Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

JoeB secretly has the hotz for Mama Wyrnyn... He daydreamz about scalping her mound.


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Hey, Vagasil, nobody cares about the big deal you are making over her ethnic heritage.

Point is, most Americans know they are being screwed by the 1% and like someone who wants to do something about it.

OK, dicckhead. Explain to me IN DETAIL how this 1% is screwing you. All I ever hear from folks like you is how you "could have been a contender" were it not for these damned "rich people".

How did they screw you?

I'm sick to death of you damned losers. Now explain to me how they - in their station in life - kept YOU from somehow achieving your "dream".

Or, is it as I figure - you're just another entitled loser?

Joe has posted his tale of woe before. It goes something like he was injured on the job but the damn insurance company wouldnt pay up and told his employer to fire him.
Thats as believable as his statement that he works three jobs.

Funny - I worked in management at one of the largest wholesale food distribution companies in the US and I have dealt with Insurance companies hundreds of times and I have YET to hear of an insurance company, whether workmen's compensation related or not, tell a company to "fire" an employee. Having said that - I HAVE fired employees who were deemed "perpetual sickies" and were constantly "gaming" the system.

Wonder which category this "contender" might be in? :D Poor, poor "victim"......
Well, I'd have to wonder what kind of homelife this kid had to go to a rave at 14. Oh, that's right. She was a member of a suffocating cult.

Ever wonder why she never came out and gave a shout-out to MItt? My guess is she was lucky enough to get out of the Cult.

How many children do you have?

None of your business.

And again, this is kind of besides the point I was making.

So a bunch of rich Mormons decide that THEIR missing kid was more important than the thousands of other missing kids. I'm sure they all have parents that would like to know where they are at. But those are poor and working class kids. So we aren't going to put that in the top shelf.

Little Mormon chick, she gets on the top shelf. And even though the NYPD had plenty of folks working on it, nope, we got to close up shop and send hundreds of employees down to NYC to look for this kid.

Now, wouldn't it be awesome if everyone got the top priority looking for their kids?

Or getting the same level of health care?

Or getting the same level of education?

Ah, naw, fuck it, "equality" is one of those things "Commies' talk about.
Funny - I worked in management at one of the largest wholesale food distribution companies in the US and I have dealt with Insurance companies hundreds of times and I have YET to hear of an insurance company, whether workmen's compensation related or not, tell a company to "fire" an employee. Having said that - I HAVE fired employees who were deemed "perpetual sickies" and were constantly "gaming" the system.

Wonder which category this "contender" might be in? :D Poor, poor "victim"......

Somehow, I get the feeling that if you were a supervisor, your car got keyed a lot.

In six years I took less than 10 sick days. Seven of those were after the surgery that cost so much and put me on radar I probably didn't want to be on. They owed me more vacation days than I took sick days.

(As an aside, I also didn't take all the sick days I had earned. After 2007, they stopped letting us know how many sick days we were entitled to, but I was still in the black.)

Now, I'll admit. This company was run by a very special class of mutants. The company I work for now is a lot better, and the company i worked for previously was a lot better. (Yes, they downsized, but they did it fairly.)

And they weren't even particularly competent. Within a year of my leaving, the company employed only a third of the people they had at its height. the employees didn't start getting raises again until 2011.
JoeB secretly has the hotz for Mama Wyrnyn... He daydreamz about scalping her mound.

So let's be perfectly honest, you aren't really a chick, are you? Not with this level of misogyny.

Here's the thing I like about Warren. She gets it. She realizes that when you have a huge divide between the Rich and everyone else, really bad shit happens.

France- 1787
Russia- 1917
Cuba - 1959
Iran - 1979

Do you know what all those countries have in common? anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

When wealth gets to a certain unbalance and government becomes invested in maintaining that imbalance, the government doesn't last.

As Louis XVI, Nicholas II, Batista and the Shah could attest.

Liz Warren is going to save the rich from themselves.
Funny - I worked in management at one of the largest wholesale food distribution companies in the US and I have dealt with Insurance companies hundreds of times and I have YET to hear of an insurance company, whether workmen's compensation related or not, tell a company to "fire" an employee. Having said that - I HAVE fired employees who were deemed "perpetual sickies" and were constantly "gaming" the system.

Wonder which category this "contender" might be in? :D Poor, poor "victim"......

Somehow, I get the feeling that if you were a supervisor, your car got keyed a lot.

In six years I took less than 10 sick days. Seven of those were after the surgery that cost so much and put me on radar I probably didn't want to be on. They owed me more vacation days than I took sick days.

(As an aside, I also didn't take all the sick days I had earned. After 2007, they stopped letting us know how many sick days we were entitled to, but I was still in the black.)

Now, I'll admit. This company was run by a very special class of mutants. The company I work for now is a lot better, and the company i worked for previously was a lot better. (Yes, they downsized, but they did it fairly.)

And they weren't even particularly competent. Within a year of my leaving, the company employed only a third of the people they had at its height. the employees didn't start getting raises again until 2011.

Yet, you continued to work there. My car was never keyed once. Fairness son, fairness. You steal from the company, you're gonna get fired. Additionally, we worked with the Teamsters. Never had one grievance filed against me. NEVER ONCE.

If I fired you, it was with cause. Your problem? You believe that you are ENTITLED to something. The only thing you are "entitled" to is to be shown the door by security.

I retired from that job after first retiring from the Army THEN retiring from that company. I dealt with men and women who spent 20-30-40 and even 50 years at that company. In all my years I fired thieves. Thieves, who like you, believed the company owed them "more" than they were being paid.

Quit your damned bellyaching. You don't like this imaginary "1%"? Tough shit. Who the hell ever taught you that life was "fair"?? :cuckoo:
With Elizabeth Warren reaching cult status, and momentum growing to convince her to run for President, it’s worth keeping in mind that Elizabeth Warren’s career is nothing like portrayed.
No, I’m not just referring to the Cherokee deal. From her legal representation for large pay of the biggest corporate interests to questions raised by other professors about her academics, there is a story behind Elizabeth Warren which is at risk of going down the memory hole.
That’s the main reason we created — to preserve the record and the research.
It’s also why Twitter user @Coondawg68 has created a Storify, Liz Warren #RunLizRun on the occasion of Warrens star appearance at Netroots Nation (the left-wing blogger gathering). It is an accumulation of much of Warren’s story via tweets, some of which are pugnacious, but most informative as to the historical record:

The definitive Elizabeth Warren Storify
A big negative of Granny Warren running for president is, she is a disgrace to the state of MA. Fortunately, she is not MA born. There is only one thing that would guarantee president elect granny Warren, and that is if Jeb Bush is her Marxist adversary. I will never vote for a Bush family member, I hate the Bush family.

Now, I would love nothing more than to see granny Warren be the Democrat nominee. She's a typical Democrat, an extremely old 1960's radical left-wing extremist. Outside of Jeb Bush, she will get destroyed. She is so scandal ridden she is any real Republicans dream come true. From her lying about being Native American, to her lying about being being poor. I.....I.....I...mean seriously, she had the audacity to cry about struggling about a hard life while her family had 3 cars when most families only had 1 car. And guess what kinda car she drove when she went to the best high school in Oklahoma, a MG. WTF would this okie know about being poor, she grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Then of course, we have granny Warren who has railed against foreclosures, yet she and her family have made huge profits from flipping houses and properties that were foreclosed. She rapidly bought and sold homes herself, loaned money at high interest rates to relatives and other people then purchased foreclosed properties at bargain prices.

Ohhhhh please run granny run. Seriously!

I'll bet you said something like this when Obama ran.

Hillary Clinton beat me to it.

And you're still whining about the outcome.

Disgusted is the correct terminology. Anyone who isn't, is part of the extremist fringe.

Hey, here's a crazy idea, how about instead of trying to run down these folks on a personal level, you give us a good reason to vote for your guy.

Any post, thought or idea coming from you is indeed crazy, not to mention guaranteed to be a lie. I am not running down Elizabeth Warren. She ran herself down. She is the one who did these things. I'm just exposing the truth.

BTW, any suggestions coming from you about not running down a person is laughable at best. This coming from a racist like you who refers to Herman Cain as an "Uncle Tom."

The ironic thing is, Jeb Bush would be the only viable candidate your side has, if his name wasn't Bush. Everyone else you have is a joke.

So, when you mention your side in your reply to me, you must be assuming my side is Republican because Bush is a supposed Republican. I'm not a Republican Joe, but thanks for thinking my side is, because this is all the proof we need to prove you are not a Republican. All this time you've been lying about being a Republican, and this part of your reply you just completely gave away that you are not a Republican, and proved what a liar you are.

Yet, you continued to work there. My car was never keyed once. Fairness son, fairness. You steal from the company, you're gonna get fired. Additionally, we worked with the Teamsters. Never had one grievance filed against me. NEVER ONCE.

So essentially, your bad management is tempered by the fact that a union keeps you from being too much of an asshat. That doesn't impress me. Unions have their own health care plans and mostly, they are far better than anything private companies offer. (If they weren't the unions would be looking for new leaders because the old ones would be buried under a sports stadium.)

If I fired you, it was with cause. Your problem? You believe that you are ENTITLED to something. The only thing you are "entitled" to is to be shown the door by security.

Um, well, you'd be wrong, Uncle Tom. In fact, they admitted fault in the regards that they gave me ten weeks of severance pay and didn't challenge my application for unemployment insurance. (Not that I needed it, I was picked up by my current job within two weeks.) They also paid most of the claims after my copays and deductables.

The office manager also wrote me a really nice letter of recommendation. She's visited my summer place in Wisconsin and I've visited hers and we are really still good friends.

As an aside, at least eight employees of this company were let go due to medical issues. Two girls who got pregnant, a couple of truck drivers injured on the job, and a warehouse guy who had a tendon snap in his arm.

I retired from that job after first retiring from the Army THEN retiring from that company. I dealt with men and women who spent 20-30-40 and even 50 years at that company. In all my years I fired thieves. Thieves, who like you, believed the company owed them "more" than they were being paid.

Gee, I don't know. I think that if a doctor says you need a medical treatment and you actually paid for the insurance, that's not theft. I know, i'm funny like that. Frankly, all the years I paid into insurance an never went to the doctor meant Cigna and the company was stealing from me, then?

I mean, what's the point of having insurance, if when you make a claim, they don't make a payout?

I've been driving for 30 years now. I've paid tens of thousands of dollars for car insurance. I've had maybe four incidents where I've made a claim. that's what insurance is, something to be there when you need it.

Quit your damned bellyaching. You don't like this imaginary "1%"? Tough shit. Who the hell ever taught you that life was "fair"?? :cuckoo:

The 1% are clearly definable. It isn't a matter of what is "fair', its a matter of what is good policy.

Look, here's the problem you don't get.

The US spends 17% of it's GDP on health care. We have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, the lowest life expectency, 62% of bankruptcies are linked to Medical Crisis (75% of those having insurance when said crisis began), and 25% of our population before ObamaCare had either no insurance or inadequate insurance.

But God dammit, this is totally acceptable to you because the alternative is socialism. And socialism is bad.

Disgusted is the correct terminology. Anyone who isn't, is part of the extremist fringe.

so the 51-53% of the population who voted for President obama is a "fringe'. I think the word you are looking for is "Majority".

Any post, thought or idea coming from you is indeed crazy, not to mention guaranteed to be a lie. I am not running down Elizabeth Warren. She ran herself down. She is the one who did these things. I'm just exposing the truth.

No, guy, you want to whine about whether her university listed her as a minority or not, people are worried about wealth inequality and crushing college debt and the fact that their companies can apparently limit their health care because of their superstitions. And you scratch your big bulbous head wondering why you lose.

BTW, any suggestions coming from you about not running down a person is laughable at best. This coming from a racist like you who refers to Herman Cain as an "Uncle Tom."

You're right. I left out the fact he was a lady-groping, working folk hating, crazy jackass of an Uncle Tom, and clearly the candidate for the nutty fringe like you.

The ironic thing is, Jeb Bush would be the only viable candidate your side has, if his name wasn't Bush. Everyone else you have is a joke.

So, when you mention your side in your reply to me, you must be assuming my side is Republican because Bush is a supposed Republican. I'm not a Republican Joe, but thanks for thinking my side is, because this is all the proof we need to prove you are not a Republican. All this time you've been lying about being a Republican, and this part of your reply you just completely gave away that you are not a Republican, and proved what a liar you are.

No, guy, you see, I was a Republican when we treated the Libertarians for what they were. A bunch of Ayn Rand, pot smoking non-conformist hippies who didn't live in the real world. And Reagan could completely ignore your lot because you didn't matter.

But Ron Paul says, "Let's legalize Pot" and you get a bunch of college hippies to show up to primaries, and the GOP suddenly thinks it needs to pander to you.

Your side is a crazy fringe, and we pay too much attention to you.
With Elizabeth Warren reaching cult status, and momentum growing to convince her to run for President, it’s worth keeping in mind that Elizabeth Warren’s career is nothing like portrayed.
No, I’m not just referring to the Cherokee deal. From her legal representation for large pay of the biggest corporate interests to questions raised by other professors about her academics, there is a story behind Elizabeth Warren which is at risk of going down the memory hole.
That’s the main reason we created — to preserve the record and the research.
It’s also why Twitter user @Coondawg68 has created a Storify, Liz Warren #RunLizRun on the occasion of Warrens star appearance at Netroots Nation (the left-wing blogger gathering). It is an accumulation of much of Warren’s story via tweets, some of which are pugnacious, but most informative as to the historical record:

The definitive Elizabeth Warren Storify

It's so much fun to watch you wingnuts crap your pants at the thought she might run.
It's a wonder the little tidbits of useful info I have in my USMB folder! From member ZEN....
I don't remember if this was posted here before, but worth a repeat if it was!
At the time of the Cherokee removal from North Carolina, the Principle Chief of the Cherokee, John Ross, was only 1/8th Cherokee. The people of that region had always desired an independent nation (a nearby settlement in Jonesboro was the first place in the colonies to declare its independence from England, as a republic, separate from the other colonies). The folks living in the region thought that they had found the answer to the problem of independence...they would embrace their Cherokee ancestry and live on a separate, autonomous, reservation. It didn't occur to them that the US .gov would just order them to move and seize their land. The reason that so many "Cherokees" are left in the mountains of NC is that when the Military arrived, folks like my 8th great grandfather could simply say, "No Indians on this farm". Even though his mother was a Cherokee, his name was Welsh, and so were all his children similarly named. The folks who had names like, "Running Deer", who had really lived the Cherokee life==not just married a Cherokee and lived as a white--were the ones who got hauled down the trail of tears. Those folks also tended (but not always) to be poorer.

Elizabeth Warren's family was among those pseudoCherokee, who stayed in NC...until after the Civil War...when they left for Oklahoma--which at that time was called" Indian Territory" this time, many whites pored into Indian Territory, once again, displacing the Cherokee. Ms Warren's family prospered on their stolen land in Oklahoma, making something of a family joke out their Cherokee roots. Ms Warren did not flinch when given a shot at stealing a chair on the Harvard faculty that was meant for a Native American. Just like her family stole their land from native Americans, Ms Warren stole her seat at Harvard...
Well, I'd have to wonder what kind of homelife this kid had to go to a rave at 14. Oh, that's right. She was a member of a suffocating cult.

Ever wonder why she never came out and gave a shout-out to MItt? My guess is she was lucky enough to get out of the Cult.

How many children do you have?

None of your business.

And again, this is kind of besides the point I was making.

I don't believe you have children. You talk about your niece but you don't talk about your own.

The reason why I ask that is because for a parent, the worst thing is to lose your child. I would rather die than my child die. But you blithely dismiss a missing teenager as no big deal, and then be a total douchebag bigot and make this about religion.

So a bunch of rich Mormons decide that THEIR missing kid was more important than the thousands of other missing kids.

Of course, you're out searching for all those thousands of missing children in your spare time, right?


Substitute "Jews" in your invective, as the other bigots do, and you have the underpinnings of hateful anti-Semitism.

But I guess when you think it's OK to terrorize children like you do, no one should be surprised.
How many children do you have?

None of your business.

And again, this is kind of besides the point I was making.

I don't believe you have children. You talk about your niece but you don't talk about your own.

The reason why I ask that is because for a parent, the worst thing is to lose your child. I would rather die than my child die. But you blithely dismiss a missing teenager as no big deal, and then be a total douchebag bigot and make this about religion.

Yes, i have a real problem when one religion considers itself more important than the rest of us, which is what these Rich Mormon Assholes did. The fact he used his influence to help a fellow rich Mormon doesn't make him a decent human being or erase the fact that he wrecked the lives of thousands of working folks with children when looting the companies they worked at.

If this was the best thing he ever did, I'm not impressed.

So a bunch of rich Mormons decide that THEIR missing kid was more important than the thousands of other missing kids.

Of course, you're out searching for all those thousands of missing children in your spare time, right?


Substitute "Jews" in your invective, as the other bigots do, and you have the underpinnings of hateful anti-Semitism.

But I guess when you think it's OK to terrorize children like you do, no one should be surprised.

Gee, guy, not sure why you want to keep comparing Mormon cultists to "the Jews".

No, I'm not out searching for other kids. I pay taxes and I leave that to the professionals who know what they are doing.

My point was that THIS little Mormon wasn't kidnapped, she wasn't being held for ransom. She just went out and got stoned with her friends.

But when Mitt and His boys started throwing around their money and their weight, I'm sure the cops dropped whatever they were doing to look for her.

Which goes back to my point, if the rich had to go to the same crappy schools, the same crappy clinics, and get the same crappy level of public service the rest of us get, maybe they'd kind of get it and wouldn't whinge about paying their taxes.

But my guess is they'll be clueless until the mob shows up at their door.
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Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

That PC "Native American" bullshit could hurt her somewhat, but sadly messaging is now more important than message. America is all about image and cult of personality, which explains Obama's presence. I don't see anyone on the GOP who delivers their message with clarity and passion.


I agree. But I also think she's for real, unlike Hillary Clinton.

She is from the same part of the country that I came from, and having a percentage of native American heritage is extremely common. Warren's situation is typical. Her male ancestors didn't run out and get a marriage license when they "married" a native. It was frowned upon. They just hooked up and started families. And even if they had wanted legal documentation, local towns often did not have county courthouses to record these things.

My father's ancestors migrated from VA to OK, Texas and NM in the mid 1800s. I have sufficient Mescalero Apache and Oklahoma Cherokee in my lineage to qualify for federal benefits, but I never have and never will. Even if I wanted to the only proof I could provide are photographs and documents dating back into the late 19th century which one of my aunt's has collected and archived.
She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

That PC "Native American" bullshit could hurt her somewhat, but sadly messaging is now more important than message. America is all about image and cult of personality, which explains Obama's presence. I don't see anyone on the GOP who delivers their message with clarity and passion.


I agree. But I also think she's for real, unlike Hillary Clinton.

She is from the same part of the country that I came from, and having a percentage of native American heritage is extremely common. Warren's situation is typical. Her male ancestors didn't run out and get a marriage license when they "married" a native. It was frowned upon. They just hooked up and started families. And even if they had wanted legal documentation, local towns often did not have county courthouses to record these things.

My father's ancestors migrated from VA to OK, Texas and NM in the mid 1800s. I have sufficient Mescalero Apache and Oklahoma Cherokee in my lineage to qualify for federal benefits, but I never have and never will. Even if I wanted to the only proof I could provide are photographs and documents dating back into the late 19th century which one of my aunt's has collected and archived.

Breaking news: Liz Warren is still not an indian.
Carry on

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