Lynch folds

The corrupt asshole is calling it 'Bad Optics.' Political Elite-speak translation:
'I don't care that what i did was wrong. I only care that people now know about it."
Yep, I think pretty much everyone understands this.

She cant ignore the FBI dude

Sure she can.... even if they recommend criminal indictment, she is not obligated under the law to indict.

But shes already said she'll do whatever the FBI recommends
No she did not.

Thats what this whole thread is about.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, conceding that her airport meeting with former President Bill Clinton this week had cast a shadow over a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email account, said Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations that career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges in the case.

I'm guessing that now you're going to come up with some new bullshit now
I don't give a rats ass what the op says, I watched the entire interview live. She never once said she would accept the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FBI
There is a ZERO percent probability that Lynch ever does anything with Hillary.

Yep, I think pretty much everyone understands this.

She cant ignore the FBI dude

Sure she can.... even if they recommend criminal indictment, she is not obligated under the law to indict.

But shes already said she'll do whatever the FBI recommends

She used the term "accept". She has no option but to "accept" what is recommended.. doesn't mean she will act on it.

Remember,, she's a lawyer... it's all about semantics.

Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

Personally, the thought of the Obama administration prosecuting Hillary Clinton is about as remote as th GOP actually nominating a true conservative.
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

It's disgusting. But like i said, no one will be held accountable. From 'Fast & Furious' to their numerous IRS abuses. No one has been held accountable. We are not a nation of laws anymore.
Some day it may dawn on myopic partisanshitheads that your entire system is corrupt.
Yes this system we have is FUBAR.
How would you make it better?
Not allow GOVERNMENT APPOINTED individuals to investigate other GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.
Much like police departments are supposed to be monitored by "internal affairs" a separate entity nerds to be created to police government officials specifically. And I'm not talking about entities like the ethics committee that is itself made up of the very people it's supposed to investigate.
How do you do that when ALL Attorney generals throughout the Nation, ARE appointed by govt to their positions...?
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

Personally, the thought of the Obama administration prosecuting Hillary Clinton is about as remote as th GOP actually nominating a true conservative.

Indeed. That's what the American people have working against them now. It's not "republican" and "democrat" any longer. It's about absolute corruption. However, until the people wake up and decide to do something about it - we are screwed.
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

It's disgusting. But like i said, no one will be held accountable. From 'Fast & Furious' to their numerous IRS abuses. No one has been held accountable. We are not a nation of laws anymore.

The federal government is an entity unto itself. It is a "monster" that has grown beyond control.
Some day it may dawn on myopic partisanshitheads that your entire system is corrupt.
Yes this system we have is FUBAR.
How would you make it better?
Not allow GOVERNMENT APPOINTED individuals to investigate other GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.
Much like police departments are supposed to be monitored by "internal affairs" a separate entity nerds to be created to police government officials specifically. And I'm not talking about entities like the ethics committee that is itself made up of the very people it's supposed to investigate.
How do you do that when ALL Attorney generals throughout the Nation, ARE appointed by govt to their positions...?

And that's true, as well. A President (no matter the party) appoints SCOTUS justices that believe the way he does and they are appointed to do HIS bidding. Same with the Attorney General. Same with the Secretary of State - on and on.

Folks, one saying always holds true and it's that "Americans get the government they deserve". Americans have been asleep at the wheel or have grown fat and lazy and those in Washington have taken advantage of our slothfulness. We are "getting the government we deserve" and it's disgusting.
She cant ignore the FBI dude

Sure she can.... even if they recommend criminal indictment, she is not obligated under the law to indict.

But shes already said she'll do whatever the FBI recommends
No she did not.

Thats what this whole thread is about.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, conceding that her airport meeting with former President Bill Clinton this week had cast a shadow over a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email account, said Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations that career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges in the case.

I'm guessing that now you're going to come up with some new bullshit now
I don't give a rats ass what the op says, I watched the entire interview live. She never once said she would accept the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FBI

LMAO....Ok angry. You're in a thread about the thing you say doesnt exist. Good job
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

It's disgusting. But like i said, no one will be held accountable. From 'Fast & Furious' to their numerous IRS abuses. No one has been held accountable. We are not a nation of laws anymore.

The federal government is an entity unto itself. It is a "monster" that has grown beyond control.

The Political Elite Class knows it's untouchable. This piece of shite is laughing it up knowing she won't be held accountable in any way. She knows she's above the law. The American People need to begin demanding more arrests and prosecutions of Political Elites. It's the only they can be reigned in.
The corrupt asshole is calling it 'Bad Optics.' Political Elite-speak translation:
'I don't care that what i did was wrong. I only care that people now know about it."

Well, my thing, from the onset was fairly simple. Who the hell would BELIEVE that a 70 year old man with a bad heart is "playing golf" in 110 degree heat!?!?

But no, we're told that ridiculous story - and Americans just fall into line - like the lemmings they are..
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

It's disgusting. But like i said, no one will be held accountable. From 'Fast & Furious' to their numerous IRS abuses. No one has been held accountable. We are not a nation of laws anymore.

The federal government is an entity unto itself. It is a "monster" that has grown beyond control.

The Political Elite Class knows it's untouchable. This piece of shite is laughing it up knowing she won't be held accountable in any way. She knows she

above the law. The American People need to begin demanding more arrests and prosecutions of Political Elites. It's the only they can be reigned in.

Couldn't agree more. How long has it been since we've seen a politician being perp walked from the Capitol?
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

It's disgusting. But like i said, no one will be held accountable. From 'Fast & Furious' to their numerous IRS abuses. No one has been held accountable. We are not a nation of laws anymore.

The federal government is an entity unto itself. It is a "monster" that has grown beyond control.

The Political Elite Class knows it's untouchable. This piece of shite is laughing it up knowing she won't be held accountable in any way. She knows she

above the law. The American People need to begin demanding more arrests and prosecutions of Political Elites. It's the only they can be reigned in.

Couldn't agree more. How long has it been since we've seen a politician being perp walked from the Capitol?

Only their lackeys get the 'perp walk' treatment. The Political Class Elites have become above the law.
Sure she can.... even if they recommend criminal indictment, she is not obligated under the law to indict.

But shes already said she'll do whatever the FBI recommends
No she did not.

Thats what this whole thread is about.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, conceding that her airport meeting with former President Bill Clinton this week had cast a shadow over a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email account, said Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations that career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges in the case.

I'm guessing that now you're going to come up with some new bullshit now
I don't give a rats ass what the op says, I watched the entire interview live. She never once said she would accept the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FBI

LMAO....Ok angry. You're in a thread about the thing you say doesnt exist. Good job
Prove me wrong
Problem is finding non biased individuals that can't be bought off.
Some day it may dawn on myopic partisanshitheads that your entire system is corrupt.
Yes this system we have is FUBAR.
How would you make it better?
Not allow GOVERNMENT APPOINTED individuals to investigate other GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS.
Much like police departments are supposed to be monitored by "internal affairs" a separate entity nerds to be created to police government officials specifically. And I'm not talking about entities like the ethics committee that is itself made up of the very people it's supposed to investigate.
But shes already said she'll do whatever the FBI recommends
No she did not.

Thats what this whole thread is about.

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, conceding that her airport meeting with former President Bill Clinton this week had cast a shadow over a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email account, said Friday that she would accept whatever recommendations that career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges in the case.

I'm guessing that now you're going to come up with some new bullshit now
I don't give a rats ass what the op says, I watched the entire interview live. She never once said she would accept the RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FBI

LMAO....Ok angry. You're in a thread about the thing you say doesnt exist. Good job
Prove me wrong

Incidentally Gramps - looks as though I owe you a wooden nickel :) The stock market DIDN'T bounce back on Wednesday as I predicted - it did it on Thursday. Sorry.. :(
Frankly, I think most people are missing the point here. Were it not for a tip to a reporter at a Phoenix Television station - no one would have even known about this "meeting". THAT"S the point of it all. there was subterfuge here folks. Clinton intended to hold a secret meeting with Lynch. Clinton knew it and Lynch knew it.

They were busted and now the backtracking begins.

For the love of God folks - please wake up and understand how corrupt this government is....

Personally, the thought of the Obama administration prosecuting Hillary Clinton is about as remote as th GOP actually nominating a true conservative.

Indeed. That's what the American people have working against them now. It's not "republican" and "democrat" any longer. It's about absolute corruption. However, until the people wake up and decide to do something about it - we are screwed.

That's why I said in a previous thread, look in the mirror if you want to see the problem. I mean, not you personally, I meant in general.
If the head of the FBI is on the take, then Loretta meeting with Clinton would give her a reason to bow out of the investigation while the matter is left to the FBI. Then when the FBI clears Hillary of any wrong doing, it would give the dismissal of the case an air of legitimacy.

It is far better than Loretta simply saying she will not further probe into the matter because everyone just assumes that she is partisan hack towards Hillary.


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