious amounts of natural gas.
Mitty is a joke, always has been! Nothing there except a globalist praying for cheap labor. Now as it regards Salt Lake City air inversions, maybe he should focus on that first. How he was ever elected is puzzling to say the least. Michigan man, Massachusetts man, now a good old Mormon from Salt Lake.
The likes of romney and mcstain make me want to puke....

Fluck all the flakes, including kasich....

For years we were fooled by these rinos...........

We have had one party masquerading as two..

And while I’m at it Fluck bill kristol and george will too.......
The likes of romney and mcstain make me want to puke....

Fluck all the flakes, including kasich....

For years we were fooled by these rinos...........

We have had one party masquerading as two..

And while I’m at it Fluck bill kristol and george will too.......


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