Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details

You should ask yourself why you are able to know what he said when the hearings are supposed to be held in secret. Then you should ask yourself why you're not able to know what he said under cross examination. It might help you understand what's going on.
Some info leaked The info that the quid pro quo was omitted Why was the transcript hidden ? More of protecting the scum in office And the morons bash a hero ??? Standard procedure for Republicans

"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.
You might be right hadit Who wants to waste time listening to the BS republicans will throw ?
Republicans are looking to praise trump ,not bury him The evil he does will live after him ,the good buried with his bones so let it be with the pos
Shakespeare,,with help from eddiew
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know.
Some info leaked The info that the quid pro quo was omitted Why was the transcript hidden ? More of protecting the scum in office And the morons bash a hero ??? Standard procedure for Republicans

"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.
You might be right hadit Who wants to waste time listening to the BS republicans will throw ?

Vindman is a Russian operative, you know.
"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.
You might be right hadit Who wants to waste time listening to the BS republicans will throw ?

Vindman is a Russian operative, you know.
Awkward !!!

Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.

It's not a transcript, dope. The memo was written by the NSC staff. Vindman is a WH NSC director, dope. The WH edited the Memo to exclude incriminating details. Try reading the OP.
Says the treasonous bastard....but he has zero proof of any of it. Unless he has an original copy it's just his word against the WH.

Well, except the testimony from everyone else who has corroborated it of course.

What testimony? This is supposed to be a deposition.....not a court of law.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.
You might be right hadit Who wants to waste time listening to the BS republicans will throw ?

Vindman is a Russian operative, you know.
Awkward !!!

At the least, Vindman is a lobbyist for the Ukraine and a Ukrainian operative who happens to hold a high position in the NSC. There's a shitload of evidence proving the DNC collaborated with Ukraine to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign in 2016, just Google it.

In light of that evidence, it's no surprise why Vindman thought it would be a bad idea for Trump to convince Ukraine to investigate their interference in the 2016 election. Vindman didn't like the idea of losing the Democrat's support for Ukraine which would have been inevitable, had there been a real investigation into the Biden's dealings with Ukraine.

It's also pretty evident that Vindman wanted US military aid to be handed over unconditionally to Ukraine without any conditions dependent to finding corruption within their own government. That is the primary reason why he testified before Congress, even though that testimony didn't really reveal anything incriminating against Trump. There was after all the transcript, and Vindman didn't offer anything that wasn't already known.

So all I can say to you Democrats is: You failed once again, just as you have over, and over, and over.

/End of thread/

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.
The released transcript is the correct one?

Not according to the Star Chamber and an unnamed source who is now under a witness protection program.

Just be careful, there are Putin spies EVERYWHERE!
Democrats are having people lie under oath in an attempt to make the White House look like liars.

Prove it, dope.
read the transcript.

Good idea.

Why dont you post it for us so we can all see what it says?
Why don't you fucking look it up and read the God Damned thing like everyone else has.
He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.

It's not a transcript, dope. The memo was written by the NSC staff. Vindman is a WH NSC director, dope. The WH edited the Memo to exclude incriminating details. Try reading the OP.
Says the treasonous bastard....but he has zero proof of any of it. Unless he has an original copy it's just his word against the WH.

Well, except the testimony from everyone else who has corroborated it of course.

What testimony? This is supposed to be a deposition.....not a court of law.

A deposition is a witness's sworn out-of-court testimony.

Deposition | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Vindman Attempted to Edit White House Log of President Trump's Ukraine Phone

National security official tells Congress he tried to add edits to White House memo about Trump Ukraine call

Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told members of Congress that he tried to edit a White House log of a July call between President Donald Trump and Ukraine's president to include details that were omitted, one lawmaker present at the testimony and another source familiar with it confirmed to NBC News.

White House memo about Trump's Ukraine call left out details, NSC official testifies
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.

Are you aware Vindman is a Ukrainian immigrant, and he testified that his concern was that Ukraine would stop receiving bi-partisan support if it agreed to reopen the investigation into corruption that Biden had shut down?

Total utter BS. Your xenophobia is noted.
He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.

It's not a transcript, dope. The memo was written by the NSC staff. Vindman is a WH NSC director, dope. The WH edited the Memo to exclude incriminating details. Try reading the OP.
Says the treasonous bastard....but he has zero proof of any of it. Unless he has an original copy it's just his word against the WH.

Well, except the testimony from everyone else who has corroborated it of course.

What testimony? This is supposed to be a deposition.....not a court of law.

Depositions are given under oath, dope.

Clinton's lie about a BJ was during a deposition in a civil case.
The released transcript is the correct one?

Not according to the Star Chamber and an unnamed source who is now under a witness protection program.

Just be careful, there are Putin spies EVERYWHERE!
Democrats are having people lie under oath in an attempt to make the White House look like liars.

Prove it, dope.
read the transcript.

Good idea.

Why dont you post it for us so we can all see what it says?
Why don't you fucking look it up and read the God Damned thing like everyone else has.

Post it for us so we can all see it. Show me what an idiot I am. If you have the balls.

We all know you won't because you obviously haven't seen it and are clueless.
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Vindman is a Russian agent, you know. a White House National Security Council director. It's not like he has any high level clearances or anything.


You people have been saying all along that the President of the United States is a "Russian asset" or "Putin's puppet." I believe we had a three-year investigation into that, didn't we?

So how is in inconceivable that a military officer in the NSA could have been compromised?

You really underestimate the enemy, dope.

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