Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details

The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Deport him-he was not born here.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?

It certainly is now.
You do know that Trump reassigned those troops to another region of Syria. Don't you?

BTW, how many Americans died in the fight against ISIS in Syria?

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

What are the "omitted" details? I have yet to hear anyone provide an answer.
He’s a mess! A joke.. he fumbled upon a Purple Heart! Loser
You know, Jitss617 , there is something just a little off about your posts. Nobody actually thinks what you just posted. Nobody. So this is bad acting. What motivates a person to do this? Attention? Money? Who knows...

Yeah. I get the feeling he's a sock. Something definitely off about him. Tries too hard...dunno, just a feeling. Bored maybe?

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

What are the "omitted" details? I have yet to hear anyone provide an answer.
What do you bet it had to do with his ‘testimony’. Lol
Last edited:
Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?

It certainly is now.
You do know that Trump reassigned those troops to another region of Syria. Don't you?

BTW, how many Americans died in the fight against ISIS in Syria?
When we were partnering with them are when we weren't?
Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?

It certainly is now.
You do know that Trump reassigned those troops to another region of Syria. Don't you?

BTW, how many Americans died in the fight against ISIS in Syria?

51. Not enough for you?

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

What are the "omitted" details? I have yet to hear anyone provide an answer.
Vindman is a foreign born fraud.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?
We got what we needed out of it, control of the oil and half a million more refugees in the Middle East. All we need is an excuse to occupy the Middle East. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?

It certainly is now.
You do know that Trump reassigned those troops to another region of Syria. Don't you?

BTW, how many Americans died in the fight against ISIS in Syria?

51. Not enough for you?
Not enough to get them on a "we will never partner with them again" list.

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

What are the "omitted" details? I have yet to hear anyone provide an answer.
Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.
You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet."

He is. He just gave them operational control over Syria and burned our ally on the way out, fool.

Syria is Russia's problem, not ours. Just how many dead American soldiers do you want to see in Syria, anyhow?
We got what we needed out of it, control of the oil and half a million more refugees in the Middle East. All we need is an excuse to occupy the Middle East.

You're an idiot. We have no use for their oil. Thanks to President Trump's deregulation, we are now a net exporter of oil and gas for the first time in this country's history.

Do you even know what that means? I'll explain it to you in a way that even your limited intelligence can understand:

That means that we now export more oil and gas than we import.

As for the "refugees", you do know that the Supreme Court upheld President Trump's ban of taking more refugees from the Middle East, don't you? So what's the problem?
He’s a mess! A joke.. he fumbled upon a Purple Heart! Loser
You know, Jitss617 , there is something just a little off about your posts. Nobody actually thinks what you just posted. Nobody. So this is bad acting. What motivates a person to do this? Attention? Money? Who knows...

Yeah. I get the feeling he's a sock. Something definitely off about him. Tries too hard...dunno, just a feeling. Bored maybe?
He admitted being Russian by mistake a few days ago when I challenged his language skills and particularly his mispronouncing and spelling American slang words.

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
Edit to include the TRUTH?

told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted

What are the "omitted" details? I have yet to hear anyone provide an answer.
I found it odd the Army lists his school different from his schools in his wiki online profile.

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