Lyz Wyrryn Encouraged to Run for President

Why? Because you hate womyn and African-Americans?

Why would anyone want to start a business and become a capitalist pig? And according to capitalist pigs, isn't it "so super hard, waaaah" to be able to afford running a business? You need capital to even start a business.

I'd rather not be oppressed at all. Communism is the only economic system that makes every worker a manager, and every manager a worker. Communism ensures that everyone is free, and no one is oppressed. Fact.

So then I'll be an oppressive capitalist pig, and STILL oppressed myself. I think I'll take the route that involves less oppression.

Communism fails 100% of the time you stupid twat


Strange. I've yet to hear of a single American Progressive hopping on in inner tub to float to Cuba

Will you be the first?

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She is a proven liar. She is a hypocritical class warrior. The only ones swooning for her are those who already share her creed of envy. She has no real experience. And she is a very polarizing figure.
Yes, they need to run her for sure.

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

That PC "Native American" bullshit could hurt her somewhat, but sadly messaging is now more important than message. America is all about image and cult of personality, which explains Obama's presence. I don't see anyone on the GOP who delivers their message with clarity and passion.

Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic version of Ted Cruz: The people that side with her party automatically anyway will love her, and those that side with the opposing party view her as the Devil. Sadly, it seems that for all their great rhetoric and grade-A soundbites, both Warren and Cruz are liars who neither believe nor practice what they preach.


Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She is a proven liar. She is a hypocritical class warrior. The only ones swooning for her are those who already share her creed of envy. She has no real experience. And she is a very polarizing figure.
Yes, they need to run her for sure.

I really wish Republicans would stop using this line. If the election of Obama should've taught us anything, it's that the only people that care about experience are people making wanted ads. Experience is absolutely irrelevant to the majority of American voters, and not just Obama supporters. When people continuously use the "no experience" line (and it's not just you, I'm saying this because a bunch of others here have done it), it only makes your entire side look petty, as if "no experience" is the only charge you can levy against her--not "she lied about ______ and here's the proof" or "she's wrong about _____, here's the data that shows she's wrong," but "well she's never done this before, so I'm not voting for her".

Focus on substance, please.

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

Liz Warren by a Landslide.

The parasites love promises of free lunches and free water.


Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


She's the female Obama. She's a liar and believe in Redistribution. Palin or Rand would leave her looking like something they found in Hannibal Lecter's basement.

A squishy Progressive like McCain or Romney would lose to her by 30 points

Liz Warren by a Landslide.

The parasites love promises of free lunches and free water.


Welfare spending for the poor constituted $33 billion last year compared to over $500 billion for the Pentagon.

Compare that $33 billion in nationwide welfare to the $72 billion (with a B) in taxes corporations like Comcast didn't pay last year, alone.

In a country with more failing bridges than any other first world country and rising college costs, I'm sure those uncollected funds could have been put to many good uses.

So please - enough with your perpetuation of your welfare queen fantasies when you're talking pennies for humanitarian use again against trillion p'd away down some Baghdad toilet or stashed in off-shore banks.

And when exactly did Obama raise taxes? Try never. He cut taxes to the middle class and cut services to reduce the debt. I can give you seven dates when Reagan raised taxes, which in turn forced George HW to swear, "Read my lips - no new taxes!"... right before he raised taxes, again.

So the party of runaway spending and taxes seems to be your own.

And the food stamp program that your Tea Party Republicans just killed (I'm sure you liked that)? Well, the majority of recipients of food stamps are poor white Southern Republicans and not Northern, inner city Democratic-voting blacks. But when Bubba starts to starve, I'm sure your masters will blame that on Obama, too.
Yes, please! A left wing hypocrite class warrior with no discernible achievments and no idea how this country works.
Please! Ryn, Lyz, Ryn!

"... no discernible achievements and now idea how this country works....." Why do you always make everything about you?
No achievements and no idea how this country works. None at all.

""She was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama. In the late 2000s, she was recognized by publications such as the National Law Journal and the Time 100 as an increasingly influential public policy figure.""

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Warren wants to expand Social Security. I can't wait to see how that plays out as she tries to justify that in light of our current situation.
No achievements and no idea how this country works. None at all.

""She was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel created to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). She later served as Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under President Barack Obama. In the late 2000s, she was recognized by publications such as the National Law Journal and the Time 100 as an increasingly influential public policy figure.""

Elizabeth Warren - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She lied about being an Indian

Warren would be a real problem for the GOP. Her messaging skills are miles ahead of anyone the Republicans could run. Agree with her or not, her messaging is extremely simple, easy to understand, and delivered with incredible sincerity. No one delivers the us vs. them message better than she does, and she's the best spokesperson out there for the Dems' goal, a Euro-social democracy.

The GOP shouldn't be laughing.


I've listened to her numerous times.. She's an idiot. She doesn't know what she's talking about half the damn time... I pray liberals run that old fake ass indian. You must see something I don't..
Liz Warren/ Bernie Sanders 2016
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
If Warren decides to run I don't believe Hillary Clinton has much of a chance of winning the Democratic nomination. Agree with her or not, Warren comes across as a much more likable person than Clinton. She also has much less baggage.

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