L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

There is no apartheid in Israel.
The ruling Afrikaner people said the same thing about the old South Africa.

But 'reality' proved different. .. :cool:

a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
There is no apartheid in Israel.
The ruling Afrikaner people said the same thing about the old South Africa.

But 'reality' proved different. .. :cool:

a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.
Thanks for proving my point thru the dictionary that Israel is a racist state!! ......... :thup:
The ruling Afrikaner people said the same thing about the old South Africa.

But 'reality' proved different. .. :cool:

a·part·heid (-pärtht, -ht)
1. An official policy of racial segregation formerly practiced in the Republic of South Africa, involving political, legal, and economic discrimination against nonwhites.
2. A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups.
3. The condition of being separated from others; segregation.

Thanks for proving my point thru the dictionary that Israel is a racist state!! ......... :thup:

I didn't prove your point at all. I explained what the definition of apartheid was in South Africa which is not the same as what is happening in Israel now.
Sunni Man is a typical Muslime POS. He was the first one here to neg rep me when I posted a fact about his dirty, demonic fellow terrorists. The ones you think are "nice" are not: they are planning your demise in their mosques. There is no such thing as a good, decent or patriotic Muslim. They are ALL sh*t.
Sunni Man is a typical Muslime POS. He was the first one here to neg rep me when I posted a fact about his dirty, demonic fellow terrorists. The ones you think are "nice" are not: they are planning your demise in their mosques. There is no such thing as a good, decent or patriotic Muslim. They are ALL sh*t.

Sunni also is of the view that the citizens of Gaza go to work in Israel. The ignorance of the anti-Israel posters on forums is astonishing.

People who hate Jews/Israel hate God since Israel is God's darling/chosen. Jew-haters are maggots. Demonic monsters like Sunni Man and other Muslimes are the scourge of America: the feces of the country. I wish we never let them infest the USA. They are nothing but trouble, violence, death and destruction... Ugh.
Sunni also is of the view that the citizens of Gaza go to work in Israel. The ignorance of the anti-Israel posters on forums is astonishing.
Some Gaza citizens did work in Israel before the apartheid wall was erected.

True story.......... :cool:

Let's get one thing straight, we don't care what you people think about the wall. Call it whatever you want, but at the end of the day, it prevents jihadists like you from entering Israel. Thanks to the wall, there's no more suicide bombings, and that's what matter, keeping Israelis safe.......:cool:
Sunni also is of the view that the citizens of Gaza go to work in Israel. The ignorance of the anti-Israel posters on forums is astonishing.
Some Gaza citizens did work in Israel before the apartheid wall was erected.

True story.......... :cool:

When was this "apartheid wall" erected in Gaza?
Actually, it's a mile wide apartheid 'barrier' of barbed wire with sensors and in some places concrete and steel walls that surrounds all of the Gaza border. .. :cool:
Some Gaza citizens did work in Israel before the apartheid wall was erected.

True story.......... :cool:

When was this "apartheid wall" erected in Gaza?
Actually, it's a mile wide apartheid 'barrier' of barbed wire with sensors and in some places concrete and steel walls that surrounds all of the Gaza border. .. :cool:

Ok, so you say the "apartheid" wall is in fact a mile wide "apartheid barrier" with concrete and steel walls that surrounds all of the Gaza border. Really?
Section of Gaza 'apartheid' wall.

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There is nothing hateful about wishing 7.3 million Jews to be destroyed.

Sunni's logic.:cuckoo:
Once again, I never said anything about the Jews of Israel being destroyed.When the apartheid fascist state of South Africa fell. The government was dismantled and the people weren't harmed.

Hopefully, the apartheid state of Israel will go thru a similar peaceful transition when it is dismantled and it's fascist leaders are arrested for crimes against humanity. .. :cool:

Nope just rounded up..

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
Some Gaza citizens did work in Israel before the apartheid wall was erected.

True story.......... :cool:

When was this "apartheid wall" erected in Gaza?
Actually, it's a mile wide apartheid 'barrier' of barbed wire with sensors and in some places concrete and steel walls that surrounds all of the Gaza border. .. :cool:

"The fence runs along the entire land border of the Gaza Strip. It is made up of wire fencing with posts, sensors and buffer zones on lands bordering Israel"

Israel and Egypt ? Gaza Strip barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You call the border between Israel and Gaza an "an apartheid wall", and then you say it is a mile wide, and now you say it runs along the entire land border. :lol::lol::lol:
If Israel starts to fall for the Pals' Taqiyya and Kitman then Israel will just get itself into trouble.

Taqiyya. That is exactly the term Muslim-haters use to insinuate Muslims can't be trusted. They don't even know the what it really means - they just get it off of hate sites.

There are those who claim Jews are inherently untrustworthy and dishonest. We call it out for what it is: bigotry.
You call the border between Israel and Gaza an "an apartheid wall", and then you say it is a mile wide, and now you say it runs along the entire land border.
What ever zionist terminology you prefer to use........ the people in Gaza are totally land locked by armed force by Israel's IDF goons.

And do not have freedom of movement because of Israel's apartheid policies. .. :cool:
You call the border between Israel and Gaza an "an apartheid wall", and then you say it is a mile wide, and now you say it runs along the entire land border.
What ever zionist terminology you prefer to use........ the people in Gaza are totally land locked by armed force by Israel's IDF goons.

And do not have freedom of movement because of Israel's apartheid policies. .. :cool:


The people vs the goons.
If Israel starts to fall for the Pals' Taqiyya and Kitman then Israel will just get itself into trouble.

Taqiyya. That is exactly the term Muslim-haters like to insinuate Muslims can't be trusted. They don't even know the what it really means - they just get it off of hate sites.

There are those who claim Jews are inherently untrustworthy and dishonest. We call it out for what it is: bigotry.

That is usually antisemites' views of Jews, but nowhere in the Jewish teaching does it instruct them to lie.

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