Lower Gas Prices = No Social Security Increases in 2016


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Any excuse will do for this administration. And that includes disabled vets and federal retirees. (got me on all three counts) Read more @ Lower gas prices means no Social Security increase next year
That lack of increase will hurting tens of millions on the financial curve.

What a shame.
It means the price index is too law to trigger a COLA.

The law, not Obama, is the issue.
I think they are getting a 1.3% raise, federal employess. Gas , really, most aged and disabled use public transportation or family, and public transportation has not come down and neither has food prices.
Gonna mean gas gonna be cheaper...

Oil prices slip on Chinese demand concerns, weak Saudi exports
Mon Oct 19, 2015 | Oil prices fell on Monday on concerns about the pace of economic growth in China, the world's largest energy consumer, and signs that global oversupply is curbing Saudi crude exports.
China's economy grew at the slowest pace in six years in the third quarter, according to official data released on Monday, making it more and more likely Beijing will cut interest rates to stoke activity. Brent for December delivery LCOc1 was down 38 cents at $50.08 a barrel at 0807 GMT. U.S. crude for November delivery CLc1 traded down 35 cents at $46.91 a barrel, extending last week's steepest losses in eight weeks. "Chinese GDP data and the rise in the Saudi stockpile due to falling crude oil exports are weighing on prices," said Tamas Varga, oil analyst at London brokerage PVM Oil Associates.


A gas station worker fuels a vehicle in Tokyo​

Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest crude exporter, shipped 278,000 barrels a day less crude oil in August, trade data showed, suggesting demand for Saudi oil is sliding as the global supply glut persists. Meanwhile Austrian oil producer OMV (OMVV.VI) lowered its oil price forecasts on Monday, seeing 2016 prices at $55 a barrel and rising to $70 a barrel in 2017, $80 a barrel in 2018 and $85 a barrel from 2019 onwards.

As a result the company also said it would take a 1 billion-euro impairment charge on asset values in its upstream business. Investors were also eyeing progress in the removal of western sanctions on Iran that will allow the oil-rich nation to revamp oil production and resume exports to western consumers. The United States and the European Union on Sunday took formal legal steps to lift sanctions on Iran once Tehran meets the conditions tied to a landmark nuclear agreement with major world powers.

Oil prices slip on Chinese demand concerns, weak Saudi exports
Gotta love the anti socialist all here whining about the feds not giving them a increase. First off, you can't have you cake and eat it too, GOP-igs.....ss, medicare, medicade, etc...are all social programs...duh.

Any excuse will do for this administration. And that includes disabled vets and federal retirees. (got me on all three counts) Read more @ Lower gas prices means no Social Security increase next year

Pretty much. Obama needs more money to wage his endless bullshit wars over in the Middle East.

The middle east that your party wants to prolong until hell freezes over. Obama is just a tool trying his best to keep the right happy.
Well, it's not like retired folks have high commuting costs driving to work everyday. But no SS increase? The increases didn't even keep up with inflation, so retirees slip further behind yet.
I am personally interested in lower gas price too. But my interest is with the artificial bio-fuel (green gasoline), not with price control or such.

Any excuse will do for this administration. And that includes disabled vets and federal retirees. (got me on all three counts) Read more @ Lower gas prices means no Social Security increase next year

Pretty much. Obama needs more money to wage his endless bullshit wars over in the Middle East.

The middle east that your party wants to prolong until hell freezes over. Obama is just a tool trying his best to keep the right happy.

You actually believe that crap when Obama pulled a Nixon on us after taking office.
I am personally interested in lower gas price too. But my interest is with the artificial bio-fuel (green gasoline), not with price control or such.

So you want to trade even more food production just to make low quality gasoline ?
If the payouts are decreasing prorated against consumer goods costs then they should have gone up when obama energy policy drove consumer prices up. That means this drop should reflect a net increase. Otherwise it's bullshit.
Well, it's not like retired folks have high commuting costs driving to work everyday. But no SS increase? The increases didn't even keep up with inflation, so retirees slip further behind yet.

No disrespect to seniors at all, but everybody is slipping behind inflation, not just seniors. Some people haven't had raises, cost adjustments, etc...everybody is at the mercy of just hanging in there.
Well, it's not like retired folks have high commuting costs driving to work everyday. But no SS increase? The increases didn't even keep up with inflation, so retirees slip further behind yet.

No disrespect to seniors at all, but everybody is slipping behind inflation, not just seniors. Some people haven't had raises, cost adjustments, etc...everybody is at the mercy of just hanging in there.

I get what you're saying and agree. Just trying to keep to the point of the thread: lower gasoline prices and no increase in social security. Since seniors typically collect social security, after paying into it their whole lives, it seemed relative to the senior group.
Well, it's not like retired folks have high commuting costs driving to work everyday. But no SS increase? The increases didn't even keep up with inflation, so retirees slip further behind yet.

No disrespect to seniors at all, but everybody is slipping behind inflation, not just seniors. Some people haven't had raises, cost adjustments, etc...everybody is at the mercy of just hanging in there.

I get what you're saying and agree. Just trying to keep to the point of the thread: lower gasoline prices and no increase in social security. Since seniors typically collect social security, after paying into it their whole lives, it seemed relative to the senior group.

I'm a soon to be senior myself and I get it.....we're wasting trillions fighting a war that is going on 16 years with no damned end in sight.....trillions of hard earned tax payer dollars literally going down the fuckin drains. Nobody cares, nobody wants to stop the flow...and yet people here at home, especially our seniors and the working class poor, all needing that money to survive on....it just makes me sick to my stomach.

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