Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Hey, Vagasil, nobody cares about the big deal you are making over her ethnic heritage.

Point is, most Americans know they are being screwed by the 1% and like someone who wants to do something about it.

JoeBlowMe, #1 SHE LIED, I know to a commie, subversives, such as yourself, it doesn't mean shit, after all you got a muslom commie in the white house that lies continually, but to people that want politicians, to at least, appear to be up front about even little shit, this DOES MATTER.....

And the 1%?

I guess if you are so upset about lying, where's your outrage at George W. about lying about you know, weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist.

Oh, wait, that's an okay lie.

Honestly thinking you might have a cherokee ancestor because that's what your family told you, that's like the worst lie ever.


The outrage by the Leftists over the lie Bush supposedly told is about a decade old.

It manifested itself at the polls and got the sub-reptilian intellect of Nancy Pelosi put in charge of the House in a failed socialist experiment...and again with a community organizer twice elected President, in another failed socialist experiment.

That outrage has worn itself thin, very thin, and is now fit only to be brought up by Loons on message boards who can find no legitimate way to defend the failed socialist policies of the most corrupt and incompetent Administration in U. S. History.

It is a tired old Leftist outrage that makes its users look like the losers in any debate about present day events.
There was no lie about WMD by BUsh. But let's say there was. Does that make any lie any Democrat says OK?

Uh, yeah, compared to inconsequential shit, yeah, it does.

5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died due to Bush's lie.

No one died because Liz thinks her great grandmother might be Cherokee.

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that ...]

Yellowcake is not a weapon of mass destruction, and none of the treaties IRaq signed at the end of Gulf War I prohibited them from possessing it.

IN short, 5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died because Bush said Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction and he didn't.

The outrage by the Leftists over the lie Bush supposedly told is about a decade old.

It manifested itself at the polls and got the sub-reptilian intellect of Nancy Pelosi put in charge of the House in a failed socialist experiment...and again with a community organizer twice elected President, in another failed socialist experiment.

That outrage has worn itself thin, very thin, and is now fit only to be brought up by Loons on message boards who can find no legitimate way to defend the failed socialist policies of the most corrupt and incompetent Administration in U. S. History.

It is a tired old Leftist outrage that makes its users look like the losers in any debate about present day events.

Guy, sorry, are the 5000 dead alive again? Are the 32,000 wounded Americans whole and sound.

We betrayed those folks, men and women who answered their country's call, and all we had to do was show enough judgement to send them into war in a just and honest cause.

We apparently couldn't reach even that low standard.

You have to understand how Joe thinks:

Rich guy shutting down entire office to look for missing employee's daughter - bad

Lying & violence, as long as that person see the rich as the enemy who should be hung as he does - OK

I guess I would be more impressed if the "employee" wasn't a partner and a fellow Mormon Cultist. Then I might be impressed that his daughter was in mortal danger of having her cherry popped at a rave.

I would be really, really impressed if he hadn't shut down GS Steel and cut off Joe Soptic's health insurance when his wife was dying of cancer.

No you wouldn't have.

You would find some other reason to hate.

Well, when you belong to a Religion that thinks the rest of the world are "Gentiles" who are going to the "Outer Darkness", I really don't expect them to meet that low standard of decency.

Seems to me that Mrs. Soptic's cancer was a little bigger deal that Ms. Mormon's Cherry getting popped.

Gee I guess the reports from the Czech secret service about Saddam buying yellowcake were accurate after all.

Well, no, because Saddam had that YellowCake before the war and it was cataloged by the UN inspectors. Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.
There was no lie about WMD by BUsh. But let's say there was. Does that make any lie any Democrat says OK?

Uh, yeah, compared to inconsequential shit, yeah, it does.

5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died due to Bush's lie.

No one died because Liz thinks her great grandmother might be Cherokee.
OK so Democrats have a complete pass to lie because we had a war that Democrats supported. Got it.
Joe, calling you an idiot would insult real idiots.

And I'm sure you say that on behalf of the Idiot Community.

While I think there was some real gutlessness on the part of some Democrats, the notion of a President LYING about the need for a war is pretty unprecedented, at least in this country.

So no, the real blame lies on Bush LYING us into the war, not for the Democrats believing him.
Uh, yeah, compared to inconsequential shit, yeah, it does.

5000 Americans and 100,000 Iraqis died due to Bush's lie.

No one died because Liz thinks her great grandmother might be Cherokee.
OK so Democrats have a complete pass to lie because we had a war that Democrats supported. Got it.
Joe, calling you an idiot would insult real idiots.

And I'm sure you say that on behalf of the Idiot Community.

While I think there was some real gutlessness on the part of some Democrats, the notion of a President LYING about the need for a war is pretty unprecedented, at least in this country.

So no, the real blame lies on Bush LYING us into the war, not for the Democrats believing him.

So even though the Congressmen who voted for the war had access to the same intelligence Bush did, they were duped by him. Is that it?
You make shit up as you go to rationalize your hatred, envy, greed, and laziness.

So even though the Congressmen who voted for the war had access to the same intelligence Bush did, they were duped by him. Is that it?
You make shit up as you go to rationalize your hatred, envy, greed, and laziness.

They didn't have access to the same intelligence. That was the point of the whole Plame thing. They had intelligence that Cheney drove over to the CIA to cherry-pick.

End of the day, Congress didn't decide to start a war. Bush did.

Because by that logic, we should hold gun sellers responsible for mass shootings if their guns are used, eh?
Back to Liz Wyrnn who will make the next Presidency all about the coming, "Planet of the Women."


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Back to Liz Wyrnn who will make the next Presidency all about the coming, "Planet of the Women."

Agreed! Let's see what kynd of remarkable activities Senator Lyz Wyrryn has been up to lately:

Sen. Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Hobby Lobby, Urges Passage of "Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act" | Elizabeth Warren | U.S. Senator for Massachusetts

In a speech delivered on the floor of the United States Senate Tuesday evening, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke about the destructive consequences of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision, and urged the Senate to pass the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act to restore basic health care services for women across the country.

"I cannot believe that we are even having a debate about whether employers can deny women access to birth control," Senator Warren said. "Guys, this is 2014, not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason, Republicans keep dragging us back here - over and over and over again." Senator Warren noted that the Hobby Lobby decision is the latest battle in an all-out Republican assault on women's access to basic health care.

Calling the Hobby Lobby decision "stunning, but not entirely surprising," Senator Warren cited data showing that the Hobby Lobby case is just the most recent example of a major pro-corporate tilt on the Supreme Court. Three well-respected legal scholars examined 20,000 Supreme Court cases from the last sixty-five years and concluded that the five conservative justices on the court today are all in the top ten most pro-corporate justices in that time - with Justices Alito and Roberts at numbers one and two. "So it's no surprise that those five Justices banded together in the Hobby Lobby case to decide that corporations have more rights than the women who work for them."

See that, conservatards? It's all in the title. The Protect Womyn's Health from Corporate Interference Act will do two things: One, declare a nationwide policy of abortion on demand; two, establish abortions as a legitimate, completely legal medical remedy to the parasitical infection known as a pregnancy.

It's probably won't quite make it through the conservatard-dominated House of Rednecksentatives, but it will likely pass the Senate and also have President Obama's support. Once Democrats take back the House in the fall, we'll be good to go and strong, independent womyn can finally lybyryte oursylves from the horrors of pregnancy and chyldbyrth altogether.

We need a progressive, forward-thinking womyn like Lyz Wyrryn as our next president.
Back to Liz Wyrnn who will make the next Presidency all about the coming, "Planet of the Women."

Agreed! Let's see what kynd of remarkable activities Senator Lyz Wyrryn has been up to lately:

Sen. Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Hobby Lobby, Urges Passage of "Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act" | Elizabeth Warren | U.S. Senator for Massachusetts

In a speech delivered on the floor of the United States Senate Tuesday evening, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke about the destructive consequences of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision, and urged the Senate to pass the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act to restore basic health care services for women across the country.

"I cannot believe that we are even having a debate about whether employers can deny women access to birth control," Senator Warren said. "Guys, this is 2014, not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason, Republicans keep dragging us back here - over and over and over again." Senator Warren noted that the Hobby Lobby decision is the latest battle in an all-out Republican assault on women's access to basic health care.

Calling the Hobby Lobby decision "stunning, but not entirely surprising," Senator Warren cited data showing that the Hobby Lobby case is just the most recent example of a major pro-corporate tilt on the Supreme Court. Three well-respected legal scholars examined 20,000 Supreme Court cases from the last sixty-five years and concluded that the five conservative justices on the court today are all in the top ten most pro-corporate justices in that time - with Justices Alito and Roberts at numbers one and two. "So it's no surprise that those five Justices banded together in the Hobby Lobby case to decide that corporations have more rights than the women who work for them."

See that, conservatards? It's all in the title. The Protect Womyn's Health from Corporate Interference Act will do two things: One, declare a nationwide policy of abortion on demand; two, establish abortions as a legitimate, completely legal medical remedy to the parasitical infection known as a pregnancy.

It's probably won't quite make it through the conservatard-dominated House of Rednecksentatives, but it will likely pass the Senate and also have President Obama's support. Once Democrats take back the House in the fall, we'll be good to go and strong, independent womyn can finally lybyryte oursylves from the horrors of pregnancy and chyldbyrth altogether.

We need a progressive, forward-thinking womyn like Lyz Wyrryn as our next president.

It's rumored that a Wryrnn Administration would outlaw the Redneck altogether replacing the creepy backwooded singletoothed bastryd with enlightened fymlyes such as yourself.
Seems to me that Mrs. Soptic's cancer was a little bigger deal that Ms. Mormon's Cherry getting popped.

Of course, they thought she might have been dead.

But since they are Mormons, that doesn't matter to you. They're lesser humans. Mormons, Jews, blacks, they're all the same.

Why would they have any reason to believe that?

Yes, if you think Joseph Smith really was talking to God, you are a lesser human.
No, but my great-grandmother was Cherokee.

Here's the gag. THe set-asides for Native Americans are actually pretty low. If you have ANY Native American blood, you can apply for them.

and the people who insisted on that were White folks in the 1970s so they could scam the new affirmative action laws.

So the Catholic School my mom worked at was happy to point out she was 1/4 Cherokee when reporting their minority employment.

And when my niece went to college, her whole 1/16th Cherokee got her consideration for a scholarship. that makes it OK for Liz Warren to lie about being Cherokee?

who said she lied? The Male Model Carpetbagger?

Everyone who looks at the facts and has two or more functioning neurons.

I understand this excludes you, boy.
Why would they have any reason to believe that?

Have a child, then comment.

Well, I'd have to wonder what kind of homelife this kid had to go to a rave at 14. Oh, that's right. She was a member of a suffocating cult.

Ever wonder why she never came out and gave a shout-out to MItt? My guess is she was lucky enough to get out of the Cult.

Yes, if you think Joseph Smith really was talking to God, you are a lesser human.

As you are if you blacklist whole groups of people.

No, every mormon has made the decision that despite nearly everything Joseph Smith having said being a lie, to stay in the whacky cult.

I really can't trust them after that.
Back to Liz Wyrnn who will make the next Presidency all about the coming, "Planet of the Women."

Agreed! Let's see what kynd of remarkable activities Senator Lyz Wyrryn has been up to lately:

Sen. Warren Delivers Floor Speech on Hobby Lobby, Urges Passage of "Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act" | Elizabeth Warren | U.S. Senator for Massachusetts

In a speech delivered on the floor of the United States Senate Tuesday evening, Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke about the destructive consequences of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision, and urged the Senate to pass the Protect Women's Health from Corporate Interference Act to restore basic health care services for women across the country.

"I cannot believe that we are even having a debate about whether employers can deny women access to birth control," Senator Warren said. "Guys, this is 2014, not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason, Republicans keep dragging us back here - over and over and over again." Senator Warren noted that the Hobby Lobby decision is the latest battle in an all-out Republican assault on women's access to basic health care.

Calling the Hobby Lobby decision "stunning, but not entirely surprising," Senator Warren cited data showing that the Hobby Lobby case is just the most recent example of a major pro-corporate tilt on the Supreme Court. Three well-respected legal scholars examined 20,000 Supreme Court cases from the last sixty-five years and concluded that the five conservative justices on the court today are all in the top ten most pro-corporate justices in that time - with Justices Alito and Roberts at numbers one and two. "So it's no surprise that those five Justices banded together in the Hobby Lobby case to decide that corporations have more rights than the women who work for them."

See that, conservatards? It's all in the title. The Protect Womyn's Health from Corporate Interference Act will do two things: One, declare a nationwide policy of abortion on demand; two, establish abortions as a legitimate, completely legal medical remedy to the parasitical infection known as a pregnancy.

It's probably won't quite make it through the conservatard-dominated House of Rednecksentatives, but it will likely pass the Senate and also have President Obama's support. Once Democrats take back the House in the fall, we'll be good to go and strong, independent womyn can finally lybyryte oursylves from the horrors of pregnancy and chyldbyrth altogether.

We need a progressive, forward-thinking womyn like Lyz Wyrryn as our next president.

You understand that Obama could issue an executive order and take care of the matter today, right? I mean, why hasn't Obama done that? Is it the Democratic War on Women? No legislation is needed to "correct" the Hobby Lobby situation.

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