lynching Kavanaugh


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
it's crazy when you think about it.

The Democrats, who aren't happy with the way a democratic election turned out, are willing to tell Kavanaugh's kids and everyone else in the world, that Kavanaugh is a rapist, just so they can delay the nomination of a Supreme Court judge until after the election, which they probably won't gain power in, anyways.

...and one of the main things they are worried about losing is mass baby executions.
Kavanaugh brought his kids into it. If he doesn't want them mentioned, he should quit mentioning them.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
it's crazy when you think about it.

The Democrats, who aren't happy with the way a democratic election turned out, are willing to tell Kavanaugh's kids and everyone else in the world, that Kavanaugh is a rapist, just so they can delay the nomination of a Supreme Court judge until after the election, which they probably won't gain power in, anyways.

...and one of the main things they are worried about losing is mass baby executions.

This is blowing up in their faces and all over them in spectacular measure. And it's delightful. From where I'm sitting, they lose either way.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed, they lose.

If Kavanaugh is NOT confirmed, they lose, because they will have unleashed such a Republican Red Wave in November they won't know what hit them. That is already happening.

But right now I hope Cocaine Mitch is threading to reduce Collins', Murkowski's, and Flakes' name to "Mud" if they don't vote yes, to strip them of every committee membership and eliminate them from every single GOP red cent too. Time for hardball.
whining RW babies :CryingCow:

politics is too heavy for their weak little back - they can dish it out but cant take it
whining RW babies :CryingCow:

politics is too heavy for their weak little back - they can dish it out but cant take it

What are you talking about? Right now we have the House, Senate and Presidency. And soon the Supreme Court.

You have screeching ninnies on elevators. Yay you.
Kavanaugh brought his kids into it. If he doesn't want them mentioned, he should quit mentioning them.
That whole family has been brought into the nightmare.

Ford testified that she only wanted the truth to come out, but refused to give them the polygraph. Suddenly the polygraph is now offered up for more FBI time. The FBI will only give it back to who was asking for it to begin with. Big stall tactics for only wishing for the truth.

It has been a scam from the beginning. Dragging that entire family through the Democrat's mud fest. I am so sickened, as are most patriotic Americans.

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whining RW babies :CryingCow:

politics is too heavy for their weak little back - they can dish it out but cant take it

What are you talking about? Right now we have the House, Senate and Presidency. And soon the Supreme Court.

You have screeching ninnies on elevators. Yay you.

senate republicans blocked 103 judicial appointments when Obama was prez - you had no F'n problem with that ... did you hear the dems crying like schoolgirls?

the RW has done nothing but whine. You want to run the country but arent strong enough to play in the arena.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
Isn't the World Wide Interweb fantastic?

Honest question: why do you care? Are you an American living in NZ? How could the Supreme Court HERE possibly have any effect on you?

Oh let me guess America affects everyone....blah blah short, everyone is obsessed with us. Yes I know.
whining RW babies :CryingCow:

politics is too heavy for their weak little back - they can dish it out but cant take it

What are you talking about? Right now we have the House, Senate and Presidency. And soon the Supreme Court.

You have screeching ninnies on elevators. Yay you.

senate republicans blocked 103 judicial appointments when Obama was prez - you had no F'n problem with that ... did you hear the dems crying like schoolgirls?

the RW has done nothing but whine. You want to run the country but arent strong enough to play in the arena.

I do not remember one single time the Republicans accused one of those folks of being a serial rapist. Do you? Is this your new game, Democrat? Because Americans don't like it, and are about to make you pay.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
Isn't the World Wide Interweb fantastic?

Honest question: why do you care? Are you an American living in NZ? How could the Supreme Court HERE possibly have any effect on you?

Oh let me guess America affects everyone....blah blah short, everyone is obsessed with us. Yes I know.
Oh no...none of that...US politics is the greatest soap opera on earth and I also want to be able to tell my grandkids that I saw the fall of an empire.
I was too young to see the British Empire crash but I'm not missing this one.
Please carry's riveting.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
Isn't the World Wide Interweb fantastic?

Honest question: why do you care? Are you an American living in NZ? How could the Supreme Court HERE possibly have any effect on you?

Oh let me guess America affects everyone....blah blah short, everyone is obsessed with us. Yes I know.
Oh no...none of that...US politics is the greatest soap opera on earth and I also want to be able to tell my grandkids that I saw the fall of an empire.
I was too young to see the British Empire crash but I'm not missing this one.
Please carry's riveting.

Yes, delightful.

Say, what's your GDP on national defense again? I mean since you won't have us at your back. Maybe China can help you out? Russia?

Won't that be great?
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
Isn't the World Wide Interweb fantastic?

Honest question: why do you care? Are you an American living in NZ? How could the Supreme Court HERE possibly have any effect on you?

Oh let me guess America affects everyone....blah blah short, everyone is obsessed with us. Yes I know.
Oh no...none of that...US politics is the greatest soap opera on earth and I also want to be able to tell my grandkids that I saw the fall of an empire.
I was too young to see the British Empire crash but I'm not missing this one.
Please carry's riveting.

Oh hey I looked up that military spending....a whopping 1.2% if I'm being SUPER generous! I'm sure that will get the job done in a post-America world. So you enjoy that downfall, surely Europe will be up to your defense after Islam takes them over....
whining RW babies :CryingCow:

politics is too heavy for their weak little back - they can dish it out but cant take it

What are you talking about? Right now we have the House, Senate and Presidency. And soon the Supreme Court.

You have screeching ninnies on elevators. Yay you.

senate republicans blocked 103 judicial appointments when Obama was prez - you had no F'n problem with that ... did you hear the dems crying like schoolgirls?

the RW has done nothing but whine. You want to run the country but arent strong enough to play in the arena.

I do not remember one single time the Republicans accused one of those folks of being a serial rapist. Do you? Is this your new game, Democrat? Because Americans don't like it, and are about to make you pay.

I'm an independent-

Republicans were too busy yammering WE WON and posting gorilla pictures of Michelle Obama to mention rape - better yet, the dems didnt give the Repukes reason to be called a rapist.
Kavanaugh shouldn't have told lies or pushed right-wing conspiracy theories.
Then the Democrats would have nothing to push against.
Simple really.

Thank you for weighing in from New Zealand. I guess.
Isn't the World Wide Interweb fantastic?

Honest question: why do you care? Are you an American living in NZ? How could the Supreme Court HERE possibly have any effect on you?

Oh let me guess America affects everyone....blah blah short, everyone is obsessed with us. Yes I know.
Oh no...none of that...US politics is the greatest soap opera on earth and I also want to be able to tell my grandkids that I saw the fall of an empire.
I was too young to see the British Empire crash but I'm not missing this one.
Please carry's riveting.

Yes, delightful.

Say, what's your GDP on national defense again? I mean since you won't have us at your back. Maybe China can help you out? Russia?

Won't that be great?
I don't know offhand...I guess I could google it just as easily as you could.
Of course the US are only in the South Pacific for altruistic reasons.
Thank You President Trump... great job on exposing the swamp,..

.. the hate mongering fascist lefties, their fake media and their seditious Democrat Party leadership are fully exposed...



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