L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

...There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

didn't you get the memo from Lumberg?

condemning anti-Muslim hate equals supporting anti-Semitism.

I think all hate should be condemned for the fear-mongering it really is.

It doesn't take much for rhetoric to lead to action which leads to killing.
lots of anti-Muslim hate coming from Uber-Zionists in this forum.

Anti Muslim Hate coming from " Zionists?" in this forum? Try putting it in proper context. My response was because of this;

"Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

Don't see you condemning that. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality. :cuckoo:

There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

None of the alleged 'hateful' comments come close to the vile and hateful comment coming from SS Major Sunni Man, who openly hoped for the end of Israel. So please ! :doubt:
Anti Muslim Hate coming from " Zionists?" in this forum? Try putting it in proper context. My response was because of this;

"Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

Don't see you condemning that. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality. :cuckoo:

There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

None of the alleged 'hateful' comments come close to the vile and hateful comment coming from SS Major Sunni Man, who openly hoped for the end of Israel. So please ! :doubt:

Seriously Toast....?

Come on - you know some of those comments made towards or about Muslims have been vile and hateful.

Edited to add - the first example that popped up, a thread that applauds Myanmar's killing and brutal treatment of Muslims: http://www.usmessageboard.com/usmb-...o-from-buddists-on-how-to-handle-muslims.html
There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

None of the alleged 'hateful' comments come close to the vile and hateful comment coming from SS Major Sunni Man, who openly hoped for the end of Israel. So please ! :doubt:

Seriously Toast....?

Come on - you know some of those comments made towards or about Muslims have been vile and hateful.

Are you talking about this thread ?
None of the alleged 'hateful' comments come close to the vile and hateful comment coming from SS Major Sunni Man, who openly hoped for the end of Israel. So please ! :doubt:

Seriously Toast....?

Come on - you know some of those comments made towards or about Muslims have been vile and hateful.

Are you talking about this thread ?

No, I'm talking about the forum in general...
you are an incredibly hateful bigot. Then you have the nerve to call other people hateful ??
That would make you a hypocrite as well....:cool:

Abbas pledges: There will be no Israelis in Palestine | The Times of Israel

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Abbas pledges: There will be no Israelis in Palestine

‘In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,’ says PA leader

By Stuart Winer July 30, 2013, 10:39 am 103

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, July 29, 2013. (photo credit: AP/Mohammed Samah, Egyptian Presidency)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, July 29, 2013. (photo credit: AP/Mohammed Samah, Egyptian Presidency)


Even as talks for a permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace got off to a cautious start in Washington Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told reporters in Egypt that no Israelis would be allowed to remain in a future Palestinian state.

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“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,” Abbas said following a meeting with interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour in Cairo.

Abbas wants an Israeli Free " Palestinian State" which would also include ARAB ISRAELIS but it's Israel who is " apartheid?" lol Too bad he doesn't have the same emotion about Muslims who are killing and enslaving Christians . Consider the source :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:

You're like a dog with a bone here PV, you need to let it go - it's a slimey old deer tibia from last year's season. Israeli's are an occupying force. Few countries want an occupying force remaining when they win their freedom. It has nothing to do with religion.

And really...what about Bhuddists killing and enslaving Muslims? Think that's ok?

I won't " let it go" when Posters call Israel " Apartheid" yet say nothing about NJA/ No Israelis Allowed in the Future Palestinian State.

Regarding Israel being an " Occupying Force", Israel is never going to go back to the 67 Borders . Those days came and went. They were NEVER accepted by the Arabs, Israel will NEVER accept them now.

Abbas has to realize Israel is not going to make all the concessions.

Regarding Buddhists killing and enslaving Muslims, of course it's NOT O.K! Maybe posters should be more " concerned" about that. After all, this is the ME Board, not the I/P Board ( Which is the excuse Pro Palestinian Posters always use when the subject about Muslims killing Christians is brought up)
Seriously Toast....?

Come on - you know some of those comments made towards or about Muslims have been vile and hateful.

Are you talking about this thread ?

No, I'm talking about the forum in general...

Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?
Abbas pledges: There will be no Israelis in Palestine | The Times of Israel

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Israel & the Region

Abbas pledges: There will be no Israelis in Palestine

‘In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,’ says PA leader

By Stuart Winer July 30, 2013, 10:39 am 103

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Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, July 29, 2013. (photo credit: AP/Mohammed Samah, Egyptian Presidency)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour at the Presidential Palace in Cairo, Egypt, on Monday, July 29, 2013. (photo credit: AP/Mohammed Samah, Egyptian Presidency)


Even as talks for a permanent Israeli-Palestinian peace got off to a cautious start in Washington Monday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told reporters in Egypt that no Israelis would be allowed to remain in a future Palestinian state.

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“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our lands,” Abbas said following a meeting with interim Egyptian President Adly Mansour in Cairo.

Abbas wants an Israeli Free " Palestinian State" which would also include ARAB ISRAELIS but it's Israel who is " apartheid?" lol Too bad he doesn't have the same emotion about Muslims who are killing and enslaving Christians . Consider the source :cuckoo: :eusa_shifty:

You're like a dog with a bone here PV, you need to let it go - it's a slimey old deer tibia from last year's season. Israeli's are an occupying force. Few countries want an occupying force remaining when they win their freedom. It has nothing to do with religion.

And really...what about Bhuddists killing and enslaving Muslims? Think that's ok?

I won't " let it go" when Posters call Israel " Apartheid" yet say nothing about NJA/ No Israelis Allowed in the Future Palestinian State.

Regarding Israel being an " Occupying Force", Israel is never going to go back to the 67 Borders . Those days came and went. They were NEVER accepted by the Arabs, Israel will NEVER accept them now.

Abbas has to realize Israel is not going to make all the concessions.

Regarding Buddhists killing and enslaving Muslims, of course it's NOT O.K! Maybe posters should be more " concerned" about that. After all, this is the ME Board, not the I/P Board ( Which is the excuse Pro Palestinian Posters always use when the subject about Muslims killing Christians is brought up)

We talked about this before....Abbas' words NEED their context to be relevant, you can't just strip them and exhibit as a stand-alone proclamation.

Israel may not go back to it's '67 borders - but that's irrelevant. Until it's settled Israel is responsible for ALL the people in the territories it currently occupies and that's no different than what is expected of any occupying force.

Posters should be concerned about what is happening in Myanmar - anytime a minority is subject to brutality from a majority it should should be a cause for concern because that is what leads to genocide :( And you are right - it has nothing to do with I/P just as Muslims killing Christians has nothing to do with IP thus we are all happily squabbling and flinging mud in ME ;)
Are you talking about this thread ?

No, I'm talking about the forum in general...

Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?

I have seen comments advocating "genocide" of Muslims on these forums. That comes close.

As to what I think?

I think he's poking people ;)
lots of anti-Muslim hate coming from Uber-Zionists in this forum.

Anti Muslim Hate coming from " Zionists?" in this forum? Try putting it in proper context. My response was because of this;

"Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

Don't see you condemning that. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality. :cuckoo:

There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

Yes, there IS a lot of anti Muslim hate

A perfect example would be the post up there " Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

Of course, that is only one SMALL example

Don't see any Pro Palestinian condemning it Do you?

I would call it Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality :eusa_pray: :evil:
No, I'm talking about the forum in general...

Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?

I have seen comments advocating "genocide" of Muslims on these forums. That comes close.

As to what I think?

I think he's poking people ;)

So you see vulgar comments against Muslims to be unacceptable (that's the vibe I'm getting from you), but Sunni Mans comment is just him messing around with us ??
Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?

I have seen comments advocating "genocide" of Muslims on these forums. That comes close.

As to what I think?

I think he's poking people ;)

So you see vulgar comments against Muslims to be unacceptable (that's the vibe I'm getting from you), but Sunni Mans comment is just him messing around with us ??

I think INTENT matters. I don't approve of his comment. But I also think he's messing around with you to get just the reactions he's getting and it's working. There are a number of anti-Muslim comments here to that fall into the "poking" arena rather than serious hate.

There are plenty of other serious anti-semitic comments from posters who mean what they say to take umbrage at (just take a stroll in Badlands) I think Sunni's was rude and intended for effect.

Why do you think genocidal comments such as this http://www.usmessageboard.com/7589691-post9.html only qualify as "vulgar"?
Are you talking about this thread ?

No, I'm talking about the forum in general...

Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?
Quit lying Toastbrain.

I never said anything about wishing any harm towards of the Jewish people.

I only said that I wished Israel as a state wouldn't last another year. .. :cool:
Anti Muslim Hate coming from " Zionists?" in this forum? Try putting it in proper context. My response was because of this;

"Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

Don't see you condemning that. Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality. :cuckoo:

There IS a lot of anti-Muslim hate.

I see few condemning it. Do you?

What typical mentality would that be? :doubt:

Yes, there IS a lot of anti Muslim hate

A perfect example would be the post up there " Shana Tova to the Jews and I hope it's Israel's last"

What???? That isn't anti Muslim hate. That's anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli.

Of course, that is only one SMALL example

Don't see any Pro Palestinian condemning it Do you?

I would call it Typical Pro Palestinian Mentality :eusa_pray: :evil:

So...is a refusal to condemn anti-Muslim hate then "typical pro-Israeli Mentality" :eusa_eh:

Couldn't we just condemn Hate in it's entirety?
Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?

he never said anything about wanting to commit genocide against the Jewish people, you fucking liar!!

can't your Mossad handlers let you debate honestly and with integrity?
No, I'm talking about the forum in general...

Yes, I'm seen some vulgar comments towards Muslims, but in my opinion, none of them come close to Sunni Man's disgusting and vile post, advocating for the genocide of the Jewish People.

What do YOU think of his comment ?
Quit lying Toastbrain.

I never said anything about wishing any harm towards of the Jewish people.

I only said that I wished Israel as a state wouldn't last another year. .. :cool:

You remind me of my little brother...:doubt:

let me guess, you sent this guy a love letter and he rejected you?

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let me guess, you sent this guy a love letter and he rejected you?

And here I was thinking of setting up Miss Hoffstra with this guy if her handlers, and of course her girlfriend, said it was OK. However, I don't think this guy would go after a female with a potty mouth like Miss Hoffstra, but he might give her some instructions for a comedy routine.

Aziz Ansari puts next comedy special, 'Buried Alive,' on Netflix - latimes.com
And here I was thinking of setting up Miss Hoffstra with this guy if her handlers, and of course her girlfriend, said it was OK. However, I don't think this guy would go after a female with a potty mouth like Miss Hoffstra, but he might give her some instructions for a comedy routine.

accusing others of being homosexual, as an insult.

classic Uber-Zionist hate.

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