Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

I don't think Hillary has the drive to hit the campaign trail...
Democrats I'm sure are hoping she decides not to run.
The Dems want Lizzie,the media wants Lizzie.
DETROIT – Elizabeth Warren’s keynote speech to Netroots Nation, a gathering of progressive activists from around the country, began with what has become a familiar dynamic for the Massachusetts senator.

She took the stage to rowdy chants of “Run Liz Run!”


The left wing of the welfare/warfare party needs a plan B in case Hillary RoDham goes down in flames.

You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy - John Lennon - Toro…: [ame=]You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy - John Lennon - Toronto 1969 - YouTube[/ame]
Liz says:"- "We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

Does that mean if a woman has no penis she has to be given one?
dear gawd people

if you haven't had ENOUGH of someone like Obama

then elected this commie/.01blooded Indian 1%er warren

You all see her Progressive commie manifesto?

I'll see if I can find it
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DETROIT – Elizabeth Warren’s keynote speech to Netroots Nation, a gathering of progressive activists from around the country, began with what has become a familiar dynamic for the Massachusetts senator.

She took the stage to rowdy chants of “Run Liz Run!”

Warren’s willingness to pound away at Wall Street with abandon has some progressives hoping she challenges former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016. A new group called Ready For Warren, run by a former Obama campaign staffer, handed out signs and hats ahead of her speech encouraging her to run for president. Afterward, they released a folk music video featuring clips of her speech.

“Conservatives and their powerful friends will continue to be guided by their internal motto: I got mine, the rest of you are on your own,” she said on Friday. “We’re guided by principle and it’s a pretty simple idea: We all do better when we work together and invest in building a future.”

“When conservatives talk about opportunity, they mean opportunity for the rich to get richer and the powerful to get more powerful,” Warren said in her remarks. “They don’t mean opportunities for a young person with $100,000 of student loan debt to try to build a future. They don’t mean opportunities for someone out of work to get back on their feet.”

Summing up her speech, she added: ”The game is rigged and the rich and the powerful have lobbyists and lawyers and plenty of friends in Congress. Everyone else not so much.”

Elizabeth Warren rides wave of support at Netroots Nation | MSNBC
Just what this country doesn't need...a female Obama.
It would be interesting to how her far left ideology would play with the moderates and independents unlike Obama in 2008 and to a lesser degree in 2012 she doesn't even put up the pretense of being moderate or centrist.
Summing up her speech, she added: ”The game is rigged and the rich and the powerful have lobbyists and lawyers and plenty of friends in Congress. Everyone else not so much.”
Elizabeth Warren obtained federal fee waivers despite high 6-figure income and 8-figure net worth
Warren falsely and without any legitimate legal basis claimed to be Cherokee for employment purposes. Warren also chintzed by failing to register for the Massachusetts Bar despite an active practice of law in Cambridge since the mid-1990s, thereby evading Bar registration dues. Howie Carr has a great column today about Warren’s class warfare phoniness.

Add another example to the long list: Warren obtained fee waivers from at least 50 federal bankruptcy courts so she would not have to pay for access to the federal PACER system, even in years when she had a high 6-figure income and an 8-figure net worth.

Warren’s High Income and Net Worth

In 2008, the earliest year for which Warren has released income tax returns, Warren and her husband had a combined income of $831,208, which increased in 2009 to $981,670. Warren’s net worth as of the end of 2011 was as high as $14.5 million.

In 2010-2011, Warren earned approximately $140,000 from Aspen Publishers for her books about bankruptcy. Warren also has published a variety of commercial books over the years, for which no income data is available, such as the 2004 publication of The Two Income Trap (see Megan McArdle and Todd Zawycki reviews), which incorporated her bankruptcy research and many of her non-commercial articles.

Warren also worked as a private consultant for which she earned $90,000 on bank antitrust litigation, although it’s not known if she incorporated her banktruptcy docket work because she will not release her report.​

Finding the massive, huge, glaring hypocrisy will be left as an exercise for the studynt.
DETROIT – Elizabeth Warren’s keynote speech to Netroots Nation, a gathering of progressive activists from around the country, began with what has become a familiar dynamic for the Massachusetts senator.

She took the stage to rowdy chants of “Run Liz Run!”

Warren’s willingness to pound away at Wall Street with abandon has some progressives hoping she challenges former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016. A new group called Ready For Warren, run by a former Obama campaign staffer, handed out signs and hats ahead of her speech encouraging her to run for president. Afterward, they released a folk music video featuring clips of her speech.

“Conservatives and their powerful friends will continue to be guided by their internal motto: I got mine, the rest of you are on your own,” she said on Friday. “We’re guided by principle and it’s a pretty simple idea: We all do better when we work together and invest in building a future.”

“When conservatives talk about opportunity, they mean opportunity for the rich to get richer and the powerful to get more powerful,” Warren said in her remarks. “They don’t mean opportunities for a young person with $100,000 of student loan debt to try to build a future. They don’t mean opportunities for someone out of work to get back on their feet.”

Summing up her speech, she added: ”The game is rigged and the rich and the powerful have lobbyists and lawyers and plenty of friends in Congress. Everyone else not so much.”

Elizabeth Warren rides wave of support at Netroots Nation | MSNBC

Nothing new here, Valerie Jaret has been courting her for your dear leader for months, promising her his endorsement, assistance with his OFA organization, OH!, lets not forget the fund raising, can't forget that.

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