Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

Most everything is white because America is a white-majority country.

On that theory, 90% of lynching victims should have been white too.
On that "theory", which it isn't, 13% of all murders, crime should be committed by blacks instead of 50.

And once again for those who need repetition for those who need repetition - the thread isn't about crime or murder. The thread is about terrorism.
Nigerian University Students Lynched To Death By Angry Mob - Graphic Video -
The long and short..America briefly engaged in lynching, then abandoned the practice as our Christian citizens shamed those who perpetrated it on others..even when it was legal.

But TODAY lynching is a HUGE issue abroad...and it's almost entirely black upon black.

"Briefly"?? :disbelief:
The study in my OP documented a period of over 70 years, and that didn't cover it all.
Why are you trying to sweep this under the rug?

Because it no longer takes place, except in other countries..and it's almost 100 percent black (or ethnically non-white) on black.

Why don't you focus on something that matters?
Most everything is white because America is a white-majority country.

On that theory, 90% of lynching victims should have been white too.
On that "theory", which it isn't, 13% of all murders, crime should be committed by blacks instead of 50.

And once again for those who need repetition for those who need repetition - the thread isn't about crime or murder. The thread is about terrorism.

So please provide us with a picture of lynching terrorism in the US today.
So you want to talk about stuff that happened
So you want to start threads about things that happened 50, 60, 100, 200 years ago instead of focusing on something that's going on now???

Who cares about shit that happened before most of us were born?

You really wanna plant your flag on that?

I'll just repeat from the OP, and I'm sure we've all heard it before...
"those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it".

Knowing where you've been also elucidates where you are right now.
Now why would we want to know where we are right now? I can't imagine, can you?

It's not a matter of ignoring it. I just think everyone is tired of constantly having their faces washed with it.

Talk about something relevant to today rather than reopening old wounds!!!!

Do you actually need help finding the "Current Events" forum? Is that it?
If I had intended to mischaracterize this as 'current event', I would have put it there, and then your whining would have been valid.

But I didn't. It's in "Racism".

Perhaps you should complain to the Mod Squad that this forum exists and get it removed so we can all pretend there's no such history. Sound like a plan?

This is the history. Again, this IS the history. It DID happen. And as the study shows it's still being uncovered. Personally I'm on the side of uncovering it. You?

Of course this is only the history that matters to you. Who cares that whites hid runaway slaves and got lynched for their troubles, or that Republicans saw what the Democrats were doing in the South and put a stop to it. All of that doesn't matter a damn. Let's all just flog ourselves for the cruelty of yesterday and forget about the violence going on today.

Nobody brought up "flogging ourselves" or any other emotional meltdown. RGS keeps bringing up "shame" but that's his thing too. Me, I'm just recounting history. History that isn't well known. The more y'all try to bury it, the more it's gonna bubble up to the surface. Simply because that's where it needs to be.

You react however you like, but the fact of its existence is not changing. It's done.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?
You really wanna plant your flag on that?

I'll just repeat from the OP, and I'm sure we've all heard it before...
"those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it".

Knowing where you've been also elucidates where you are right now.
Now why would we want to know where we are right now? I can't imagine, can you?

It's not a matter of ignoring it. I just think everyone is tired of constantly having their faces washed with it.

Talk about something relevant to today rather than reopening old wounds!!!!

Do you actually need help finding the "Current Events" forum? Is that it?
If I had intended to mischaracterize this as 'current event', I would have put it there, and then your whining would have been valid.

But I didn't. It's in "Racism".

Perhaps you should complain to the Mod Squad that this forum exists and get it removed so we can all pretend there's no such history. Sound like a plan?

This is the history. Again, this IS the history. It DID happen. And as the study shows it's still being uncovered. Personally I'm on the side of uncovering it. You?

Of course this is only the history that matters to you. Who cares that whites hid runaway slaves and got lynched for their troubles, or that Republicans saw what the Democrats were doing in the South and put a stop to it. All of that doesn't matter a damn. Let's all just flog ourselves for the cruelty of yesterday and forget about the violence going on today.

Nobody brought up "flogging ourselves" or any other emotional meltdown. RGS keeps bringing up "shame" but that's his thing too. Me, I'm just recounting history. History that isn't well known. The more y'all try to bury it, the more it's gonna bubble up to the surface. Simply because that's where it needs to be.

You react however you like, but the fact of its existence is not changing. It's done.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?

This is how these guys avoid dealing with today's issues.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.

Yes, Sir, very recently: Blacks doubt death in small Southern town is a suicide--they want answers now this article it is claimed that what took place was a suicide; HOW MANY LYNCHINGS WERE CALLED "SUICIDES," OR WERE NOT REPORTED FOR WHATEVER OTHER REASON?

And you might find this youtube video interesting:

So you want to talk about stuff that happened
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.

Recently? 1877-1950 is recent?

And Democrats did most of the lynching too.

These days they don't lynch people. They attack their religious beliefs and try to accuse them of being homophobic, racist, or uncaring. And if anyone dares to criticize the white house they make up shit about them. Accuse them of animal cruelty or not paying taxes. Claim that not believing in same-sex marriages is the same as cutting people's heads off.

Democrats have been a stain on this country's past and continue thru to present times. They've just changed tactics, but they're the same hatefu assholes they've always been.
The murder of up to 3 million blacks in Africa began in the early 70's and continued until today, just a bit more relevant.
What does that have to do with this thread?

Point well taken. But then what does your post before it have to do with it?

The desperate flailing continues -- change the subject to politics --- to Africa -- to religion --- anything but what the topic is. Never seen anything like it.

The lynchers as documented may have been Democrats in their political life; they may have been Christians in their religious life -- within the South they presumably were usually both -- and you seem to make your point on the premise that it was limited to the South, which leaves the events documented here from Nebraska and Indiana and Minnesota and Illinois completely unaccounted for.

But lynchings are not either a political or religious exercise. They're a socio-cultural exercise. You freaks so desperately trying to deflect the point over here or over there are just not gonna get away that rhetorical horseshit.
So you want to start threads about things that happened 50, 60, 100, 200 years ago instead of focusing on something that's going on now???

Who cares about shit that happened before most of us were born?
I do. I could care less what you care about. If you have a problem with the thread dont comment on it.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
kinda ironic since our Pres is ignoring mass murders.
Most mass murderers are white.
so that makes it ok
No its not ok most mass murderers are white.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
kinda ironic since our Pres is ignoring mass murders.
Most mass murderers are white.
so that makes it ok
No its not ok most mass murderers are white.
Except in Africa where MILLIONS were murdered by other blacks talk about mass murder....
Because it no longer takes place, except in other countries..and it's almost 100 percent black (or ethnically non-white) on black.

Why don't you focus on something that matters?

Pogo turns to a race baiting group that openly pimps reparations. Vigilantism was common in the 19th century for a host of reasons. Far more whites than blacks were killed under vigilante "justice." Race driven lynchings were a tragedy, but are also a feature of a distant past. Pogo seeks to create racial hatred to promote his filthy party, and does so by pimping acts from over a hundred years ago as if they were current.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?

The POINT is to fan the flames of hatred and division in hopes of retaining the White House in 2016.
You really wanna plant your flag on that?

I'll just repeat from the OP, and I'm sure we've all heard it before...
"those who ignore their own history are condemned to repeat it".

Knowing where you've been also elucidates where you are right now.
Now why would we want to know where we are right now? I can't imagine, can you?

It's not a matter of ignoring it. I just think everyone is tired of constantly having their faces washed with it.

Talk about something relevant to today rather than reopening old wounds!!!!

Do you actually need help finding the "Current Events" forum? Is that it?
If I had intended to mischaracterize this as 'current event', I would have put it there, and then your whining would have been valid.

But I didn't. It's in "Racism".

Perhaps you should complain to the Mod Squad that this forum exists and get it removed so we can all pretend there's no such history. Sound like a plan?

This is the history. Again, this IS the history. It DID happen. And as the study shows it's still being uncovered. Personally I'm on the side of uncovering it. You?

Of course this is only the history that matters to you. Who cares that whites hid runaway slaves and got lynched for their troubles, or that Republicans saw what the Democrats were doing in the South and put a stop to it. All of that doesn't matter a damn. Let's all just flog ourselves for the cruelty of yesterday and forget about the violence going on today.

Nobody brought up "flogging ourselves" or any other emotional meltdown. RGS keeps bringing up "shame" but that's his thing too. Me, I'm just recounting history. History that isn't well known. The more y'all try to bury it, the more it's gonna bubble up to the surface. Simply because that's where it needs to be.

You react however you like, but the fact of its existence is not changing. It's done.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?
Read the OP so you can figure out the point. If you dont like it stop reading the thread.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
kinda ironic since our Pres is ignoring mass murders.
Most mass murderers are white.
so that makes it ok
No its not ok most mass murderers are white.
Except in Africa where MILLIONS were murdered by other blacks talk about mass murder....
Were are in the US. Concentrate on your white mass murderers. Better yet get back on topic about whites lynching Blacks and cutting off souvenirs to satisfy their blood lust.
(Feb. 10)
>> The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) today released Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror, which documents EJI’s multi-year investigation into lynching in twelve Southern states during the period between Reconstruction and World War II. EJI researchers documented 3959 racial terror lynchings of African Americans in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia between 1877 and 1950 – at least 700 more lynchings of black people in these states than previously reported in the most comprehensive work done on lynching to date.

... many African Americans who were never accused of any crime were tortured and murdered in front of picnicking spectators (including elected officials and prominent citizens) for bumping into a white person, or wearing their military uniforms after World War I, or not using the appropriate title when addressing a white person. People who participated in lynchings were celebrated and acted with impunity. Not a single white person was convicted of murder for lynching a black person in America during this period. <<

Full report/supplement/resources etc at the EJI Page here
Hard to believe this went on so recently. But those who ignore their past are condemned to repeat it.
kinda ironic since our Pres is ignoring mass murders.
Most mass murderers are white.
so that makes it ok
No its not ok most mass murderers are white.

Nazi demonized races they hated by constantly whipping people up with things like "The Jews killed Christ!" and "Blacks are born criminal!"

It's just the same thing. Anti whites trying to whip up anger and fear of whites by taking events that are no longer occurring, and pretending that if we allow whites too many privileges, it's just a matter of time...while totally ignoring the events that are taking place world wide, as they speak, that are representative of just how racist and foolish such an attitude really is....
kinda ironic since our Pres is ignoring mass murders.
Most mass murderers are white.
so that makes it ok
No its not ok most mass murderers are white.
Except in Africa where MILLIONS were murdered by other blacks talk about mass murder....
Were are in the US. Concentrate on your white mass murderers. Better yet get back on topic about whites lynching Blacks and cutting off souvenirs to satisfy their blood lust.
You mean like the Rwandans and Ugandans collected skulls and such? Like that?
It's not a matter of ignoring it. I just think everyone is tired of constantly having their faces washed with it.

Talk about something relevant to today rather than reopening old wounds!!!!

Do you actually need help finding the "Current Events" forum? Is that it?
If I had intended to mischaracterize this as 'current event', I would have put it there, and then your whining would have been valid.

But I didn't. It's in "Racism".

Perhaps you should complain to the Mod Squad that this forum exists and get it removed so we can all pretend there's no such history. Sound like a plan?

This is the history. Again, this IS the history. It DID happen. And as the study shows it's still being uncovered. Personally I'm on the side of uncovering it. You?

Of course this is only the history that matters to you. Who cares that whites hid runaway slaves and got lynched for their troubles, or that Republicans saw what the Democrats were doing in the South and put a stop to it. All of that doesn't matter a damn. Let's all just flog ourselves for the cruelty of yesterday and forget about the violence going on today.

Nobody brought up "flogging ourselves" or any other emotional meltdown. RGS keeps bringing up "shame" but that's his thing too. Me, I'm just recounting history. History that isn't well known. The more y'all try to bury it, the more it's gonna bubble up to the surface. Simply because that's where it needs to be.

You react however you like, but the fact of its existence is not changing. It's done.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?
Read the OP so you can figure out the point. If you dont like it stop reading the thread.
Why don't you put your thumb up your butt?

The point of this thread isn't to address an issue but to foment hatred. People are fucking tired of this repetitive bullshit. It's an effort to cause hatred and to breed self-righteous indignation when it's not warranted.

It getting so bad that they want to make James fucking Bond black. Why not try making Superman black? How bout 4 black Ghostbusters? Let's make a movie about the US Hockey Team with black players? Did you know that the South had slaves BTW?
Do you actually need help finding the "Current Events" forum? Is that it?
If I had intended to mischaracterize this as 'current event', I would have put it there, and then your whining would have been valid.

But I didn't. It's in "Racism".

Perhaps you should complain to the Mod Squad that this forum exists and get it removed so we can all pretend there's no such history. Sound like a plan?

This is the history. Again, this IS the history. It DID happen. And as the study shows it's still being uncovered. Personally I'm on the side of uncovering it. You?

Of course this is only the history that matters to you. Who cares that whites hid runaway slaves and got lynched for their troubles, or that Republicans saw what the Democrats were doing in the South and put a stop to it. All of that doesn't matter a damn. Let's all just flog ourselves for the cruelty of yesterday and forget about the violence going on today.

Nobody brought up "flogging ourselves" or any other emotional meltdown. RGS keeps bringing up "shame" but that's his thing too. Me, I'm just recounting history. History that isn't well known. The more y'all try to bury it, the more it's gonna bubble up to the surface. Simply because that's where it needs to be.

You react however you like, but the fact of its existence is not changing. It's done.
We were taught this stuff in fucken grade school and high school. There is no threat of it happening again, so what's the God damned point?
Read the OP so you can figure out the point. If you dont like it stop reading the thread.
Why don't you put your thumb up your butt?

The point of this thread isn't to address an issue but to foment hatred. People are fucking tired of this repetitive bullshit. It's an effort to cause hatred and to breed self-righteous indignation when it's not warranted.

It getting so bad that they want to make James fucking Bond black. Why not try making Superman black? How bout 4 black Ghostbusters? Let's make a movie about the US Hockey Team with black players? Did you know that the South had slaves BTW?
Why dont you suck your thumb after putting it up your butt?

How do you know what the point of the thread is if you didnt write it? If you are so tired stop reading it. While you are at it tell the Jews to stop talking about the holocaust. Its not an effort to cause hate. Its a listing of the facts. If these facts make you uncomfortable thats just your problem. Whats bad about James Bond being Black? It would be more in line with reality. I have never met a white guy like Bond but plenty of Black ones. Did you know that hockey as we now know it was started by Blacks? This is one of the reasons threads like this are good. It makes you clowns face the fact that your delusions are not reality.

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