Macron 65% +

The world now sees the snake that is loserterianism and is rejecting it!

they saw what happened to us & they were in the cross hairs to be next for fascist installation..

You don't even know what a Fascist is, that would be Leftists who are anti-Freedom of Speech and anti-Democracy.

post #18

CDZ - I want to know something

Anyone who includes Trump in there, sorry, hilarious stuff.
Who gives a ruck if he served or didnt?
He should've stayed in school and learned history.
If it wasn't for France the US would've never seen the light and produced an ignorant tool like you. Go read history, you are embarrassing your countrymen.

Mr. Hoss served his nation in uniform, was he embarrassing Americans then, why he was fighting another American war?
French people are educated, they can't be fooled like the sheep that voted for Trump.
Yes indeed. They will not be over ran by butchering muslims. They are too smrt for that.
People on the European Continent don't give a crap what moron Americans like you think, most of the European Continent hates you, so piss off.

Yeah people tend to hate any place where the far right takes over. We're working on it. Best of luck to you. Carry on shitting your pants now. :laugh:

People hate any place where the Far Left is around also, so again piss off Antifa Troll Boi, go and throw some Molotov Cocktails at the police or something.
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.

No that's you, we know every thread about that stuff you approve of the Antifa's actions, you openly post your approval.
I don't mind violence against fascists. But I've never called for violence against police, as you just did.

Your type are the Fascists, deal with it, you act like Fascists, you are the Fascists, now piss off imbecile.

I never did advocate violence against the police, you have put yourself in the Antifa camp, it's what they do, you support them and what they do.

Now run along, I've given you enough of my time already, be grateful.
You think that's all Le Pen was about, huh? Simple minded dweebs. The French have shown they still have some sanity, unlike us.
They do have some sanity. The communists and socialists have been sidelined, hopefully forever.
Forever is a long time, especially in politics.
True, but fascism has become largely extinct. So it shall be with socialism.

America's experiment ended November 8th.
Fascism lives in the heart of all power hungry leaders with no moral center. It will never be extinct and we must always guard against it. When you mislabel social welfare programs as "socialist" and then compare them to fascism, it only makes you look bad.
You seriously have no idea what fascism is, do you? Totalitarianism is not the same thing, although they overlap
Maybe I don't. I look at Mussolini and Hitler and think I have a good enough grasp, though.
The world now sees the snake that is loserterianism and is rejecting it!

they saw what happened to us & they were in the cross hairs to be next for fascist installation..

You don't even know what a Fascist is, that would be Leftists who are anti-Freedom of Speech and anti-Democracy.

post #18

CDZ - I want to know something

Anyone who includes Trump in there, sorry, hilarious stuff.

that is because you are a poorly educated partison mookie he counts on to show up at his rallies. i gave you specific examples of how it applies to your orange overlord.
I often feel superior when discussing American politics with the average poster on this site. But when it comes to the politics of foreign countries like people who believe this is a victory for the left, I have no doubt.
The world now sees the snake that is loserterianism and is rejecting it!

they saw what happened to us & they were in the cross hairs to be next for fascist installation..

You don't even know what a Fascist is, that would be Leftists who are anti-Freedom of Speech and anti-Democracy.

post #18

CDZ - I want to know something

Anyone who includes Trump in there, sorry, hilarious stuff.

that is because you are a poorly educated partison mookie he counts on to show up at his rallies. i gave you specific examples of how it applies to your orange overlord.

You posted a copy and paste of someone's opinion in a CDZ thread, it's you who are obviously poorly educated, don't have the brains yourself, so just post copy and pasting of other peoples opinions and articles.
I often feel superior when discussing American politics with the average poster on this site. But when it comes to the politics of foreign countries like people who believe this is a victory for the left, I have no doubt.

That's interesting, because I often feel my brain cells slowly dying when I read your posts.
People hate any place where the Far Left is around also, so again piss off Antifa Troll Boi, go and throw some Molotov Cocktails at the police or something.
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.

No that's you, we know every thread about that stuff you approve of the Antifa's actions, you openly post your approval.
I don't mind violence against fascists. But I've never called for violence against police, as you just did.

Your type are the Fascists, deal with it, you act like Fascists, you are the Fascists, now piss off imbecile.

I never did advocate violence against the police, you have put yourself in the Antifa camp, it's what they do, you support them and what they do.

Now run along, I've given you enough of my time already, be grateful.
Aw you're leaving, little Nazi? Try to get some rest. I know it's been a rough day for you. :itsok:

No Commie I'm not leaving, this is just my last response to you.
Can;t believe France elected that globalist who married his school teacher.
The French will get what they deserve
FYI for all the leftists cheering this result, just remember, in the first round, the governing socialist party only won 6% and the even-more-far-left candidate won 19%.
France is gone..and that would have been America had Hillary Clinton won. The French signed their death warrant and have given Muslims a referendum to kill and bomb them with impunity.
Exactly right...what a shame That Marine did not win, but those one who are happy with Macron Victory be careful when you decide to visit Paris.
Because with Macron Nothing will be done to stop the attacks in France
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.

No that's you, we know every thread about that stuff you approve of the Antifa's actions, you openly post your approval.
I don't mind violence against fascists. But I've never called for violence against police, as you just did.

Your type are the Fascists, deal with it, you act like Fascists, you are the Fascists, now piss off imbecile.

I never did advocate violence against the police, you have put yourself in the Antifa camp, it's what they do, you support them and what they do.

Now run along, I've given you enough of my time already, be grateful.
Aw you're leaving, little Nazi? Try to get some rest. I know it's been a rough day for you. :itsok:

No Commie I'm not leaving, this is just my last response to you.
Okay. Stay strong!
Sure is a lot of butthurt in this thread.

The French people are the ones going to be butthurt as the Muslim continue to terrorize the country like they have been doing and not having to worry about a government that will clamp down.

The French will get what they deserve.

As an American I could really care less. Two socialist candidates. the only difference was that one understood the damage the immigration of Muslims was doing to her country and the other was a weak surrender monkey, like Obama.

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