Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic version of Ted Cruz: The people that side with her party automatically anyway will love her, and those that side with the opposing party view her as the Devil. Sadly, it seems that for all their great rhetoric and grade-A soundbites, both Warren and Cruz are liars who neither believe nor practice what they preach.


Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She is a proven liar. She is a hypocritical class warrior. The only ones swooning for her are those who already share her creed of envy. She has no real experience. And she is a very polarizing figure.
Yes, they need to run her for sure.

I really wish Republicans would stop using this line. If the election of Obama should've taught us anything, it's that the only people that care about experience are people making wanted ads. Experience is absolutely irrelevant to the majority of American voters, and not just Obama supporters. When people continuously use the "no experience" line (and it's not just you, I'm saying this because a bunch of others here have done it), it only makes your entire side look petty, as if "no experience" is the only charge you can levy against her--not "she lied about ______ and here's the proof" or "she's wrong about _____, here's the data that shows she's wrong," but "well she's never done this before, so I'm not voting for her".

Focus on substance, please.

If Obama has taught us anything, it is that experience actually counts. We can't afford more on the job training noobs in the White House. We'll be lucky to survive this one.
If Warren decides to run I don't believe Hillary Clinton has much of a chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Agree with her or not, Warren comes across as a much more likable person than Clinton. She also has much less baggage.

Whats up with liberals wanting to run old inexperienced liars???? RUN HER.. plz do.
Listen to her.. she answered Chris Matthews with the same LIBERAL PSYCHO BABBLE BULLSHIT. ROFLMAO..

SHORT ON DETAILS and results..
"If we build a big pipeline of ideas that expanded America." Say what??? Is that American's economic policy and answer to recession?? She's like every used car salesman-- FULL OF SHIT
If Warren decides to run I don't believe Hillary Clinton has much of a chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Agree with her or not, Warren comes across as a much more likable person than Clinton. She also has much less baggage.

Whats up with liberals wanting to run old inexperienced liars???? RUN HER.. plz do.

Are you trying to tell me that Obama is an inexperienced liar?

Um... nevermind... :eusa_shifty:

That's why he'll never be President. The people want a liar. They have proven that a million times in the past. ;)

He couldn't get elected because he made quite clear in both debates that if someone is without health insurance and a job they need to go find a church that can help him. And he's "pro life". So typical rightie: Fight like hell to make sure a pregnant woman can't get an abortion and then don't give a flying fuck once they are born. Women don't like Ron Paul, except for deluded nitwits like GumSlinger.

That's why he'll never be President. The people want a liar. They have proven that a million times in the past. ;)

He couldn't get elected because he made quite clear in both debates that if someone is without health insurance and a job they need to go find a church that can help him. And he's "pro life". So typical rightie: Fight like hell to make sure a pregnant woman can't get an abortion and then don't give a flying fuck once they are born. Women don't like Ron Paul, except for deluded nitwits like GumSlinger.

You're making a fool of yourself old man.. I've been to many Libertarian functions state wide.... Girls my age and up are in abundance and adore Ron Paul.. Why do idiots like yourself think that just because you say it, it becomes a fact?? Fucking moron.

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