L'Shana Tova From Iranian President

Taquia says it's ok to lie to advance the cause of Islam. Christianity says no such thing.
Islam is about conversion at any cost. Christianity is an invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Islam says it's ok to treat women like crap, to use kids as suicide b*mbers, to kill/convert anyone with ANY means to Allah. Christianity says to love your enemies.
God is The One True God. Allah was a moon god.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Allah has no son.
Islam is demonic, barbaric, violent. Christianity is love, peace, joy.

Anyone who thinks ANY Muslime is their friend is deceived, ignorant, stupid and a fool. Muslimes have only one goal in life--to kill/convert for Allah. They like blowing themselves and innocent people up, too. They are monsters.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

Are you saying 911 brought to you by the followers of peaceful Islam"?

I'm aware of wide spread hate campaigns conducted against Muslims in Western countries. Do you endorse this? :eusa_eh:

I'm not aware of the majority of Muslims engaging in campaigns to kill infidels "all over this world". These acts seem to be predominantly in unstable specific geographic areas rather than wide spread. Like most sane people I abhor extremists and do not support intolerance or bigotry. Why do you?:eusa_eh:

What "distortions to promote hatred towards innocent people" are you referring to. I am not aware of Christians &/or Jews killing infidels all over this world. Are you?

I'm willing to defend accuracy, especially when distortions are used to promote hatred towards innocent people.

Taqiyya - RationalWiki
Taquia says it's ok to lie to advance the cause of Islam. Christianity says no such thing....

you are lying about Taqiyya.

...Islam says it's ok to treat women like crap, to use kids as suicide b*mbers, to kill/convert anyone with ANY means to Allah. Christianity says to love your enemies....

the New Testament says that women cannot speak in church, hold any authority over men, or braid their hair. it orders Christians to not associate with non-believers.

...God is The One True God. Allah was a moon god
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Allah has no son.
Islam is demonic, barbaric, violent. Christianity is love, peace, joy....

horrible crimes against humanity have been committed in Jesus' name.

...Anyone who thinks ANY Muslime is their friend is deceived, ignorant, stupid and a fool. Muslimes have only one goal in life--to kill/convert for Allah. They like blowing themselves and innocent people up, too. They are monsters....

you are a liar and a bigot.

shame on you.
I'm aware of wide spread hate campaigns conducted against Muslims in Western countries. Do you endorse this? :eusa_eh:

I'm not aware of the majority of Muslims engaging in campaigns to kill infidels "all over this world". These acts seem to be predominantly in unstable specific geographic areas rather than wide spread. Like most sane people I abhor extremists and do not support intolerance or bigotry. Why do you?:eusa_eh:

What "distortions to promote hatred towards innocent people" are you referring to. I am not aware of Christians &/or Jews killing infidels all over this world. Are you?

I'm willing to defend accuracy, especially when distortions are used to promote hatred towards innocent people.

Taqiyya - RationalWiki

There are not " Wide Spread Hate Campaigns" conducted against Muslims in Western Countries. However, if there are it is because of these " few" reasons;

No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Multiplying All Over Europe - Technorati Politics

Muslim Gangs Enforce Sharia Law in London :: Gatestone Institute


LiveLeak.com - Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims

Imam calls for US and Europe's destruction from Temple Mount pulpit | The Times of Israel

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Saturday, September 7, 2013
Tishri 3, 5774
2:11 am IDT
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Imam calls for US and Europe’s destruction from Temple Mount pulpit

Al-Aqsa worshippers enthralled as cleric predicts rise of Islamic caliphate that will wipe out enemies

By Times of Israel staff July 18, 2013, 4:52 am 57

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al-Aqsa mosque
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Mohammed Morsi

Hundreds of worshippers at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque responded with cries of “Allah Akbar” (God is Great) to Imam Ismat Al-Hammouri’s calls for the destruction of America, France, Britain, and Rome, during a prayer gathering marking the start of Ramadan on Friday.

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A video that was posted on the Internet on July 12, and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), shows Al-Hammouri inciting the crowd in the Old City with calls to conquer and destroy the enemies of the “Nation of Islam.”

“We warn you, oh America: Take your hands off the Muslims. You have wreaked havoc in Syria, and before that, in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and now in Egypt,” shouted the cleric to the enthusiastic replies of the crowd. “Who do you think we are, America? We are the nation of Islam — a giant and mighty nation, which extends from east to west. Soon, we will teach you a political and military lesson, Allah willing. Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.”

Just a few SMALL examples !!!!!!!

LiveLeak.com - Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims
The situation is so bad that any peace loving Muslims don't dare speak out against their Islamist terrorists all over the world.

I'm aware of wide spread hate campaigns conducted against Muslims in Western countries. Do you endorse this? :eusa_eh:

I'm not aware of the majority of Muslims engaging in campaigns to kill infidels "all over this world". These acts seem to be predominantly in unstable specific geographic areas rather than wide spread. Like most sane people I abhor extremists and do not support intolerance or bigotry. Why do you?:eusa_eh:

What "distortions to promote hatred towards innocent people" are you referring to. I am not aware of Christians &/or Jews killing infidels all over this world. Are you?

There are not " Wide Spread Hate Campaigns" conducted against Muslims in Western Countries. However, if there are it is because of these " few" reasons;

No-Go Zones for Non-Muslims Multiplying All Over Europe - Technorati Politics

Muslim Gangs Enforce Sharia Law in London :: Gatestone Institute


LiveLeak.com - Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims

Imam calls for US and Europe's destruction from Temple Mount pulpit | The Times of Israel

PROMO: Control The Times of Israel's Kotel Cam and view the Western Wall LIVE! SEE THE KOTEL NOW >>The HelloBar - a little bar that gets noticed!Close

Partner Links: Learn Hebrew • Travel to Israel • Live Kotel Camera • Israel Pharmacy • ShopinIsrael.com • Saving Lives in Israel

Saturday, September 7, 2013
Tishri 3, 5774
2:11 am IDT
Site updated 2 minutes ago

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Israel & the Region

Imam calls for US and Europe’s destruction from Temple Mount pulpit

Al-Aqsa worshippers enthralled as cleric predicts rise of Islamic caliphate that will wipe out enemies

By Times of Israel staff July 18, 2013, 4:52 am 57

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Related Topics
al-Aqsa mosque
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Mohammed Morsi

Hundreds of worshippers at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque responded with cries of “Allah Akbar” (God is Great) to Imam Ismat Al-Hammouri’s calls for the destruction of America, France, Britain, and Rome, during a prayer gathering marking the start of Ramadan on Friday.

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A video that was posted on the Internet on July 12, and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), shows Al-Hammouri inciting the crowd in the Old City with calls to conquer and destroy the enemies of the “Nation of Islam.”

“We warn you, oh America: Take your hands off the Muslims. You have wreaked havoc in Syria, and before that, in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and now in Egypt,” shouted the cleric to the enthusiastic replies of the crowd. “Who do you think we are, America? We are the nation of Islam — a giant and mighty nation, which extends from east to west. Soon, we will teach you a political and military lesson, Allah willing. Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.”

Just a few SMALL examples !!!!!!!

LiveLeak.com - Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims
I'm aware of wide spread hate campaigns conducted against Muslims in Western countries. Do you endorse this? :eusa_eh:

I'm not aware of the majority of Muslims engaging in campaigns to kill infidels "all over this world". These acts seem to be predominantly in unstable specific geographic areas rather than wide spread. Like most sane people I abhor extremists and do not support intolerance or bigotry. Why do you?:eusa_eh:

What "distortions to promote hatred towards innocent people" are you referring to. I am not aware of Christians &/or Jews killing infidels all over this world. Are you?

There are not " Wide Spread Hate Campaigns" conducted against Muslims in Western Countries. However, if there are it is because of these " few" reasons;

No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and out context quotes and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand. NO group should be hated simply for who they are. It's just plain wrong.
No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand.

Disgusting that Jews, who have been perhaps the World's longest victims of hate, can be such haters themselves, huh? I think that those Jews who are obsessive Islamophobes are that way so that they can project anti-Semitism onto another group in the hopes that Gentiles will hate Jews less and hate someone else more.
Taquia says it's ok to lie to advance the cause of Islam. Christianity says no such thing.
Islam is about conversion at any cost. Christianity is an invitation to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Islam says it's ok to treat women like crap, to use kids as suicide b*mbers, to kill/convert anyone with ANY means to Allah. Christianity says to love your enemies.
God is The One True God. Allah was a moon god.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Allah has no son.
Islam is demonic, barbaric, violent. Christianity is love, peace, joy.

Anyone who thinks ANY Muslime is their friend is deceived, ignorant, stupid and a fool. Muslimes have only one goal in life--to kill/convert for Allah. They like blowing themselves and innocent people up, too. They are monsters.

Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time


The real monsters are they who lurk within your words and the minds that believes them.

Those are the monsters that whip up fear, let lose genocide and cost people their lives and dignity and humanity.

It's words like that which make some people forget that other people too are human.

What's the difference between your sentiments and those of Muslim extremists?

No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand.

Disgusting that Jews, who have been perhaps the World's longest victims of hate, can be such haters themselves, huh? I think that those Jews who are obsessive Islamophobes are that way so that they can project anti-Semitism onto another group in the hopes that Gentiles will hate Jews less and hate someone else more.

SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.
SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.

He was right when he said it then, and he is right now.

"The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself".

fraudulent fear, spread by fear-mongers and haters, who need fear to forward their selfish and hateful agenda.
SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.

He was right when he said it then, and he is right now.

"The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself".

fraudulent fear, spread by fear-mongers and haters, who need fear to forward their selfish and hateful agenda.

Fear is a human emotion. So is the need to project that fear onto whatever group is weakest or weirdest or in the minority. There are always people ready to exploit it and in the age of the internet it's very very easy to spread disinformation and fear - whether it's antisemitism, racism or ethnic or religious bigotry - the internet gives everyone a free and equal platform. The most ignorant occupy the same level as the most learned. It's a scary world if you're just an ordinary good citizen trying to make your way through life and you find yourself under attack when you've done nothing to deserve it. I think it's sentiments like these that run in undercurrents throughout our society that are far far more dangerous than any hidden commie or muslim or jew supposedly manipulating our government.
No. They exist because people need a reason to hate - so they find a group they can demonize, look for extremists and use those to stereotype the entire group.

What's shameful about it is this - you, as a Jew, have been the target of exactly those kind of campaigns. You know how damaging, frightening and hateful they are. Yet you are excusing exactly that sort of hate when it's directed at Muslims.

Most Muslims are not extremists, yet it seems to serve some need in people to be able to label them as such and, however much they may decry it - you simply call it "Taqiyya" and accuse them of being closet extremists lying for their faith.

If you don't think there are "wide spread hate campaigns" - look at Pamela Geller, look at such sites as BareNakedIslam and JihadWatch. Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's list of hate sites. It's all there. But it's all excused because they are Muslims.

Why, PV, is it ok to hate Muslims but not ok to hate Jews? I don't understand.

Disgusting that Jews, who have been perhaps the World's longest victims of hate, can be such haters themselves, huh? I think that those Jews who are obsessive Islamophobes are that way so that they can project anti-Semitism onto another group in the hopes that Gentiles will hate Jews less and hate someone else more.

SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.

You guys are too cute the user and the enabler quit a team:eusa_eh:
Disgusting that Jews, who have been perhaps the World's longest victims of hate, can be such haters themselves, huh? I think that those Jews who are obsessive Islamophobes are that way so that they can project anti-Semitism onto another group in the hopes that Gentiles will hate Jews less and hate someone else more.

SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.

You guys are too cute the user and the enabler quit a team:eusa_eh:

Calm down, I believe you should be able to neg me again in less then 24 hours :)
SOME Jews.

Like SOME Muslims.

Like SOME Christians.

Every group has it's zealots, it's ignorant factions who need to find a scapegoat.

You guys are too cute the user and the enabler quit a team:eusa_eh:

Calm down, I believe you should be able to neg me again in less then 24 hours :)

No need to over do it. Let's just all hold hands and sing...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZC7sqImaM]John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]
You guys are too cute the user and the enabler quit a team:eusa_eh:

Calm down, I believe you should be able to neg me again in less then 24 hours :)

No need to over do it. Let's just all hold hands and sing...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkZC7sqImaM]John Lennon - Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]

Yoko makes me barf. Can't you find something else?

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