Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on Songbird John WOW!

Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

The Songbird John story has been debunked as a conspiracy theory. Even I used to believe it. I was wrong.

'Songbird John' McCain? No evidence McCain helped ... - PolitiFact

Na, He was definitely a Tweety Bird.
You can see it in his demeanor...
There is a reason why George W. Bush won the military vote in his primary over McCain.

John McCain is a career politician 100% spineless and corrupt
Wow...where's your expertise coming from? How many years were you a POW?
It doesn’t matter, the fact remains Spineless McCain cracked… Hero’s don’t crack
You're so would never crack, would you?
---------------------- [chuckle]

Does not sound like a patriot to me...

You don't sound like a patriot to me traitor.

There is no reason other than being a traitor to make a tape like that. Fucking spineless coward

You would have been so much braver, wouldn't you? Like, rushing into a school building unarmed to stop a shooter.....that kind of brave, right?

Like I said, That is irrelevant.
Spineless McCain made his choice, and that choice was to crack and make a treasonous tape.
Hero’s don’t crack...
so what , FOX got rid of him because of politics but he'll still be sought out for his expert opinions . But here , is this is the same cowardly General Desk Jockey that YOU and Bodecea insult ?? --- Thomas McInerney - Wikipedia --- i ask because he looks different [might be younger] but if he is the same General that gave his free speech opinion on 'juan mcstain' he flew over 4100 hours and was a COMBAT Pilot with about 420 combat hours in 'vietnam' BBee and Bodecea .
That was 50 years ago
Today he is a bumbling asshole conspiracy theorist
what are you , ageist or what as you seem to practice AGEISM . Anyway i just wanted to make sure it was the guy on 'charles payne' . The good General was born about 12 years before me and he is probably about 'mcstains' age . Anyway , checkout the bottom paragraph of my link . See the good Generals opinion on treasonous 'mrobama' RWinger .
what are you , ageist or what as you seem to practice AGEISM . Anyway i just wanted to make sure it was the guy on 'charles payne' . The good General was born about 12 years before me and he is probably about 'mcstains' age . Anyway , checkout the bottom paragraph of my link . See the good Generals opinion on treasonous 'mrobama' RWinger .

He isn’t a birther
Shows limited intelligence
Not the only conspiracy theory he buys

Hence the BS he told on McCain
what are you , ageist or what as you seem to practice AGEISM . Anyway i just wanted to make sure it was the guy on 'charles payne' . The good General was born about 12 years before me and he is probably about 'mcstains' age . Anyway , checkout the bottom paragraph of my link . See the good Generals opinion on treasonous 'mrobama' RWinger .

He isn’t a birther
Shows limited intelligence
Not the only conspiracy theory he buys

Hence the BS he told on McCain
There you go again... Why the concern for spineless McCain. He will be a forgotten career politician nothing more.
you guys make me laugh , seems that traitors , liars , cheats are lefty hero's RWinger !!
Classless trash, typical of the Trump era
a Lt Gen. is classless trash. the only one worthy of making a statement on McCain is a Lt. Gen. so, go fk yourslf.
You and that disgraced general should be tortured for 5 1/2 years like McCain was. It might pull your head out of your ass for once.
I suffered eight years of obammy and that was enough, thanks. On my own soil in fact.
McCain suffered for his fellow POW’s. While you’ve been a pussy your entire life.
you have no idea what happened to him.

Maybe it's time to move on and him actually do the job he was elected by his constituents to do. Run the fking government. Stop whining about something that happened 40 years ago. So you're saying it's ok for him to fk the rest of the country cause he was a POW? fk you!
In that case why don't you attack his politics instead of his service?
McCain is a bitter man.

Pissed because Trump did what he was unable to do,

Took that hate of Trump out on the American people by going against the very people that elected him and cast the deciding vote to keep that disastrous Obamacare.

Excuse me while I join McInerney to ridicule the RINO SOB.

This exchange is spot on:

@kellysadler45 May I remind you my husband has a family, 7 children and 5 grandchildren.

Cindy McCain (@cindymccain) May 10, 2018

I have a family too.
Just that we're not exempted from #ObamaCare like you and are having to continue to pay out the buttocks because of his spite towards @realDonaldTrump .

Will Ganz (@wganz) May 11, 2018
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
Ok, much did you cry during SERE school?
Did you attend SERE. ?
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
Classless trash, typical of the Trump era
Its a shitty thing to say and hes a douche for saying it, but he has a point. Torture DID work on John McCain. It works on everyone.
Democrats managed to turn the term "torture into a generic condition. Depending on your personal sensitivity, "torture" could mean anything from discomfort to embarrassment. More people drowned in Ted Kennedy's car than during enhanced interrogation known as "waterboarding" but democrats prefer to use the word "torture" even though elite U.S. Military units go through it.
Stop the bullshit
Waterboarding has always been considered torture ....up until Republicans endorsed the practice

Elite military units no longer go through waterboarding.
Only fucking pussies consider waterboarding torture, Our military... it’s part of their training.
Hannity still hasn't done it for charity like he promised....wonder why he's so afraid.
Hannity is a pussy
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)
Classless trash, typical of the Trump era
Its a shitty thing to say and hes a douche for saying it, but he has a point. Torture DID work on John McCain. It works on everyone.
What did they get?
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

How did it work on McCain?
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

How did it work on McCain?
They don’t call him song bird for nothing...
The tape that he made while In north Vietnam.
Look it up
Holy Toledo what a smackdown! I have my own reasons to hate McCain for all the wars he has backed and I've never truly bought into the accusations that others have made about him during the Vietnam war, but this is certainly a breathtaking statement.

And don't give me shit for linking to Gateway. His interview was on FOX.

"Well, she can’t use it anymore because it’s determined by Congress that it’s not legal. The fact is John McCain, it worked on John. That’s why they call him songbird John."

Lt. Gen. McInerney Rebukes John McCain on Torture: It Worked on John. That's Why They Called Him "Songbird John" (VIDEO)

How did it work on McCain?
They don’t call him song bird for nothing...
The tape that he made while In north Vietnam.
Look it up

What would he know ? If a guy gets captured anything he knows is all but useless as the army would adjust .

Shit. They should tell guys to blab all they want . They’d be tortured to shut them up!

Oh. It’s vile how anyone would shit on a tortured POW. For shame .
so what , FOX got rid of him because of politics but he'll still be sought out for his expert opinions . But here , is this is the same cowardly General Desk Jockey that YOU and Bodecea insult ?? --- Thomas McInerney - Wikipedia --- i ask because he looks different [might be younger] but if he is the same General that gave his free speech opinion on 'juan mcstain' he flew over 4100 hours and was a COMBAT Pilot with about 420 combat hours in 'vietnam' BBee and Bodecea .

Who gives a shit. McInerny is a cowardly dog with his cowardly attacks on McCain. McInerny is the traitor.

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