LYNCH: Transcript Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To 'Islamic Terrorism' Removed...

Christ is the son of God, and there is only one God.

Allah comes from the syphilitic imagination of a pig, and is not God.

Well...since this is the full version that should end the pathetic charade that clearly demonstrates the stupidity and coinfusion in the executive branch run by Valerie Jarret ....notice the shooter was a supporter of hillary.
All our enemies love Hillary.

Because she's a traitor, and our enemy. It isn't like there's even a question about it. She sells information to our enemies so they can kill us. She always has. The emails are just one instance of her doing it. She's done it over, and over, and over.
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
Wrong again.
there's the Biblical story of Jacob asking his sons whom they'll worship after his death.

"Jacob's sons replied, 'We will worship the God of your fathers' — Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. He is the God," Saritoprak says. "So this God that Jacob worshipped, this God that Abraham, Isaac worshipped, is the same God that Muslims worship today."

ALLAH is not the father of CHRIST and CHRIST is not the son of ALLAH.

There is only one God, he is the God of the Jews and the Christians.

He is certainly NOT ALLAH.

Ask your terrorist friends if Christ is Allah incarnate. They will say NO!

Correct.............The God of The Jews and Christians is the same God as The God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob.

Again...allah is a moon god, a false god, those who worship him have been deceived by the evil one....Sataan Incarnate.

Well...since this is the full version that should end the pathetic charade that clearly demonstrates the stupidity and coinfusion in the executive branch run by Valerie Jarret ....notice the shooter was a supporter of hillary.
All our enemies love Hillary.

Because she's a traitor, and our enemy. It isn't like there's even a question about it. She sells information to our enemies so they can kill us. She always has. The emails are just one instance of her doing it. She's done it over, and over, and over.

he keeps saying ISIL instead of ISIS, because he helped create ISIS.

Bush created ISIS in Camp Bucca from 2004 to 2008, well before Obama became involved in destroying ISIL.
Suuuuuure he did.

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh did it!!!!
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".

dats what gerogeo bush claimed and we all know how bright he was....irregardless.........allah is a pagan deity....the moon god.

The God of The Jews....The God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob is the same God that Christians Worship.....The Old and New Testament are one....Jews and Christians stand together and worship the same God.

'Hear O Israel...The Lord is our God, The Lord is One'.

The Greatest Commandment.............
"O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. 4"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! 5"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.…


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
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he keeps saying ISIL instead of ISIS, because he helped create ISIS.

Bush created ISIS in Camp Bucca from 2004 to 2008, well before Obama became involved in destroying ISIL.
Suuuuuure he did.

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh did it!!!!
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".

dats what gerogeo bush claimed and we all know how bright he was....irregardless.........allah is a pagan deity....the moon god.

The God of The Jews....The God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob is the same God that Christians Worship.....The Old and New Testament are one....Jews and Christians stand together and worship the same God.

'Hear O Israel...The Lord is our God, The Lord is One'.

The Greatest Commandment.............
"O Israel, you should listen and be careful to do it, that it may be well with you and that you may multiply greatly, just as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has promised you, in a land flowing with milk and honey. 4"Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! 5"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.…


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
The fact is islam is a pagan death cult, worshipping allah a moon god with no connection to the Judeo-Christian god.
Allah is a pagan deity....a moon god.

Yes ....but stop it with the Religion classes LOL

get back to the removed 911 references by Lynch!;):)

The full version of the transcript has been restored.

Kicking and screaming they did it.... God what a spectacle! :rolleyes-41:

Yes indeed...........a scandal shows what The American People are up against in Washington............also this should be noted: the shooter was a supporter of hillary and Hillarys state dept. killed the investigation into the Orlando shooter......................Hillary's State Department Killed Investigation Of Omar Mateen's Mosque - Downstream Politics

FBI, DOJ release new, full transcript of Orlando shooter's 911 call | Fox News
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'Most Transparent administration ever'
- NO

Released redacted / altered 911 transcripts
- Attempted to deceive the Americal people

Forced to release real tranacripts
- STILL not the whole thing
- Parts Missing

Audio is Missing

Video Missing


The DOJ and FBI couldn't handle the simple release of 911 audio transcripts without editing the product, a la Benghazi CIA report. They could not conduct a highly visible investigation without being busted / exposed as trying to deceive the American people.

This is the same administration that continues to hide part of the 911 Report, continues to Drag out Fast and Furious, continues to violate court orders regarding placement of illegals around the country, lied about Benghazi being about a video, called FT Hood a case of workplace violence...

Such continous actions from this administration makes people wonder how they can be trusted, how they can be trusted to handle terrorist investigations...and how they can be trusted to conduct a legitimate investigation of Hillary Clinton.

So far they have proven they can't be trusted with anything...not even releasing 911 transcripts!
'Most transparent Administration ever'

When the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor did officials keep their name out of it to keep from "spreading propaganda "?
You jackasses really want this assholes propaganda to be spewed 50000 times on the nightly news ?

You going to build a memorial to him next ?

It's not's motive.
It's propaganda, and you know it!

The Right wants to spread terrorist propaganda far and wide because they want more terrorist attacks as long as a there is a Democratic president to blame.

hehheh Exactly!!! Just goes to show you the huge wabbit hole the liberals/democrats/progressives/socialists/marxists have fallen into...where up is down and down is up....aka it is all the fault of Trump etc.etc. and so on and so forth.

We need to get real and we need to get real now....tell The American People The Truth, do a professional threat assessment of ISIS, Domestic and Radical Muslim Mosques in America and go from there.

The first step to be taken should be to deport all muslims in America who are required to be monitored because they are known radicals who present a threat to Americans.

Next step...stop letting muslims no matter where they come from to come here to America. Bring back the immigration policy we had prior to 1965 when LBJ and his cronies lied to congress and the American People and rammed through congress the legislation that began to promote giving 3rd world peoples preferance in regards to coming to stupid even back then...but much more so now due to the Islamic Radical Terroristic reality!

If obama and valerie jarret are allowed to maintain their current stance....they will keep dilly dalling around until ISIS comes up with a weapon of mass destruction....which is their desire and it has been documented.

The Growing Threat of ISIS Unleashing a Weapon of Mass Destruction
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The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter

Cause the dude was fake ass wannabe ISIS . He made all kinds of contradictory statements .

He was killing the infidels for allah. No, he wasn't fake.
He was a wanna be who couldn't get laid, besides others have killed for no reason at all.

Doesnt matter. He called his jihad in as a proclamation to allah and his service. Of course there are other who have killed. It just tells me that we have multiple problems such as moral rot and islamic violence increasing.
'Most Transparent administration ever'
- NO

Released redacted / altered 911 transcripts
- Attempted to deceive the Americal people

Forced to release real tranacripts
- STILL not the whole thing
- Parts Missing

Audio is Missing

Video Missing


The DOJ and FBI couldn't handle the simple release of 911 audio transcripts without editing the product, a la Benghazi CIA report. They could not conduct a highly visible investigation without being busted / exposed as trying to deceive the American people.

This is the same administration that continues to hide part of the 911 Report, continues to Drag out Fast and Furious, continues to violate court orders regarding placement of illegals around the country, lied about Benghazi being about a video, called FT Hood a case of workplace violence...

Such continous actions from this administration makes people wonder how they can be trusted, how they can be trusted to handle terrorist investigations...and how they can be trusted to conduct a legitimate investigation of Hillary Clinton.

So far they have proven they can't be trusted with anything...not even releasing 911 transcripts!

Where are the 9/11 tapes and transcripts ?? As in GW bushs admin?!
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter

Cause the dude was fake ass wannabe ISIS . He made all kinds of contradictory statements .

He was killing the infidels for allah. No, he wasn't fake.
He was a wanna be who couldn't get laid, besides others have killed for no reason at all.

Doesnt matter. He called his jihad in as a proclamation to allah and his service. Of course there are other who have killed. It just tells me that we have multiple problems such as moral rot and islamic violence increasing.

The transcript will now be unedited, the clown police have changed their red noses

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