Macron 65% +

France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
Sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread.

The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.

So the Muslims are not Tribalist then? The Muslims are fanatically Tribalistic, so that must be okay with you?

You just don't want our people being Tribalist because that threatens....who, tell me who it threatens?
It threatens everyone when any of us go back there. IMO.
Vive la France!

Sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread.

The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

That would happen no matter who won tonight.
Not true. Le Pen would have sealed the borders and rounded up the Muslims and deported them.

No she wouldn't have, she'd have backed down like Trump has, how many campaign promises has Trump honoured? Not that many, of course he's better than Hillary being American President, but Trump is already a disappointment the beginning was the Tomahawk missiles on Syria.
Trump hasn't backed down. He's temporary being held up by a couple of injuctions on the Muslim ban. The SCOTUS will reverse them soon.
I said earlier Le Pen would have trouble getting above 35%.

This is great news for France, America, and the rest of the world.
This post of yours exemplifies why the open board needs a "head up ones own ass" emoticon...
Can;t believe France elected that globalist who married his school teacher.
The French will get what they deserve
Believe it , it is not a nightmare a joke

Don't cry, snowflake. Everything will be just fine.

Your a snowflake, Nothing will be fine, you don' give a shit because you don't live in France
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, Dalia, that you remain safe.
I will likely leave France and go live at The island of prince edouard, i can't stand this place anymore
Can;t believe France elected that globalist who married his school teacher.
The French will get what they deserve
Believe it , it is not a nightmare a joke

Don't cry, snowflake. Everything will be just fine.

Your a snowflake, Nothing will be fine, you don' give a shit because you don't live in France
I will keep my fingers crossed for you, Dalia, that you remain safe.
I will likely leave France and go live at The island of prince edouard, i can't stand this place anymore

Run away, snowflake.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.
Nationalism is the key to making France and America great again. The French have given Muslims the free will to commit genocide on their culture, traditions and heritage.
France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
Sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread.

The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
The French were smart enough to tell the alt-right in France to fuck off. And not just any old 'fuck off', at 65% for Macron it was more like "I don't give a fuck; not in a truck, not on a duck, not to a goat, not on a boat, not in a bramble, not on a gamble, I do not Miseur give a single fuck so you and your one tooth are shit out 'o luck."

The torch on the statue of liberty burns brighter today, her builders have shown they too hold liberty above tyranny and she has a new glow about her.
It's more like the indocrinated White French people have literally committed genocide.
I often feel superior when discussing American politics with the average poster on this site. But when it comes to the politics of foreign countries like people who believe this is a victory for the left, I have no doubt.
It's a victory for anyone that isn't a far right nut job.
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.

France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
I'm not cheering because I'm a leftist; I'm cheering because Le Pen would have headed Europe down a path back to tribalism.

So the Muslims are not Tribalist then? The Muslims are fanatically Tribalistic, so that must be okay with you?

You just don't want our people being Tribalist because that threatens....who, tell me who it threatens?
It threatens everyone when any of us go back there. IMO.

"It threatens everyone when any of us go back there. IMO."

You'll have to elaborate please, because that make little sense.

Also I asked you The Muslims are fanatically Tribalistic, so that's okay with you?

The European peoples being Tribalistic threatens EVERYONE "when you go back there", well don't visit the European Continent anymore, it's that easy, stay in America.

The Muslims being Tribalistic and blowing people up etc, that's not a threat?
France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.
And that piss me off so much, fuck them and their attitude of forgiveness to the terrorists i am on the victims side.
Listen, the National Front or whatever it morphs into has become the main opposition party in France. The communists and socialist are out.

Regardless of the outcome, there has been a sea-change in French politics as there was in the US and UK.
Nah they are not, some can be....SOME. U are the racist.
You are just sad...that other countries are not as racist as you are :p

Sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread.

The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.
You forgot one thing : the muslims terrorists are more racist that we are.
It's nice to see that Trump and Putin, whom basically endorsed Le Pen, probably hurt Le Pen.
The world worries about Putin's agenda and laughs and the Orange Clown. This also show's the French aren't as easily fooled by all the fakes news that demonized Macron or the hacks of Macron. Unlike America's easily manipulated, the French don't eat up the obvious bullshit.
Obviously you don't realize that muzzies voted in this election along with the French people... Hang yourself.
There are over 7 million Muslims in France if they were all terrorists we would hear about a bomb every second. Stop your cRap....French have access to education unlike the red states of America.

France is fine they have universal health care, free education and Muslims participate in French life like everyone else. One or two terrorists don't represent the millions of French Muslims. Go take a stroll honey, racism is a bad thing.
That would happen no matter who won tonight.

France is fucked no matter who won.
you forgot about those who where kill by terrorists ha yes it is true the leftists don't care about that

"the leftists don't care about that"

No the Leftists support it, the Leftists across the world support and enable and apologise for Islamic Terrorism. The Leftists have a love in with Islam.

According to Leftists the terrorism in the world has nothing to do with Radical Islam.

You must be in one of these American red states then, considering you illustrate your lack of education with each comment.

Now run along please, I've never noticed you before, you are new, obviously we haven't missed much you offer minimal.

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