Low interest rates leave with Obama

A rate increase in 2017 was widely expected for some time now. Frankly, this is long overdue, but the Fed didn't have confidence in the current economy to absorb the increase. Apparently, now they do.
Oh I think Trump will be able to fix our economy via tax cuts and increased business ventures here and by 2024 we will be out of debt!
whatever it was, it was Obam ...errrrrr Trumps fault !
The Fed is raising rates because the economic is stronger than the RW propaganda machine would have you believe.
The Fed also foresees a massive borrow and spend stimulus coming from Trump and the GOP early on.
Trump is already failing since the election. His opinions and his appointees and nominees are coupled with the Washington swamp in which he is happily swimming. The massive Big Government spending bills with reduced taxes will lead to over evaluation as it did before 1929, 2000, and 2008.

But . . . for savvy folks, this will be an even bigger opportunity than the last one turned out for smart folks: plenty of capital, solid credit, and a quick eye will lead to great profit.
Total lie.
and instead of putting any blame on Obama, it will all fall on Trump.

lol, it's started already.

I know

and a year from now, if it takes that long, it will be blamed on Trump.
What needs to happen to end all this is just let the country be destroyed. Total lawlessness like these liberal idiots have never seen and deaths in the millions. They don't have a clue, but that's the only outcome of what they keep trying to get.
Every year the Lying Cocksucker has been in office, interest rates have been lower than inflation.

Which hurts a lot of people.

People need to understand these things before they spout off about them.

But that's never stopped dimocraps
What needs to happen to end all this is just let the country be destroyed. Total lawlessness like these liberal idiots have never seen and deaths in the millions. They don't have a clue, but that's the only outcome of what they keep trying to get.

Have you read Marx?

This is exactly what Marxists call for.

It is exactly what dimocrap scum think they want.

But if it ever happens, most of them would be extinct in very short order. The only thing holding us back is our morals, our respect for the Law and our civility.

Get rid of the necessity for those and dimocraps would be hiding in the hills, waiting for one of us to show and finish the job.

hmmmm :confused-84:
Without these low rates we crash. It was part necessary, and part blanket for an incompetent government. There had to be a correction at some point. That correction will occur on Trump's watch.


If the trumpster can get the economy booming quick enough, we can push our way through it. That will depend on Congress.
If the economy is growing fast enough for the Fed to keep raising rates, the DOW will not be a problem.

If inflation picks up enough that the Fed has to induce a recession, we are all focked.
Thank God!!! This will give my stocks a much needed boost after the damage barry caused.
JFC, when Obama was inaugurated the Dow was in freefall and around 8K. On Nov. 2 2016 it was 18K

Don't even try and balance a checkbook

It was making a comeback until the Lying Cocksucker was elected, THEN it went into free fall.

I follow these things very closely.

And I've done pretty well in the Markets. Made a couple of stupid mistakes in the 80s (REAL stupid) that set me back but I've done pretty well since then.

Not a Day Trader, those people are insane. I'm an investor, not a Trader.

When dimocrap scum are in Office, I get Conservative, when Conservatives are in Office, I take risks.

And my Wife balances the checkbook. I control our Investments.

I'm not rich -- Far, far from it. But I understand the Markets fairly well.

Much better than you ever will
Thank God!!! This will give my stocks a much needed boost after the damage barry caused.
JFC, when Obama was inaugurated the Dow was in freefall and around 8K. On Nov. 2 2016 it was 18K

Don't even try and balance a checkbook

It was making a comeback until the Lying Cocksucker was elected, THEN it went into free fall.

I follow these things very closely.

And I've done pretty well in the Markets. Made a couple of stupid mistakes in the 80s (REAL stupid) that set me back but I've done pretty well since then.

Not a Day Trader, those people are insane. I'm an investor, not a Trader.

When dimocrap scum are in Office, I get Conservative, when Conservatives are in Office, I take risks.

And my Wife balances the checkbook. I control our Investments.

I'm not rich -- Far, far from it. But I understand the Markets fairly well.

Much better than you ever will

Gtfo you stupid shit

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