Lynch should either appoint an independent prosecutor or resign. Possibly both.

Blatant in-your-face corruption. The Political Class Elites know they won't be held accountable. This particular corrupt cretin won't even lose her job. Bet on it.
And how bout dragging Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell off the golf course and yachts, to lead on this? Just a thought anyway.
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Her attempt to meet privately with Bill Clinton is a breach of the public trust. The people are demanding no more politics as usual and this VERY questionable decision by Lynch shows a disregard for what is appropriate.

I see no problem with a sitting attorney general meeting with a former president. None whatsoever.
Loretta Lynch essentially made herself a witness in this investigation. Investigators should want to know what discussion took place on that plane for a half an hour. She is the person that holds the strings to a possible indictment and arrest.
No person in her position should meet with a possible suspect or spouse of one before the decision is made about the possible indictment. She was totally out of line and needs to recuse herself.
Her attempt to meet privately with Bill Clinton is a breach of the public trust. The people are demanding no more politics as usual and this VERY questionable decision by Lynch shows a disregard for what is appropriate.

I see no problem with a sitting attorney general meeting with a former president. None whatsoever.
Loretta Lynch essentially made herself a witness in this investigation. Investigators should want to know what discussion took place on that plane for a half an hour. She is the person that holds the strings to a possible indictment and arrest.
No person in her position should meet with a possible suspect or spouse of one before the decision is made about the possible indictment. She was totally out of line and needs to recuse herself.

It should go further than that. She needs to be investigated. This is corruption at its worst. She should not only be removed, she should be fully investigated as well.
She just admitted that it looked inappropriate in an interview in Aspen.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?
Her attempt to meet privately with Bill Clinton is a breach of the public trust. The people are demanding no more politics as usual and this VERY questionable decision by Lynch shows a disregard for what is appropriate.

I see no problem with a sitting attorney general meeting with a former president. None whatsoever.
Loretta Lynch essentially made herself a witness in this investigation. Investigators should want to know what discussion took place on that plane for a half an hour. She is the person that holds the strings to a possible indictment and arrest.
No person in her position should meet with a possible suspect or spouse of one before the decision is made about the possible indictment. She was totally out of line and needs to recuse herself.

It should go further than that. She needs to be investigated. This is corruption at its worst. She should not only be removed, she should be fully investigated as well.

We're officially a Banana Republic; the elites have no fear of the law
She just admitted that it looked inappropriate in an interview in Aspen.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Thanks. I try not to respond to purely personal attacks. I think the purely personal attack, along with Spelling Smack, are the most foolish posts these Dumb-Ass Liberals make, also the most common, and by using such a ridiculous dodge to avoid the message, the poster has made a sufficient Fool of himself, without my help.
Her attempt to meet privately with Bill Clinton is a breach of the public trust. The people are demanding no more politics as usual and this VERY questionable decision by Lynch shows a disregard for what is appropriate.

The only way that would happen is for the American people to create an uproar and demand it and given how partisan we've become as a nation, half the country, being Democrats, will simply look the other way and pretend this didn't happen rather than risk losing this election.
many independents must also be terrified of having a casino promoter/reality tv show guy as the next Prez

I don't want to see him in the White House either.

As I've noted repeatedly, there is a good candidate in this race. The Johnson/Weld ticket is the only qualified ticket. It's up to the American people to determine whether or not they are going to continue their masochistic worship of the two major parties or actually vote for someone who can fix many of our problems the other two won't. More than likely the American people will stick with the status quo saying, "Thank you, Sir. May I have another?"
We're officially a Banana Republic; the elites have no fear of the law

No we're not. I've been to an actual banana republic and this isn't it. We aren't, however, the free country we like to tout. We're an authoritarian country where people fear their government and even support their government using brute force against other citizens to enforce its dictates.
We're officially a Banana Republic; the elites have no fear of the law

No we're not. I've been to an actual banana republic and this isn't it. We aren't, however, the free country we like to tout. We're an authoritarian country where people fear their government and even support their government using brute force against other citizens to enforce its dictates.
Your police hate belongs in the conspiracy forum fruitloop
We're officially a Banana Republic; the elites have no fear of the law

No we're not. I've been to an actual banana republic and this isn't it. We aren't, however, the free country we like to tout. We're an authoritarian country where people fear their government and even support their government using brute force against other citizens to enforce its dictates.
People have forgotten that the govt is an instrument of the people and only derives power from the people.They're in their corporately- sponsored slumber
Her attempt to meet privately with Bill Clinton is a breach of the public trust. The people are demanding no more politics as usual and this VERY questionable decision by Lynch shows a disregard for what is appropriate.

I see no problem with a sitting attorney general meeting with a former president. None whatsoever.
Loretta Lynch essentially made herself a witness in this investigation. Investigators should want to know what discussion took place on that plane for a half an hour. She is the person that holds the strings to a possible indictment and arrest.
No person in her position should meet with a possible suspect or spouse of one before the decision is made about the possible indictment. She was totally out of line and needs to recuse herself.

It should go further than that. She needs to be investigated. This is corruption at its worst. She should not only be removed, she should be fully investigated as well.

Which crime do you suppose Lynch committed? Conspiracy, offer the evidence.

How soon the hypocrites forget the scandal in the DOJ under Alberto Gonzales and Monica Goodling. Now all in unison: "boooooooooooosh"
She just admitted that it looked inappropriate in an interview in Aspen.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Of course not. He is much like you, let him speak and prove what a fool he is.
She just admitted that it looked inappropriate in an interview in Aspen.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Of course not. He is much like you, let him speak and prove what a fool he is.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Of course not. He is much like you, let him speak and prove what a fool he is.

I said much like you, foolish and incapable of putting together practical, fair and common sense Ideas as do I.
We're officially a Banana Republic; the elites have no fear of the law

No we're not. I've been to an actual banana republic and this isn't it. We aren't, however, the free country we like to tout. We're an authoritarian country where people fear their government and even support their government using brute force against other citizens to enforce its dictates.

In a banana Republic, the attorney general will meet with the spouse of a high ranking official currently under investigation, right
She just admitted that it looked inappropriate in an interview in Aspen.
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Of course not. He is much like you, let him speak and prove what a fool he is.

So you only want to take away one of his fundamental rights because you disagree-- that's awesome
To you and other rightwing partisans hacks it ‘looked inappropriate.’

In fact, to an objective observer, nothing ‘inappropriate’ occurred.

Unless you have objective, documented evidence to the contrary, the AG’s statement is sufficient.

You and others on the right are blinded by your partisan desperation – you know you can’t win the election on the issues, you know Trump will likely lose, so now you’re just grasping at straws.

Hey Fallacy Dude. This fails as a Liberal Dumb-Ass Fallacy.

The Crooked Obama Lap Dog Attorney General and the disbarred pussy-lovin Southern Boy Ex-President put themselves in the position where the Citizens have a right to assume the meeting was nefarious...and upon them to demonstrate how it was not.

They can't carry that burden, leaving her only option to Recuse herself or Resign (because she has shown herself at the very least a Fool.)

You Socialists need to worry about who told her F. B. I. Agents to Go Gestapo on the Citizens and Press at the Airport and insist they take no pictures of a Tax-Payer owned Plane and the events outside of it as it sat on a Public Airport Tarmac.

And when they were told to do such an outrageous thing. Sounds like it was something done before the plane landed...i.e. that there was time to plan.

Doesn't sound like a Chance Meeting at all...and if it wasn't the Dumb-Ass Lackey Attorney General needs to be removed from office for lying to the American People.

MACAULAY's post is an example of pathological anger, such a response is beyond the pale of a normal human response and too typical of the 21st century conservative movement. No other generation would have ever considered the nomination of Donald Trump whose language insights such pathology.

Would any normal person allow MACAULAY to buy, own, possess or ever have in his or her custody or control?

Should take away his First Amendment right as well, right?

Of course not. He is much like you, let him speak and prove what a fool he is.

So you only want to take away one of his fundamental rights because you disagree-- that's awesome

It is not a fundamental right Frank, the late Justice Scalia said so. He was the darling of the right wing ammosexuals.

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