Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Run, Lesbian, Run.... I might have as much fun with missy high cheekbones, as I do with the Hildebeasty!


Made me laugh, lol still laughing:lol:
Who are you to be deciding who's conservative and who isn't? You're a fucking leftwing douche nozzle.

that you're too fucking stupid to appreciate that my post was a subtle jab at LGS by suggesting she wasn't very "charming" and really had no bearing on if I think she's a Conservative or not? Go piss in your own sandbox pipsqueak.

Your belief that anything you post is "subtle" is charming. Most of your posts are just a series of dumb insults strung together.

Anyone who calls themselves Smedley is a fucking loser to begin with..I ignore that bozo.
Yes, please! A left wing hypocrite class warrior with no discernible achievments and no idea how this country works.
Please! Ryn, Lyz, Ryn!

Geez Rabbi, wasn't one enough? Let's recover from this one first before electing another.

Lizzy Warren was busted for being a damn liar and using the system to propel herself.. She's a disgrace to women who play by the rules and do it ourselves. She has less experience than that idiot you call your President.. Americans will NOT make the same mistake again..

Nobody has ever done it "by themselves" not once, ever.

We all rely on each other, there's always that person who gave you a helping hand.

It's kind of egotistical to think otherwise.

And frankly, the same problems that got Obama Elected twice will still be a problem for you in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old racist white men to get your guy across the finish line. And all your guys are nuts.

Look, I don't know what your "ethnic heritage" is, but I am going to assume that you are white. If that's the case, tell me why it is that you white guys suffer so terribly from your "White Guilt" that you would turn everything that your ancestors fought and died for so many years ago over to a "racially diverse" segment of society and turn yourselves into a "beloved minority".

I mean, seriously, what's the deal with your dumbasses? I grew up black - being a "minority" aint cracked up to be what you dumbasses think it is...... :D

Why the hell are you so damned anxious to give it up!?!?!?

It's an honest question. I just don't get you crackers at all sometimes.....

It's only the dumb asses who call themselves Liberals and Progressives - most whites are too busy trying to maintain their staus quo , just like the rest of us to give a shit.
Nobody has ever done it "by themselves" not once, ever.

We all rely on each other, there's always that person who gave you a helping hand.

It's kind of egotistical to think otherwise.

And frankly, the same problems that got Obama Elected twice will still be a problem for you in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old racist white men to get your guy across the finish line. And all your guys are nuts.

Look, I don't know what your "ethnic heritage" is, but I am going to assume that you are white. If that's the case, tell me why it is that you white guys suffer so terribly from your "White Guilt" that you would turn everything that your ancestors fought and died for so many years ago over to a "racially diverse" segment of society and turn yourselves into a "beloved minority".

I mean, seriously, what's the deal with your dumbasses? I grew up black - being a "minority" aint cracked up to be what you dumbasses think it is...... :D

Why the hell are you so damned anxious to give it up!?!?!?

It's an honest question. I just don't get you crackers at all sometimes.....

It's only the dumb asses who call themselves Liberals and Progressives - most whites are too busy trying to maintain their staus quo , just like the rest of us to give a shit.

Yeah. It's something that bothers the living hell out of me - a black man. Again, being a "minority" is no day at the circus; yet it makes me wonder why Liberal Nazis are so willing to give away their country to others. Dumbest damned thing (as well as perplexing) thing I have encountered in a long time......Liberals are a strange bunch..
damn, when you sell your soul and honor to A PARTY WHO lies, misleads, plays games, etc with your lives...YOU HAVE NO life or honor or right to put down others

this fake Warren, just like Obama, Clinton just rushed out to claim they WERE people swallow that bs you don't deserve to be FREE PEOPLE

they KEEP THEIR MILLIONS while EXPECTING you the people to TAKE CARE of everyone else

my gawd, wake up
That’s a pretty big wigwam, Senator.

$1.7 MILLION WOMAN: Elizabeth Warren, who could run against Sen. Scott Brown, owns a $1.7 million home, above, with her husband in Cambridge. (Boston Herald)

Elizabeth Warren, who owns a $1.7 million home, ranted against rich Americans again this week.

ABC News reported:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has served in the U.S. Senate for less than two years, but her message of economic populism and boosting the middle class has catapulted her to stardom with Democrats nationwide.
In her new book, “A Fighting Chance,” Warren reflects on growing up in a middle-class family in Oklahoma and shares how that upbringing shaped her mission to help struggling middle-class families. When Warren’s father suffered a heart attack, her mother got her first job answering telephones at a Sears store so the family could keep their home as they dealt with rising medical bills.
“I learned when I was 12 and my daddy had that heart attack that good people can get smacked in the head economically, and their whole lives can be turned upside down,” Warren told ABC News’ David Muir in an interview at her home in Cambridge, Mass. “After my daddy had a heart attack … that’s when I grew up. That’s when I knew that my mother’s job was to help take care of us, and my job was to help take care of us. I fought all my life for my family. And now for other families…
…“This book is about how Washington is rigged to work for those who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers and make sure that everything that they want gets done in Washington,” Warren said. “The game is rigged to work for those who already have money and power. I wrote this book because the way I see it, working families, they’re not looking for a handout. They’re not looking for some special deal. They just want a level playing field. They just want a fighting chance.”


all I pray is people

DON'T fall for this BS AGAIN

you did with Obama...kick yourselves and move back into the right direction of the country you live in...

take it BACK from these haters

who say it's conservatives who says, I HAVE MINE SO what ?

look into the LIVES of these DEMOCRAT millionaires....they give NOTHING BACK
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Look, I don't know what your "ethnic heritage" is, but I am going to assume that you are white. If that's the case, tell me why it is that you white guys suffer so terribly from your "White Guilt" that you would turn everything that your ancestors fought and died for so many years ago over to a "racially diverse" segment of society and turn yourselves into a "beloved minority".

I mean, seriously, what's the deal with your dumbasses? I grew up black - being a "minority" aint cracked up to be what you dumbasses think it is...... :D

Why the hell are you so damned anxious to give it up!?!?!?

It's an honest question. I just don't get you crackers at all sometimes.....

It's only the dumb asses who call themselves Liberals and Progressives - most whites are too busy trying to maintain their staus quo , just like the rest of us to give a shit.

Yeah. It's something that bothers the living hell out of me - a black man. Again, being a "minority" is no day at the circus; yet it makes me wonder why Liberal Nazis are so willing to give away their country to others. Dumbest damned thing (as well as perplexing) thing I have encountered in a long time......Liberals are a strange bunch..

The best way to describe the majority of them is as Useful Idiots - --- of course they are only useful to those pulling the strings -from the vantage point of the average AMerican you could surplant the word useless with useful
all I pray is people

DON'T fall for this BS AGAIN

you did with Obama...kick yourselves and move back into the right direction of the country you live in...

take it BACK from these haters

who say it's conservatives who says, I HAVE MINE SO what ?

look into the LIVES of these DEMOCRAT millionaires....they give NOTHING BACK

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Hate to burn your strong independent bridge but women's studies and African American history are stupid majors. And to go into debt to get those degrees is also stupid.

Why? Because you hate womyn and African-Americans?

You don't need a degree to start a business.

Why would anyone want to start a business and become a capitalist pig? And according to capitalist pigs, isn't it "so super hard, waaaah" to be able to afford running a business? You need capital to even start a business.

And unless you own your own business you will always be oppressed.

I'd rather not be oppressed at all. Communism is the only economic system that makes every worker a manager, and every manager a worker. Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact.

Even if you own your own business the government will try as hard as it can to break you.

So then I'll be an oppressive capitalist pig, and STILL oppressed myself. I think I'll take the route that involves less oppression.

Retarded troll is retarded.
Why? Because you hate womyn and African-Americans?

Why would anyone want to start a business and become a capitalist pig? And according to capitalist pigs, isn't it "so super hard, waaaah" to be able to afford running a business? You need capital to even start a business.

I'd rather not be oppressed at all. Communism is the only economic system that makes every worker a manager, and every manager a worker. Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact.

So then I'll be an oppressive capitalist pig, and STILL oppressed myself. I think I'll take the route that involves less oppression.

Communism fails 100% of the time you stupid twat

Move there.
That’s a pretty big wigwam, Senator.

$1.7 MILLION WOMAN: Elizabeth Warren, who could run against Sen. Scott Brown, owns a $1.7 million home, above, with her husband in Cambridge. (Boston Herald)

Elizabeth Warren, who owns a $1.7 million home, ranted against rich Americans again this week.

ABC News reported:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has served in the U.S. Senate for less than two years, but her message of economic populism and boosting the middle class has catapulted her to stardom with Democrats nationwide.
In her new book, “A Fighting Chance,” Warren reflects on growing up in a middle-class family in Oklahoma and shares how that upbringing shaped her mission to help struggling middle-class families. When Warren’s father suffered a heart attack, her mother got her first job answering telephones at a Sears store so the family could keep their home as they dealt with rising medical bills.
“I learned when I was 12 and my daddy had that heart attack that good people can get smacked in the head economically, and their whole lives can be turned upside down,” Warren told ABC News’ David Muir in an interview at her home in Cambridge, Mass. “After my daddy had a heart attack … that’s when I grew up. That’s when I knew that my mother’s job was to help take care of us, and my job was to help take care of us. I fought all my life for my family. And now for other families…
…“This book is about how Washington is rigged to work for those who can hire armies of lobbyists and lawyers and make sure that everything that they want gets done in Washington,” Warren said. “The game is rigged to work for those who already have money and power. I wrote this book because the way I see it, working families, they’re not looking for a handout. They’re not looking for some special deal. They just want a level playing field. They just want a fighting chance.”


C'Mon now! Fauxcahontas has been "struggling" since she started out. Poor thing can barely make ends meet. :D

That's what people who don't work always say. They can't imagine a society where they have no choice but to do an honest day's work.

The kind of people who lived out in the wilderness are kind of like the red state rednecks of today. They can't stand being aroudn other people.

The kind of nuts who become "Libertarians" are the ones who can't live with other people all that well.

Sadly, the internet has been a petri dish for these people. If only they knew the Internet was developed by the Gummit they hate so much.
Granny "lie-a-watha" Warren grew up in Oklahoma.

I also grew up in Oklahoma and went to school with many Indian kids and none of them looked like her.

And I can assure you that people in that state would laugh in Warren's face if she told them she was an Indian. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
Hate to burn your strong independent bridge but women's studies and African American history are stupid majors. And to go into debt to get those degrees is also stupid.

Why? Because you hate womyn and African-Americans?

You don't need a degree to start a business.

Why would anyone want to start a business and become a capitalist pig? And according to capitalist pigs, isn't it "so super hard, waaaah" to be able to afford running a business? You need capital to even start a business.

And unless you own your own business you will always be oppressed.

I'd rather not be oppressed at all. Communism is the only economic system that makes every worker a manager, and every manager a worker. Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact.

Even if you own your own business the government will try as hard as it can to break you.

So then I'll be an oppressive capitalist pig, and STILL oppressed myself. I think I'll take the route that involves less oppression.

Why? Because you hate womyn and African-Americans?

My my my -you certainly have a narrow World View . Everything you say has to with Women. Forget about Women n he context as partners in the Family Unit. Screw Men,Screw the ChildrenScrew everybody except the "Womyn" . Very Relevant Quaestion -Are you a Dike ?

Why would anyone want to start a business and become a capitalist pig? And according to capitalist pigs, isn't it "so super hard, waaaah" to be able to afford running a business? You need capital to even start a business.

Yup - Capitalism - the only sytem that has ever proven successful, that has made America the wealthiest Nation on Earth and led to unprecedented standards of living- there is no point inHuman History- never has been and probaly never will be - that any civilization anywhere was ever as productive and prosperous as America under Capitalism . Another very rel;evant Question -as well as being a Dike - are you also a Commie ?

I'd rather not be oppressed at all. Communism is the only economic system that makes every worker a manager, and every manager a worker. Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact.

Yup- you certainly never studied History -Communism has never worked anywhere it has been implemented - it is more oppressive than it's offshoot -National Socialism and has allways led to econonomic disaster. "Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact."

You my dear you truly are a friggin blithering idiot ! You are beyond Naive - I don't think there's a world for someone like you - even "useful idiot" doesn't cut it . You've got to be the dumbest MF I've ever seen posting here ! Absofuckinglutely unbelievable !

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