Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details

Out of one side of his mouth, Trump claims never to have met LtCol Vindman. At the same time, out of the other side of his mouth, Trump claims Vindman is a "never Trumper".

And you fuckwits obediently fall in line like the dumbass birther parroting rubes you are.

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.

You should ask yourself why you are able to know what he said when the hearings are supposed to be held in secret. Then you should ask yourself why you're not able to know what he said under cross examination. It might help you understand what's going on.
Some info leaked The info that the quid pro quo was omitted Why was the transcript hidden ? More of protecting the scum in office And the morons bash a hero ??? Standard procedure for Republicans

"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.

Are you aware Vindman is a Ukrainian immigrant, and he testified that his concern was that Ukraine would stop receiving bi-partisan support if it agreed to reopen the investigation into corruption that Biden had shut down?

Are you aware that Vindman is a decorated combat veteran and where he was born is immaterial to his patriotism?

His concern was that Ukraine announcing an investigation into the Biden's would be seen as purely political and end the bi-partisan support Ukraine has received in Congress.
Also a purple heart medal Different from the yellow punk in our WH Doctors letter
It appears there really is no limit to how far Trump will lead the pseudocons into rejecting every principle they have falsely claimed to believe in.

And it will not be forgotten. Ever.

I have never seen a group of people so abjectly submissive in all my life.
It appears there really is no limit to how far Trump will lead the pseudocons into rejecting every principle they have falsely claimed to believe in.

And it will not be forgotten. Ever.

I have never seen a group of people so abjectly submissive in all my life.
Submissive?? Trump asks them to crap and they ask what color
Are you aware Vindman is a Ukrainian immigrant
... whose accounts seem to line up perfectly with other officials who are not Ukrainian immigrants.

Must be coincidence!
there's a transcript. we don't need someone's opinion.
why did they hide it?? We know ,you should too
hide what? the transcript is out there, you can read it. you don't need special permission. go for it read it. you don't have to count on someone else's opinion.

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.
Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.
The released transcript is the correct one?

Not according to the Star Chamber and an unnamed source who is now under a witness protection program.

Just be careful, there are Putin spies EVERYWHERE!
Democrats are having people lie under oath in an attempt to make the White House look like liars.

Prove it, dope.
Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.
The released transcript is the correct one?

Not according to the Star Chamber and an unnamed source who is now under a witness protection program.

Just be careful, there are Putin spies EVERYWHERE!
Democrats are having people lie under oath in an attempt to make the White House look like liars.

Prove it, dope.
read the transcript.

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.
Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.
A DOZEN people listened to the SAME CALL. What this UKRAINIAN NEVER TRUMPER PUSSY wrote isn't the END ALL BE ALL. It's just what HE thinks he heard and/or is willing to LIE about, which DIFFERS with what EVERYONE ELSE HEARD, ALL of which is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK what this ASS CLOWN thinks. It's not his job to REPORT what he DOESN'T LIKE about PRESIDENTIAL CONVERSATIONS with FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. What he's basically GUILTY of is SPYING and SPILLING. HE should be ARRESTED and TRIED for SPYING and TREASON.

You democrats are absolutely LIVING in an ALTERNATE REALITY. It's hard to imagine how people can SUSPEND REALITY just because of HATE. You poor little snowflakes are absolutely CONSUMED with HATE.

Where are the other 11 people, dope? Who are they?
Where's their testimony?

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.
Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.
A DOZEN people listened to the SAME CALL. What this UKRAINIAN NEVER TRUMPER PUSSY wrote isn't the END ALL BE ALL. It's just what HE thinks he heard and/or is willing to LIE about, which DIFFERS with what EVERYONE ELSE HEARD, ALL of which is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK what this ASS CLOWN thinks. It's not his job to REPORT what he DOESN'T LIKE about PRESIDENTIAL CONVERSATIONS with FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. What he's basically GUILTY of is SPYING and SPILLING. HE should be ARRESTED and TRIED for SPYING and TREASON.

You democrats are absolutely LIVING in an ALTERNATE REALITY. It's hard to imagine how people can SUSPEND REALITY just because of HATE. You poor little snowflakes are absolutely CONSUMED with HATE.

Where are the other 11 people, dope? Who are they?
Where's their testimony?
Ask your lying butt buddy Adam ScHITt where and who they are... BUBBLE HEAD.


Ya know, the MAJORITY of Americans know DAMN WELL what the fuck you LYING, CORRUPT democrat TRASH are up to, and no amount of your PROPAGANDA WING or you RETARDED LYING PUSS SACKS on here pretending there's actually a THERE, THERE will convince ANY of us any different. You're all LYING and pulling another FARCE WITCH HUNT, and we KNOW IT.

WE... KNOW... that DEMOCRAT PARTY IS THE PARTY OF TRASH, and that includes LYING TRASH like YOU on message boards. You're a LIAR, and we damn well know it.
Why You triggered?

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.
Yes. Forget the official record on this call. Pay attention only to this turncoat's biased recollections of the conversation.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.

It's not a transcript, dope. The memo was written by the NSC staff. Vindman is a WH NSC director, dope. The WH edited the Memo to exclude incriminating details. Try reading the OP.
Says the treasonous bastard....but he has zero proof of any of it. Unless he has an original copy it's just his word against the WH.

Well, except the testimony from everyone else who has corroborated it of course.

He wrote parts of the memo, dope. That's the point. The WH omitted parts that he included.

The original transcripts are the most accurate version of the conversion, not his biased and coached recollections, of which he has absolutely no proof.
The released transcript is the correct one?

Not according to the Star Chamber and an unnamed source who is now under a witness protection program.

Just be careful, there are Putin spies EVERYWHERE!
Democrats are having people lie under oath in an attempt to make the White House look like liars.

Prove it, dope.
read the transcript.

Good idea.

Why dont you post it for us so we can all see what it says?
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

He performed the job he was there to perform.

That he did. In their desperation to take Trump down, the Democrats trotted out yet another low-level .gov. rube to make a fool of himself. A trained seal could have done a better job.

Given the massive amount of damning evidence against Trump, I believe a trained seal could convince sane people of Trump's lawlessness. Of course the crazies will never accept that that obese orange fool is scum.

Is Trump lawlessness more than let say Bush invasion of Iraq or Obama usage of drones on nations we are not at war with or Clinton bombing of Iraq on the Eve of his Impeachment?

Yes. I believe Bush truly thought the invasion was the right thing to do for the country, but he knew his gut feeling wasn't enough to make that case, so he lied. Kinda like an end justifies the means attitude. Despicable behavior, no doubt, but I'm not sure he was doing it specifically for his personal benefit with total disregard for how it effected the country. Trump's actions are always specifically for his benefit and it doesn't matter how it effects the country.
There was reason for Clinton's bombing of Iraq. The attack failed in it's goal, and you might accuse him of poor judgment in that case, but it was and is still despicable to claim it was done as a distraction from impeachment hearings.
There is no way to argue that Trump withholding congressionally approved military aid to extort dirt on Biden out of Ukraine was for the good of out country. It was for his personal benefit, and nothing else. Trump hasn't realized that the presidency is a responsibility, and not a personal asset that he can use for his own personal benefit.

Let be factual and Clinton bombing of Iraq on the eve of the Impeachment vote was to distract the nation and world from that vote.

Also let use LBJ and his lie to esculate the Vietnam Police Action and even though what Trump has done I am going to say LBJ and George W. Bush lies were far worst and very damaging to this country than Trump stupidity.

In the end Trump is being impeached by the House and the only question is if he is convicted and removed or is he censured or he will be acquitted by the Senate...

If he is acquitted then hell is going to break loose and gawd help us all!

Like Bush, LBJ was despicable and wrong, and gravely hurt the country, but also like Bush, it wasn't for his own personal gain. He believed it was the right thing to do for the country. He also knew his gut feeling was't enough to justify his actions, so he lied. I'm not trying to justify what either of those presidents did in any way. Both probably deserved impeachment for their misdeeds, but neither were manipulating the country for personal gain. Trump did. I see that as a higher level of nefariousness. Even if their actions matched Trump's (they don't) they still wouldn't justify what Trump did. I'm already convinced that Republican leadership has abandoned all efforts to even appear honorable, or even honest. I'm not sure what would happen if they let him skate on this.
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Lol those evil republicans.
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
Republicans Accuse Colonel Vindman, a Jew Who Fled Soviet Persecution, of Dual Loyalty
Republicans Accuse Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman of Dual Loyalty

DESPERATE TO UNDERCUT the credibility of a White House official who testified to the House impeachment inquiry on Tuesday, Republicans resorted to an age-old smear tactic by questioning the loyalty of the witness, a naturalized American citizen who fled the Soviet persecution of Jews as a child and rose to the rank of Army colonel.

The witness, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, is a decorated Iraq War veteran who advises the National Security Council on Ukraine and Russia. According to his prepared testimony, Vindman notified White House lawyers on two occasions in July that President Donald Trump and his aides had politicized aid to Ukraine, by pressing Ukraine’s president to help smear Democrats in return for nearly $400 million in security assistance.

Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, reportedly told House impeachment investigators that the “transcript” released by the White House of a July call between Trump and Ukraine’s president was edited to exclude some references to Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company advised by his son Hunter.

Even before he testified, Republican operatives and cable news pundits began a coordinated effort to attack Vindman, implying that a man whose family had been forced to flee the Soviet Union as members of a persecuted minority when he was 3 years old might secretly have been working to advance Ukrainian interests over those of the United States.

“Here we have a U.S. national security official who is advising Ukraine while working inside the White House, apparently against the president’s interest,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said on Monday night. Ingraham cited as evidence a report that Vindman had been asked by Ukrainians how to deal with unofficial requests from the president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate debunked conspiracy theories about Biden and supposed Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election.

Lol those evil republicans.

That's our exceptional political system; choose the lessor of two evils, you'll be left with evil "either" way. Odd huh.

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.

You should ask yourself why you are able to know what he said when the hearings are supposed to be held in secret. Then you should ask yourself why you're not able to know what he said under cross examination. It might help you understand what's going on.
Some info leaked The info that the quid pro quo was omitted Why was the transcript hidden ? More of protecting the scum in office And the morons bash a hero ??? Standard procedure for Republicans

"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.
You should ask yourself why you are able to know what he said when the hearings are supposed to be held in secret. Then you should ask yourself why you're not able to know what he said under cross examination. It might help you understand what's going on.
Some info leaked The info that the quid pro quo was omitted Why was the transcript hidden ? More of protecting the scum in office And the morons bash a hero ??? Standard procedure for Republicans

"Leaked". Ask yourself why something from a supposedly closed hearing was "leaked". Then ask yourself why only certain things are leaking.

Of course, in all honesty, WE KNOW WHY.
If you really want to know only questions your GD traitors were asking were about who the whistle blower was

I don't recall seeing you in the closed hearings. Were you hiding behind the potted plants again? This is why the objections are so vehement. The "closed" hearings are anything but closed. What they are is a mechanism for Schiff to put his narrative on the front page without allowing any rebuttal.

There are Republicans in the hearings - with equal time. Don't you remember the Gym Jordan and Mark Meadows press conference yesterday when they complained about Lt. Col. Vindman not giving them clues about who the whistleblower is? Your phony outrage is hilariously hypocritical.

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