Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

The several millions of far right queens complain about the few thousands of the Lucy the Libertarians.

Are you stoned or just stupid, boy?

Neither, son. What we have here are a bunch of far right wing nut reactionaries, not one who would give up their Medicare, crying about a few numbers who truly are taking the system for all they can.

There is no major problem here. If there is, you can give me the numbers.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


Go to your welfare office and sit in the waiting room for a while. Some of those vermin pride themselves on getting what they "deserve" and are "owed" and will gladly tell everyone within earshot how to get theirs.

Urban myth unless you got some evidence.
regarding the op: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on talk radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?

I worked in the office and saw it daily. Get a job in any welfare office in America and you'll see it too.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


Go to your welfare office and sit in the waiting room for a while. Some of those vermin pride themselves on getting what they "deserve" and are "owed" and will gladly tell everyone within earshot how to get theirs.

That you refer to your fellow Americans who are less fortunate than yourself as "vermin" says volumes about you!
The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.

They objected to taxation without representation. You do have representation therefore you are wrong and that paltry excuse doesn't work.

If we had representation obama care would not have been passed or any number of restrictive laws that chip away at our rights.

Go ahead and say it winterborn
"A very good point."

Thank you in advance.

Au contraire, my semi-literate compadre. We both have representation. You and I are simply pissed that the candidates we preferred lacked the votes to win.

The difference is that you quite the fight and went to hide. I am still in it.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


And what does that have to do with my comment? Am I incorrect?

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They objected to taxation without representation. You do have representation therefore you are wrong and that paltry excuse doesn't work.

If we had representation obama care would not have been passed or any number of restrictive laws that chip away at our rights.

Go ahead and say it winterborn
"A very good point."

Thank you in advance.

Au contraire, my semi-literate compadre. We both have representation. You and I are simply pissed that the candidates we preferred lacked the votes to win.

The difference is that you quite the fight and went to hide. I am still in it.

Wrong we have not had representation in years, Representation would be our representatives doing what the majority of the represented wanted done. Stop with the obtuse cow dung
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


And what does that have to do with my comment? Am I incorrect?

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Critical thinking skills need some honing.
Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


And what does that have to do with my comment? Am I incorrect?

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Critical thinking skills need some honing.

Ok, what part of my statement do you disagree with? Explain

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Critical thinking skills need some honing.

Ok, what part of my statement do you disagree with? Explain

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If you answer my questions honestly then there is no need for an explanation.

Because what u said does not change my point about people who abuse the system. Whether they broadcast it or not is irrelevant. Do all people take advantage, of course not.

Again, what part do u disagree with?

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[Wrong we have not had representation in years, Representation would be our representatives doing what the majority of the represented wanted done. Stop with the obtuse cow dung

Wrongo, you are in the very small minority.
Freeloader? nope freeloader would mean I'm getting something for free. I'm not, what I am doing is not contributing to obamas policies and obamcare. Do either of you have a clue to what you are talking about? No I don't think you do.

More irony!

Keep on :dig: littlereb!

D'retard the hole you're digging is for you. Now how is what I've done welfare?

Bigred is not on welfare. He is just a thief. That is what they call tax cheaters, and they are imprisoned with the same people who steal money from the US government.
If we had representation obama care would not have been passed or any number of restrictive laws that chip away at our rights.

Go ahead and say it winterborn
"A very good point."

Thank you in advance.

Au contraire, my semi-literate compadre. We both have representation. You and I are simply pissed that the candidates we preferred lacked the votes to win.

The difference is that you quite the fight and went to hide. I am still in it.

Wrong we have not had representation in years, Representation would be our representatives doing what the majority of the represented wanted done. Stop with the obtuse cow dung

The elected officials did what they said they were going to do. That is the fact of it.

And you cheating the system, freeloading and hiding from the IRS will not change anything. So to claim you are emulating the founding fathers is simply bullshit.
Au contraire, my semi-literate compadre. We both have representation. You and I are simply pissed that the candidates we preferred lacked the votes to win.

The difference is that you quite the fight and went to hide. I am still in it.

Wrong we have not had representation in years, Representation would be our representatives doing what the majority of the represented wanted done. Stop with the obtuse cow dung

The elected officials did what they said they were going to do. That is the fact of it.

And you cheating the system, freeloading and hiding from the IRS will not change anything. So to claim you are emulating the founding fathers is simply bullshit.

No they did not, try again.
Ok, what part of my statement do you disagree with? Explain

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If you answer my questions honestly then there is no need for an explanation.

Because what u said does not change my point about people who abuse the system. Whether they broadcast it or not is irrelevant. Do all people take advantage, of course not.

Again, what part do u disagree with?

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You are admitting that only a small subset abuse the system, right?

So of that small subset how many do you imagine would ever listen to Talk Radio? An even smaller subset of the original subset.

Now how many of the subset of the subset will actually call in to brag about their crimes?

If you didn't get the answer of none then your critical thinking skills need some attention. Criminals don't go around admitting their crimes over the public airwaves.

The OP is obviously a hoax. It played right into the disingenuous meme about "welfare queens" and was nothing more than an attempt to throw out red meat to the audience and increase ratings and advertising revenues.
Wrong we have not had representation in years, Representation would be our representatives doing what the majority of the represented wanted done. Stop with the obtuse cow dung

The elected officials did what they said they were going to do. That is the fact of it.

And you cheating the system, freeloading and hiding from the IRS will not change anything. So to claim you are emulating the founding fathers is simply bullshit.

No they did not, try again.

LOL! I don't need to try again. I am not the one who is cheating and freeloading. (although someone else called it thieving, and I can't argue with them). You are the one who demands it be your way or you will not participate. You are the one who quit being responsible and now compounds that by trying to make it sound noble.

You are a thief, a cheat, and a freeloader. Sooner or later the IRS will notice you have stopped sending in any tax forms and will come to find out why.

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