Lying Donald Trump

Let see now...the greatest surveillance state known to man, wouldn't spy on the R nominee...that is just stupid.

Good has to purposely blind to reality to believe Obie did not spy on Trump...He spied on ALL Americans.

In a sane nation, Obie would be behind bars today.
Surely Trump has evidence to make such a historic accusation.

Don't you think?
I am certain he does. Evidence of Obie's spying has been reported for years.

Have you forgotten Snowden? What about his spying on James Rosen, Sharyl Attkinson, and the AP. Have you forgotten?
I'm just asking for evidence of this historic accusation.

That's not asking too much. You would ask for the same if the President who made the accusation were a Democrat, wouldn't you?
The evidence is everywhere. You just have to do the research.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Surely Trump has evidence to make such a historic accusation.

Don't you think?
I am certain he does. Evidence of Obie's spying has been reported for years.

Have you forgotten Snowden? What about his spying on James Rosen, Sharyl Attkinson, and the AP. Have you forgotten?
I'm just asking for evidence of this historic accusation.

That's not asking too much. You would ask for the same if the President who made the accusation were a Democrat, wouldn't you?
The evidence is everywhere. You just have to do the research.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
Trump is a liar, and we all know it. Spin Starkey guarantees!

Trump's evidenced is his lying about it.
Trump says he has the evidence.

Let's see it, and we won't have to take anyone else's word for it.

That is all he has to do is show the evidence, and for those that voted for him ( Not you ) his ( Trump ) word is not good enough...

If Trump fails to back his accusation against Obama with actual physical evidence like recordings and the paper trail then this will further show this President is:

1. Mentally unstable.

2. Anything he claims can no longer be trusted and need to be verify...
I am certain he does. Evidence of Obie's spying has been reported for years.

Have you forgotten Snowden? What about his spying on James Rosen, Sharyl Attkinson, and the AP. Have you forgotten?
I'm just asking for evidence of this historic accusation.

That's not asking too much. You would ask for the same if the President who made the accusation were a Democrat, wouldn't you?
The evidence is everywhere. You just have to do the research.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Trump says he has the evidence.

Let's see it, and we won't have to take anyone else's word for it.

That is all he has to do is show the evidence, and for those that voted for him ( Not you ) his ( Trump ) word is not good enough...

If Trump fails to back his accusation against Obama with actual physical evidence like recordings and the paper trail then this will further show this President is:

1. Mentally unstable.

2. Anything he claims can no longer be trusted and need to be verify...
At some point, we need to culturally put the brakes on allowing people to just toss shit around with no evidence. But yeah, if we've arrived at a point where we're allowing a President to do it, we may really be off the rails after all.
I'm just asking for evidence of this historic accusation.

That's not asking too much. You would ask for the same if the President who made the accusation were a Democrat, wouldn't you?
The evidence is everywhere. You just have to do the research.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Agree totally that he needs to put up or shut up. This type of talk is destabilizing and he HAS to back it up. If he can't, his accusations are slanderous and libelous and would constitute, in my book, High crimes and misdemeanors. And I am far from a Dem/Prog.
This Trump craziness can be used as a charge in the indictment for Impeachment.
The evidence is everywhere. You just have to do the research.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Are you aware of the term Circumstantial Evidence?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence is fucking OVERWHELMING.
Do you believe Trump has evidence or not?
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Are you aware of the term Circumstantial Evidence?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence is fucking OVERWHELMING.
So are you saying that an American President is making a historic accusation about a former President based on circumstantial evidence?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth - is that what you're saying?
This Trump craziness can be used as a charge in the indictment for Impeachment.
Jake and NoNukes Think:

Obama would never tell a lie.
Trump lies all the time.

Poor dummies...they lost their minds long ago.
Yes I do. I thought I made that clear.
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Are you aware of the term Circumstantial Evidence?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence is fucking OVERWHELMING.
So are you saying that an American President is making a historic accusation about a former President based on circumstantial evidence?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth - is that what you're saying?
Could that bad?

Many people are in prison because of overwhelming circumstantial evidence against them.
Two FISA requests. One granted.

And its been reported for months that Trump and surrogates were being investigated.

How hard is it to make the leap to Trump being bugged?
Great, then back to my original point: Let's see it.
We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Are you aware of the term Circumstantial Evidence?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence is fucking OVERWHELMING.
So are you saying that an American President is making a historic accusation about a former President based on circumstantial evidence?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth - is that what you're saying?
Could that bad?

Many people are in prison because of overwhelming circumstantial evidence against them.
Okay. For me, for an accusation at this level, some real evidence is needed.

If this really happened, we need to know. But so far, no real evidence.
Clapper says there was no wire tap on Trump before the election.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Sunday denied any suggestion that Trump Tower communications were wiretapped before the election.
Former DNI James Clapper: ‘I can deny’ wiretap of Trump Tower

For the part of the national security apparatus that he oversaw, "there was no such wiretap activity moun
ted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign," Clapper told Chuck Todd in an exclusive interview on Sunday's "Meet The Press."

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James B. Comey has asked the Justice Department to refute that former President Barack Obama had ordered the tapping of then presidential candidate Donald Trump's telephones last year, The New York Times reported on Sunday, citing senior American officials. FBI has asked Justice Department to refute Trump wiretap claims on Obama: NYT
Lets see if this helps Jake, realize how stupid Jakes post has made him look.
SMOKING GUN? First FISA Request on Trump Tower Came After Bill Clinton, Obama's AG Loretta Lynch Had Private Meeting On Plane »
SMOKING GUN? First FISA Request on Trump Tower Came After Bill Clinton, Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch Had Private Meeting On Plane
Ooopsss Jake, you didn't see this? Not smart, but what do you expect from a liberal.
FBI Was Granted FISA Warrant in October to “Investigate Trump Campaign” – USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page
A FISA warrant is an authorization to collect evidence, not to arrest.

As we all know by now, the FISA warrant cleared Trump and his campaign of any “Russia ties,” but the liberals and dishonest media still can’t let it go.

However, in light of Trump’s latest allegations of Obama “wiretapping,” the bigger question is who requested this warrant and how closely is this linked to the wiretapping story Trump is referencing?
Not again Jake, you didn't see this either?
October surprise: Could Russia ties doom Trump's candidacy?
GOP nominee Donald Trump
Donald TrumpTrump’s early economic success reveals Obama failures, could presage 2020 landslideJuan Williams: Time for a special prosecutorCongress, the clock is running out on small business tax reformMORE and Republicans might be counting on an "October surprise" of embarrassing material about Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham ClintonTrump’s early economic success reveals Obama failures, could presage 2020 landslideJuan Williams: Time for a special prosecutorRoger Stone claims ‘legal back channel’ to Assange MORE obtained through Russian espionage against the Democratic Party, but what if the real October surprise is public disclosure of, or intelligence leaks about, the true extent of Russian espionage and, very possibly, possible Russian or pro-Russian Ukrainian financial relationships that could be a game-ending disaster for the Trump campaign?
Seems to me, that Trump shouldn't have used Obama as the source of the tap, but the vagina candidate and the Obama Admin personnel. When you understand this you know who did what and why. President Trump still became the President and the slimy one, is still not in jail.
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We will see.

Obie spies on all Americans...we know he spied on Rosen, Attkinson, and the AP....but he wouldn't dare spy on Trump. Do you fail to see how stupid that is?
Sure. So let's see the evidence.
Are you aware of the term Circumstantial Evidence?

In this case, the circumstantial evidence is fucking OVERWHELMING.
So are you saying that an American President is making a historic accusation about a former President based on circumstantial evidence?

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth - is that what you're saying?
Could that bad?

Many people are in prison because of overwhelming circumstantial evidence against them.
Okay. For me, for an accusation at this level, some real evidence is needed.

If this really happened, we need to know. But so far, no real evidence.
Obie spying is as natural as the sun rising in the east.
The FISA Court records PROVE that the Obama admin wanted Trump bugged. The fact that they came up empty is damning.
The FISA Court records PROVE that the Obama admin wanted Trump bugged. The fact that they came up empty is damning.
No...the fact that they were allowed to bug a presidential candidate is damning and the action was completely unconstitutional...not that that matters much any more.

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