LYNCH: Transcript Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To 'Islamic Terrorism' Removed...

The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
yep, FBI Director Comey was taken by surprise by his fellow republican response to him withholding the transcript parts of the scumbag pledging his allegiance to ISIS, so he now decided to release them in full.... the republican response on him holding them back was more harmful to our nation than the terrorist's use of the transcripts would have been.... :eek: Way to go guys n gals! :clap:
You have some screws loose girlie!
All of yours are missing.
You jackasses really want this assholes propaganda to be spewed 50000 times on the nightly news ?

You going to build a memorial to him next ?

And you want to continue keeping your head in the sand about Islamic terrorism?

Incredible these people!! :cuckoo:

God your thick. Everyone know about this guys ISIS fettish .

You righties complain when obama is droning terrorists 24:7, and the you claim he's protecting them!?

Make up your fucking mind .

Sorry little Timmy, you're missing the story here. Yes, we already know what was reported and yes, we do want to hear it for ourselves because we like to be fully informed with all the facts. What your thick little brain doesn't get is that your President and his DOJ want to suppress the facts by doctoring the transcripts. They don't even want you to hear the inflection and tone of his voice with certain parts removed. They want to give it to you in writing and remove what they don't want to admit. That's the story and it should send a cold shiver down your spine and make you jerk your head out of the sand. You need to wake up while you still have time.
It's called censorship and it's what dick taters do.
It's what folks like ewe and Kaz would do.
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
Wrong again.
there's the Biblical story of Jacob asking his sons whom they'll worship after his death.

"Jacob's sons replied, 'We will worship the God of your fathers' — Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. He is the God," Saritoprak says. "So this God that Jacob worshipped, this God that Abraham, Isaac worshipped, is the same God that Muslims worship today."
In an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage.

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said. "We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State]."

If anybody had any doubts about Hussein Obama's Administration and his gangsters, this revelation will quickly clear them up.

Hiding and abiding the enemy, what a disgrace!

Lynch: "Partial Transcript" Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed
Liberal media will run block for them.
"We The Sheeple" or "The Astonishing stupidity of Liberals"

The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
Wrong again.
there's the Biblical story of Jacob asking his sons whom they'll worship after his death.

"Jacob's sons replied, 'We will worship the God of your fathers' — Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. He is the God," Saritoprak says. "So this God that Jacob worshipped, this God that Abraham, Isaac worshipped, is the same God that Muslims worship today."

That is false....Ishmael is not included,never says ....The God of Abraham, Isacc and Jacob.

Allah is a moon god...and those who worship him worship a idol.

ALLAH, the Moon God
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.

Christians don't worship Allah. They worship GOD, who is also CHRIST.


Study to show thyself approved.....Allah is a moon god. Those who worship him worship a false god....a satannic god and a satannic religion that goes around the world killing human beings as a sacrifice to their satannic god.
The "un-redacted" claims he called Allah "God".

He's not a Christian, and Allah is not "God".


Bradd Jaffy on Twitter
false! Christian and Muslims both worship the same god, the god of Abraham.
As always you failed.
Wrong again.
there's the Biblical story of Jacob asking his sons whom they'll worship after his death.

"Jacob's sons replied, 'We will worship the God of your fathers' — Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac. He is the God," Saritoprak says. "So this God that Jacob worshipped, this God that Abraham, Isaac worshipped, is the same God that Muslims worship today."

ALLAH is not the father of CHRIST and CHRIST is not the son of ALLAH.

There is only one God, he is the God of the Jews and the Christians.

He is certainly NOT ALLAH.

Ask your terrorist friends if Christ is Allah incarnate. They will say NO!

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