Lucy: Why should I get off welfare?

Well if you don't want it but going to pay into it, that's your own dumb ass fault.

No, that is called being a citizen of a nation. I didn't want to pay for the war in Iraq either, but I had no choice there. Just like I have no choice with Obamacare.

What I will do is to continue to campaign and vote for individuals who reflect my values, and to continue to do my best to make sure more people know what a problem this will be.

I don't just quit, give up, and start cheating or freeloading.

Forced tax was what started a war you do realize this correct?

Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.
At least you quite denying you are a freeloader. We are making progress.

But yes, you ARE cheating. The law says you must report your income so that you can be charged with your portion of the tax burden. You are strictly working for cash and doing so specifically to avoid paying taxes. That is, by definition, cheating.

No cheating nor freeloading but stupid is submitting to something that you do not support and will take your rights away.

Dude, you are not following the rules. That means you are cheating.
You are getting benefits from the gov't and are not paying your share. That is freeloading.

You can dance and lie as much as you want, but those are the facts.

You are still submitting to it. The medical world will change and so will your medical care. But since you have decided to quit paying anything, you should also quit bitching. It ain't costing you a dime, so leave it to those of us who are paying your share to complain.

Those who made the rules don't follow them. I am not submitting to those rules.
No cheating or freeloading
No, that is called being a citizen of a nation. I didn't want to pay for the war in Iraq either, but I had no choice there. Just like I have no choice with Obamacare.

What I will do is to continue to campaign and vote for individuals who reflect my values, and to continue to do my best to make sure more people know what a problem this will be.

I don't just quit, give up, and start cheating or freeloading.

Forced tax was what started a war you do realize this correct?

Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.

The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.
Sorry Charlie you have missed it by a mile. No cheating on this end. if your stupid enough to pay into obamacare go for it.

At least you quite denying you are a freeloader. We are making progress.

But yes, you ARE cheating. The law says you must report your income so that you can be charged with your portion of the tax burden. You are strictly working for cash and doing so specifically to avoid paying taxes. That is, by definition, cheating.

No cheating nor freeloading but stupid is submitting to something that you do not support and will take your rights away.

Stupid is setting yourself up for criminal prosecution for tax evasion. Oh, and implicating your own kids in the crimes too. That is stupidity compounded.
No cheating nor freeloading but stupid is submitting to something that you do not support and will take your rights away.

Dude, you are not following the rules. That means you are cheating.
You are getting benefits from the gov't and are not paying your share. That is freeloading.

You can dance and lie as much as you want, but those are the facts.

You are still submitting to it. The medical world will change and so will your medical care. But since you have decided to quit paying anything, you should also quit bitching. It ain't costing you a dime, so leave it to those of us who are paying your share to complain.

Those who made the rules don't follow them. I am not submitting to those rules.
No cheating or freeloading

The fact that others cheat too does not change the fact that you are cheating.

If you get benefits without paying, and expect others to pay for your benefits, you are freeloading.
Forced tax was what started a war you do realize this correct?

Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.

The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.

They objected to taxation without representation. You do have representation therefore you are wrong and that paltry excuse doesn't work.
Forced tax was what started a war you do realize this correct?

Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.

The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.

The founders would likely do it out in the open, instead of hiding and cheating.

You accept the benefits of the system but don't want to pay your share. And now you want to pretend it is somehow noble or brave. It is not. It is cheating and it is cowardly.

You want this to only be about obamacare. But that is not all that is in the federal budget.

The wages and equipment for the military are also in there. You abandoned them. So save us the claims of respect for the military.

The military pensions are also in the budget. Men & women who gave decades of their life to make sure you stayed safe and free, and you abandon them as well.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the founding fathers would be ashamed of you.
Why indeed? If you called them parasites then the "progressives" panties would definitely get horribly bunched up.

She should be tracked down and face every charge possible. Imagine her complaining that illegals are not entitled to commit fraud like she is. She's worse than an illegal. She's a blight on and a disgrace to her country.

She should also face child abuse and endangerment charges. Hope they somehow develop a decent set of morals in spite of her evil influence.

I'm a proud card carrying Progressive.


The problem is - she is NOT committing FRAUD.

This is all LEGAL.

And if you ever voice the concern that the leeches should be drug tested - the screeching is unbelievable - becasue drug testing the welfare queens is violating their human rights ( sic!!!).

THIS can happen only in THIS country.

In beloved by our progressives Europe the welfare recipients are not only randomly tested, they are under strict supervision so they can not cheat the system ( it still happens but not so blatant and to such extent as in the US).
I used to be a firm believer in the welfare system, that nobody chooses to be on welfare, that welfare queens are a myth, etc.

Then I worked in the system for a few years and saw the reality.

Now, I'm at the point where I would let the lot of them starve to death given the choice.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.

The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.

They objected to taxation without representation. You do have representation therefore you are wrong and that paltry excuse doesn't work.

If we had representation obama care would not have been passed or any number of restrictive laws that chip away at our rights.

Go ahead and say it winterborn
"A very good point."

Thank you in advance.
Perfect case of abusing the system. This is why I support drug tests for federal and state benefits (not social security, or medicare)
Yes, I realize that. But you are not starting a war. You are just cheating and hiding from your responsibility and from the entity you owe.

The founders of this country would not play that tax so I'm doing as they would do.

The founders would likely do it out in the open, instead of hiding and cheating.

You accept the benefits of the system but don't want to pay your share. And now you want to pretend it is somehow noble or brave. It is not. It is cheating and it is cowardly.

You want this to only be about obamacare. But that is not all that is in the federal budget.

The wages and equipment for the military are also in there. You abandoned them. So save us the claims of respect for the military.

The military pensions are also in the budget. Men & women who gave decades of their life to make sure you stayed safe and free, and you abandon them as well.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the founding fathers would be ashamed of you.

No they would not have because they wouldn't have dressed up like Indians at the Boston Tea Party.
You can go ahead and say it again winter born
'"A very good point."
I used to be a firm believer in the welfare system, that nobody chooses to be on welfare, that welfare queens are a myth, etc.

Then I worked in the system for a few years and saw the reality.

Now, I'm at the point where I would let the lot of them starve to death given the choice.

Not all in the system abuse it nor do they want to be in it.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


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Some need the help and some abuse the system.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?

I used to be a firm believer in the welfare system, that nobody chooses to be on welfare, that welfare queens are a myth, etc.

Then I worked in the system for a few years and saw the reality.

Now, I'm at the point where I would let the lot of them starve to death given the choice.

Not all in the system abuse it nor do they want to be in it.

Not all, but enough. Nevermind the multigenerational parasite clans, the networks of people who tell others how to game the system, the people who just want a free ride in life. It isn't just the leeches either, but the administration that goes out of its way to get people on the programs and keep them there to justify the budgets and agency existence.
Regarding the OP: This is why some people tend to be critical of welfare. Is it representative of everyone, absolutely not. Do you think more people pull this than we are aware of, you betcha.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you believe that people who are pulling a fast one are (a) listening to themselves being denigrated on Talk Radio, and (b) going to call in and tell the whole world what they are doing?


Go to your welfare office and sit in the waiting room for a while. Some of those vermin pride themselves on getting what they "deserve" and are "owed" and will gladly tell everyone within earshot how to get theirs.

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