Low polls and why


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The reason Trump is low in polls is because the poll takers routinely interview people in areas hostile to Trump. If they actually interviewed a cross section of the Country it would be entirely different.
Plus most of these polls generally poll somwhere between 500 and a 1000 people hardly the best way to get an accurate reading on how the country as a whole feels about something or someone. Polls make great discussion for online thread topics and time fillers for cable news shows but beyond that I don't think they have much relevance anymore.
Any poll can be manipulated to achieve a desired result.

See the 2016 presidential polls as proof
The reason Trump is low in polls is because the poll takers routinely interview people in areas hostile to Trump. If they actually interviewed a cross section of the Country it would be entirely different.

Where is your evidence of this?
Polls shmolls. I thought polls were rendered irrelevant on November 10th, 2016.
No, they were not. Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. However, Trump won the electoral college. Someone did some real sharp figuring on that, and I bet the math was done in Moscow.
These approval polls mean jackshit if the Democrats can't make electoral gains.
The Dems have to come out with a platform that reflects the worries and desires of most of this nation. And they have to show themselves ready to govern, not show the fecklessness that the GOP has shown since 20Jan17. A clear health care policy that cover all Americans, based on the KISS principle. Re-alignment with our traditional allies in the East and West. A commitment to international trade that benefits all involved. And a commitment to education at all levels. We are short about 6 million craftsmen in this nation. That are all kinds of unskilled people that need work. I would be willing to bet that a goodly number of them are capable of being trained for those jobs.

There are many issues that the Dems need to address head on, with clear and purposeful policy, not ideological bullshit. Avoid the sensational, and tell the story like it really is.
If repeal and replace or corporate income taxe reductions pass to improve employment and the stock prices in retirement accounts then the Ds will win where they win by stalinesque margins and lose where they lose by relatively narrow margins 5% or less 90% of the time. They could continue to win the popular vote and lose seats for a very long time to come.
Polls shmolls. I thought polls were rendered irrelevant on November 10th, 2016.
No, they were not. Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. However, Trump won the electoral college. Someone did some real sharp figuring on that, and I bet the math was done in Moscow.
And yet not a single shred of evidence a single vote was manipulated hacked or otherwise changed, go figure.

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