Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Omigawd! This will really get out the youth vote... (heh)

SRSLY, this is so mind-numbingly horrid that words are inadequate.

Omigawd! This will really get out the youth vote... (heh)

SRSLY, this is so mind-numbingly horrid that words are inadequate.


Go to Youtube and neg it. Already looks like overwhelming negs.

So the "point"here is:
1) We need a female president
2) The system is out to screw you
3) Rich people need to be taxed more
4) Liz Warren takes on Wall St etc.

Yeah. Please. Run that psycho bitch with that kind of dividing angry message. Please.
Why would I neg it? I think it's poifeckly horrible - I hope the progs use it frequently.
Omigawd! This will really get out the youth vote... (heh)

SRSLY, this is so mind-numbingly horrid that words are inadequate.


Go to Youtube and neg it. Already looks like overwhelming negs.

So the "point"here is:
1) We need a female president
2) The system is out to screw you
3) Rich people need to be taxed more
4) Liz Warren takes on Wall St etc.

Yeah. Please. Run that psycho bitch with that kind of dividing angry message. Please.

Works for me. I mean, it's not like the poor Wall Street bankers won't have a pot to piss in or anything.
Omigawd! This will really get out the youth vote... (heh)

SRSLY, this is so mind-numbingly horrid that words are inadequate.


Go to Youtube and neg it. Already looks like overwhelming negs.

So the "point"here is:
1) We need a female president
2) The system is out to screw you
3) Rich people need to be taxed more
4) Liz Warren takes on Wall St etc.

Yeah. Please. Run that psycho bitch with that kind of dividing angry message. Please.

Works for me. I mean, it's not like the poor Wall Street bankers won't have a pot to piss in or anything.

Joe, it is designed to appeal EXACTLY to people like you: lazy, self entitled, envious, hateful and jealous of others' success.
Joe, you've found your gal!
Go to Youtube and neg it. Already looks like overwhelming negs.

So the "point"here is:
1) We need a female president
2) The system is out to screw you
3) Rich people need to be taxed more
4) Liz Warren takes on Wall St etc.

Yeah. Please. Run that psycho bitch with that kind of dividing angry message. Please.

Works for me. I mean, it's not like the poor Wall Street bankers won't have a pot to piss in or anything.

Joe, it is designed to appeal EXACTLY to people like you: lazy, self entitled, envious, hateful and jealous of others' success.
Joe, you've found your gal!

Yeah, too bad that we're in the majority now, after 30 years of Republicans gutting the middle class.

You know, the middle class USED to be the firewall between the wealthy and the kind of socialism you fear.

Too bad you got rid of it, because I smell smoke. Warren will have you wishing for Obama.
Works for me. I mean, it's not like the poor Wall Street bankers won't have a pot to piss in or anything.

Joe, it is designed to appeal EXACTLY to people like you: lazy, self entitled, envious, hateful and jealous of others' success.
Joe, you've found your gal!

Yeah, too bad that we're in the majority now, after 30 years of Republicans gutting the middle class.

You know, the middle class USED to be the firewall between the wealthy and the kind of socialism you fear.

Too bad you got rid of it, because I smell smoke. Warren will have you wishing for Obama.

Yes, I fear the self entitled envious lazy shitheads are more than the 47% Romney correctly spoke about. Obama has all but assured that.
Yes, I fear the self entitled envious lazy shitheads are more than the 47% Romney correctly spoke about. Obama has all but assured that.

Okay, let's put that in the proper perspective.

The Median income in this country is about $41,000. (In case you are wondering, I make over that between my three jobs, which puts me in the middle 20%.)

When Romney made that crack, not realizing one of the 47% was the one cleaning the tables and serving the drinks and he had a camera, he made it to guys in the 1% who paid $50,000 a plate to listen to him talk about how lazy half the country was. More than half the country makes in a year.

Used to be a guy like my Dad could come home from WWII, get a good union job, make enough money to raise five kids and own a little vacation property, and be strongly middle class. My Dad voted strongly republican in every election between 1948 and 1980. I think he didn't vote for Goldwater because Goldwater was batshit crazy.

So here's the big question. Who decided to get rid of those good union jobs? Who signed the idiotic trade treaties and passed the right to work laws?

And after gutting the middle class, you are horribly upset that, hey, maybe they'll vote for someone like Warren or Obama who might tilt the game back in their favor a bit?

Yes, I fear the self entitled envious lazy shitheads are more than the 47% Romney correctly spoke about. Obama has all but assured that.

Okay, let's put that in the proper perspective.

The Median income in this country is about $41,000. (In case you are wondering, I make over that between my three jobs, which puts me in the middle 20%.)

When Romney made that crack, not realizing one of the 47% was the one cleaning the tables and serving the drinks and he had a camera, he made it to guys in the 1% who paid $50,000 a plate to listen to him talk about how lazy half the country was. More than half the country makes in a year.

Used to be a guy like my Dad could come home from WWII, get a good union job, make enough money to raise five kids and own a little vacation property, and be strongly middle class. My Dad voted strongly republican in every election between 1948 and 1980. I think he didn't vote for Goldwater because Goldwater was batshit crazy.

So here's the big question. Who decided to get rid of those good union jobs? Who signed the idiotic trade treaties and passed the right to work laws?

And after gutting the middle class, you are horribly upset that, hey, maybe they'll vote for someone like Warren or Obama who might tilt the game back in their favor a bit?


You work three jobs like you get blowjobs from Liz Warren. Quit fibbing.

If you think unions create the middle class you dont have a clue. Of course we know you dont have a clue anyway.

You work three jobs like you get blowjobs from Liz Warren. Quit fibbing.

If you think unions create the middle class you dont have a clue. Of course we know you dont have a clue anyway.

Of course they did.

What do you think created it?

This should be interesting. And disturbing.

There was a middle class prior to unions. There is a middle class even though union membsership is miniscule.

You work three jobs like you get blowjobs from Liz Warren. Quit fibbing.

If you think unions create the middle class you dont have a clue. Of course we know you dont have a clue anyway.

Of course they did.

What do you think created it?

This should be interesting. And disturbing.

There was a middle class prior to unions. There is a middle class even though union membsership is miniscule.

1) No, there really wasn't.

2) The Middle Class is nowhere near what it was in the 1960's in term of wealth.
Hey, Vagasil, nobody cares about the big deal you are making over her ethnic heritage.

Point is, most Americans know they are being screwed by the 1% and like someone who wants to do something about it.

Real Cherokees care

"Elizabeth Warren Information

Elizabeth Warren is a candidate for the U.S. Senate from the state of Massachusetts. She claims she is of Cherokee descent. She has come under fire for possibly using that claim to give her career a boost at a time when Harvard Law was under pressure to hire more minority professors. We have done extensive research on her ancestry and on the stories she has told trying to back up her claim. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest she actually had a Cherokee or American Indian ancestor. Despite repeated requests for her to release her personnel records from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, she refuses to do so."

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No, but my great-grandmother was Cherokee.

Here's the gag. THe set-asides for Native Americans are actually pretty low. If you have ANY Native American blood, you can apply for them.

and the people who insisted on that were White folks in the 1970s so they could scam the new affirmative action laws.

So the Catholic School my mom worked at was happy to point out she was 1/4 Cherokee when reporting their minority employment.

And when my niece went to college, her whole 1/16th Cherokee got her consideration for a scholarship.

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