Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

LOL! I don't need to try again. I am not the one who is cheating and freeloading. (although someone else called it thieving, and I can't argue with them). You are the one who demands it be your way or you will not participate. You are the one who quit being responsible and now compounds that by trying to make it sound noble.

You are a thief, a cheat, and a freeloader. Sooner or later the IRS will notice you have stopped sending in any tax forms and will come to find out why.
I'm neither you do need to try again. You do need to check the tax codes.

YOu have stated that you work strictly for cash and do not pay taxes. There is no need to check the tax codes. That is tax evasion and is illegal. You are cheating on your taxes and freeloading the system.

You can';t tax what isn't there.
Why get off all that? For one thing, a whopping $14,400 a year is pretty pitiful money to live on.
Forgive me if I overlooked anything, but does that amount of money include what it is that her husband has been getting?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Another thing that I would like to know is how she was able to get on welfare in the first place. Has it been said yet? This chat has gotten so long I may have missed that too. What lie was obviously told in order for her to score this unneeded boost when she has the ability to work unlike those who really do need such assistance?

No I don't think it included her husbands benefits.
She gave out the figures she was receiving, she then added that her husband was receiving benefits.
I'm neither you do need to try again. You do need to check the tax codes.

YOu have stated that you work strictly for cash and do not pay taxes. There is no need to check the tax codes. That is tax evasion and is illegal. You are cheating on your taxes and freeloading the system.

You can';t tax what isn't there.

So you are either flat broke or you have lied about working for cash to avoid paying taxes.
that is what your fantasy is.
nobody sane enough would post on the web ( hello, comrade) that he is going to cheat the system :lol:

newsflash for you - there are plenty of LEGAL ways to avoid paying taxes.

That's what good accountants are for. They find the loopholes.

D'retard has a bad case of butt hurtitous

well, that one is not very informed, but Winterborn - I am surprised.

I am glad I could provide a little surprise for you. Although I have no idea why you are surprised.
So you are either flat broke or you have lied about working for cash to avoid paying taxes.

you can't tax something when their is no record.

Sure you can. Honest people report their earnings. Dishonest people hide their earnings.

As Vox said, there are legal ways of avoiding taxes. You, however, chose to lie and cheat to avoid paying your taxes.

You can call it what you want you can call me what ever, I don't care I refuse to contribute to obamacare my mind is made up.
you can't tax something when their is no record.

Sure you can. Honest people report their earnings. Dishonest people hide their earnings.

As Vox said, there are legal ways of avoiding taxes. You, however, chose to lie and cheat to avoid paying your taxes.

You can call it what you want you can call me what ever, I don't care I refuse to contribute to obamacare my mind is made up.

Knock yourself out. But at least have the balls to admit what you do.
D'retard the hole you're digging is for you. Now how is what I've done welfare?

Bigred is not on welfare. He is just a thief. That is what they call tax cheaters, and they are imprisoned with the same people who steal money from the US government.

do you know that there are plenty of LEGAL ways to avoid paying taxes?

no, you obviously do not, as you won't post such an idiocy otherwise.

It is ridiculous to observe you, guys, all twisted to prove something you have no idea about.

There are many ways to not pay the taxes and NOT be cheating the system as it is LEGAL as there are also plenty ways to stay on welfare and smoke pot all day - and that is also LEGAL.

BOTH the tax code and the social safety network system are due to the overhaul as they are corroded by loopholes.

Getting paid in cash, to avoid having your income reported is NOT legal tax avoidance, Vox. You might aim to be a little less hasty in calling someone an "idiot".
The 32 year old woman lists all the support she receives, totaling over $1200 a month, and also informs the hosts that her husband also receives financial assistance but designates these “family benefits.”
She expresses disgust in the inference that people who work are “good people” and insists that she is a good person even though she is on welfare. Lucy then describes her day of lying around and smoking weed.
"I sit on my butt and smoke pot all day, while the stupid people work."
Texas Welfare Lady name Lucy gettin' paid to smoke dope all day - while you work - who da fool now? - YouTube

Fake callers, Really? No matter what someone says does not change the law making welfare temporary and you have to work for the welfare at usually less than minimum wage..If they are letting lay around Texas is breaking the law.

Remember the welfare surfer in California?
Waiving Work Requirements for Welfare Recipients: One Year Later, Just another Law Ignored by the Obama Administration | House Committee on Ways & Means

I'm full aware of the the Republican House Of Representative propaganda.

Santorum said that Obama "showed us once again he believes in government handouts and dependency by waiving the work requirement for welfare."

The claim is a drastic distortion of what the Obama administration said it intends to do. By granting waivers to states, HHS is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. The waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law. And there have been no comments by the Obama administration indicating such a dramatic shift in policy.

Santorum falsely claims that Obama has waived welfare’s work requirement entirely. The remark is inaccurate and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!

Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare | PolitiFact
Sure you can. Honest people report their earnings. Dishonest people hide their earnings.

As Vox said, there are legal ways of avoiding taxes. You, however, chose to lie and cheat to avoid paying your taxes.

You can call it what you want you can call me what ever, I don't care I refuse to contribute to obamacare my mind is made up.

Knock yourself out. But at least have the balls to admit what you do.

Their is nothing to admit on my part you see yourself as a subject BOUND BY WHAT EVER LAW AND TAX THEY PULL OUT OF THEIR ASS.
I see myself as a patriot doing what you refuse to do.
Fake callers, Really? No matter what someone says does not change the law making welfare temporary and you have to work for the welfare at usually less than minimum wage..If they are letting lay around Texas is breaking the law.

Remember the welfare surfer in California?
Waiving Work Requirements for Welfare Recipients: One Year Later, Just another Law Ignored by the Obama Administration | House Committee on Ways & Means

I'm full aware of the the Republican House Of Representative propaganda.

Santorum said that Obama "showed us once again he believes in government handouts and dependency by waiving the work requirement for welfare."

The claim is a drastic distortion of what the Obama administration said it intends to do. By granting waivers to states, HHS is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. The waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law. And there have been no comments by the Obama administration indicating such a dramatic shift in policy.

Santorum falsely claims that Obama has waived welfare’s work requirement entirely. The remark is inaccurate and it inflames old resentments about able-bodied adults sitting around collecting public assistance. Pants on Fire!

Rick Santorum repeats Romney claim that Obama is ending work requirement in welfare | PolitiFact
Try again.

States administering the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and other interested parties


Guidance concerning waiver and expenditure authority under Section 1115


Section 1115 of the Social Security Act. [42 U.S.C. 1315]; Section 402 of the Social Security Act. [42 U.S.C. 602]
TANF-ACF-IM-2012-03 (Guidance concerning waiver and expenditure authority under Section 1115) | Office of Family Assistance | Administration for Children and Families
You can call it what you want you can call me what ever, I don't care I refuse to contribute to obamacare my mind is made up.

Knock yourself out. But at least have the balls to admit what you do.

Their is nothing to admit on my part you see yourself as a subject BOUND BY WHAT EVER LAW AND TAX THEY PULL OUT OF THEIR ASS.
I see myself as a patriot doing what you refuse to do.

Unfortunately for you Big, the tax judge is probably not in your militia, and he would have no problem slapping you into a prison, where you can hang your "Don't Tread on Me" flag on the cell the rest of us taxpayers' expense....
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Knock yourself out. But at least have the balls to admit what you do.

Their is nothing to admit on my part you see yourself as a subject BOUND BY WHAT EVER LAW AND TAX THEY PULL OUT OF THEIR ASS.
I see myself as a patriot doing what you refuse to do.

Ubnfiortunately for you Big, the tax judge is probably not in your militia, and he would have no problem slapping you into a prison, where you can hang your "Don't Tread on Me" flag on the cell wall.

You can kiss their ass I refuse.
Their is nothing to admit on my part you see yourself as a subject BOUND BY WHAT EVER LAW AND TAX THEY PULL OUT OF THEIR ASS.
I see myself as a patriot doing what you refuse to do.

Ubnfiortunately for you Big, the tax judge is probably not in your militia, and he would have no problem slapping you into a prison, where you can hang your "Don't Tread on Me" flag on the cell wall.

You can kiss their ass I refuse.

How noble of you to cheat, lie and freeload.

Funny thing, most of those gay couples who want to marry pay their taxes and are productive members of society. Pity you can't live up to their standard.
Personally, I have always been proud to pay my fair share of taxes, as defined by law. I also do not lie to get out of jury duty , flee to Canada when the draft was in force, or neglect to vote. These are the prices of freedom, and I am a free man, living in a free country.

Then, of course, there are those that pick and chose their civic responsibilities that they perform.

Some people think that law abiding citizens collecting public assistance are a drain on this country's resources. I maintain that those that would not pay their legal share are really the problem, because they are morally bankrupt, which is far worse than needing assitance feeding one's family.
Personally, I have always been proud to pay my fair share of taxes, as defined by law. I also do not lie to get out of jury duty , flee to Canada when the draft was in force, or neglect to vote. These are the prices of freedom, and I am a free man, living in a free country.

Then, of course, there are those that pick and chose their civic responsibilities that they perform.

Some people think that law abiding citizens collecting public assistance are a drain on this country's resources. I maintain that those that would not pay their legal share are really the problem, because they are morally bankrupt, which is far worse than needing assitance feeding one's family.

Personally I have to but I refuse to pay this unconstitutional tax to slavery and subjugation. It's mine and every citizen of this country obligation to resist this tyrannical legislation. You can disregard your obligation but I will not.
Then enjoy the pen. A former air patrolman like you will have an interesting time.
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