Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

That's why he'll never be President. The people want a liar. They have proven that a million times in the past. ;)

He couldn't get elected because he made quite clear in both debates that if someone is without health insurance and a job they need to go find a church that can help him. And he's "pro life". So typical rightie: Fight like hell to make sure a pregnant woman can't get an abortion and then don't give a flying fuck once they are born. Women don't like Ron Paul, except for deluded nitwits like GumSlinger.
Thank Gaea we have white liberal men to tell us what minorities and women want.

And a three-time loser for POTUS. So guess you love losers.

Yes, we'd rather lose with someone honest than win with a liar.

That's the difference between us.

You bastards can justify anything as long as it increases the amount you get from the government.

You can spare me the Bush comments. Bush was to stupid to lie....

The fact that we put up people who turn out to be dishonest is very discouraging...but does not change that we value integrity.

You value....Food Stamps.

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


Has it occurred to you it isn't the messaging, it's the message?

The GOP motto is, "I've got Mine, fuck you!"

The GOP"s problem is not that they are messaging it wrong. The problem is that at the end of the day, their message is that selfishness is a virtue.
If Warren decides to run I don't believe Hillary Clinton has much of a chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Agree with her or not, Warren comes across as a much more likable person than Clinton. She also has much less baggage.

MOre importantly, the base agrees with what she has to say, and her message resonates with a populace still struggling with the banks robbing us blind.

The minute the base realizes how chummy Hillary is with the Banksters, she's done.

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


Has it occurred to you it isn't the messaging, it's the message?

The GOP motto is, "I've got Mine, fuck you!"

The GOP"s problem is not that they are messaging it wrong. The problem is that at the end of the day, their message is that selfishness is a virtue.

Yes, it's always amusing to have a person from one end of the political spectrum tell me what the message is of the other side of the political spectrum.

A waste of bandwidth, but amusing nonetheless.


Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


Has it occurred to you it isn't the messaging, it's the message?

The GOP motto is, "I've got Mine, fuck you!"

The GOP"s problem is not that they are messaging it wrong. The problem is that at the end of the day, their message is that selfishness is a virtue.

Yes, it's always amusing to have a person from one end of the political spectrum tell me what the message is of the other side of the political spectrum.

A waste of bandwidth, but amusing nonetheless.


Here's the thing, i was a right wing Republican for a pretty long time. Was even part of the DuPage County GOP operation.

So, yes, i know exactly what the message is. We're better than "those people". I heard that enough times. All the same shit we hear from wingnuts every day on this forum.

Until I found myself out of a job because I had the bad luck to run up too many medical bills.

But, please, it's really just the "messaging". Why, if you can get someone to message "Greed is Good" a nice way, I'm sure I'll fall for it a second time.

If Warren decides to run I don't believe Hillary Clinton has much of a chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Agree with her or not, Warren comes across as a much more likable person than Clinton. She also has much less baggage.

Whats up with liberals wanting to run old inexperienced liars???? RUN HER.. plz do.

Probably because they are better than the gun-toting, religious tools of the 1% you guys want to run.

Let's remember, in 2012, you ran a guy who thought he was wearing magic underwear, and he was the least crazy guy you had.

Yeah. It's something that bothers the living hell out of me - a black man. Again, being a "minority" is no day at the circus; yet it makes me wonder why Liberal Nazis are so willing to give away their country to others. Dumbest damned thing (as well as perplexing) thing I have encountered in a long time......Liberals are a strange bunch..


I'd have to have the country back before I could "give it away".

Here's the point you ignored, probably because you were too busy polishing something for a Teabagger.

Most white folks are in the same boat as minorities are. If people voted their own economic interests, the Republicans would have nothing to offer most of us.

The 1% have gotten very good at waiving the "shiny objects" in front of a lot of white people- Race, guns, abortion, gays. And for a very long time, it worked, as Nixon and Reagan getting 49 state sweeps shows.

Now it isn't working anymore. Partially because non-whites now make up 30% of the electorate. Partially because, frankly, a lot of white people just feel kind of dirty they fell for that shit to start with.

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