Macron 65% +

Fear and hate has lost in France. That's more than what I can say about America.
Yes but moronic American Leftist, he won't be able to govern :lol:

Next month there are French Parliamentary elections, Macron has no party, well he has a party with about 50 people in it.

Here read, even a stupid Troll like you should be able to understand.

The French election that really matters

And it’s not the one to choose a president.

PARIS — It’s nice to be elected French president.
But it doesn’t amount to much if you don’t have a majority in parliament to implement your program.

The scenario looks increasingly likely this year. Two of the top three contenders for the presidency don’t have a well-oiled party machine to help them win the parliamentary elections due in June, one month after the presidential vote. And the third might only be able to count on a divided party.

That makes the June elections as important — if not more important than — the higher-profile presidential contest. Particularly in the case of the two insurgents running strong this year a split result in the two polls would leave a hobbled new executive at the Élysée Palace, possibly paralyzing the French political system.

The French election that really matters
Fine. All that matters is that the lunatic Le Pen is banished back to her lair.

Typical idiot American response, concentrate on your Play Doh, your opinion a four year-old has better intellectual capability.

Also another little Troll Boi posting in a Troll Boi's thread, look at his moronic OP nothing to add except an emoticon, that's the problem with Troll Boi's sawdust between your ears.

It makes a big difference, though. Le Pen was going to have a referendum on the euro, and was generally anti-Eu. Macron is not. The President controls foreign policy. For the EU, who is the President of France is a big deal.

I don't think the French are bothered about foreign policy, as domestically France is in a lot of trouble.

Also the story that the turnout was the lowest in 40 years suggests that the people wanted neither Macron or Le Pen, of course the turnout wasn't as low as the historic election of 1969, only historic because the turnout was so for Georges Pompidou vs Alain Pohner.

The other situation about todays election, I expect imminently a repeat performance of two weeks ago, when Macron and Le Pen were declared one and two and into the Second Round and that's that Far Leftists will be on the streets across France main cities burning things, throwing Molotov Cocktails and throwing missiles at the's these Far Leftists the American equivalent that The Old School supports, when they do the same rioting in America he says how great it is.

I wanted Fillon to win because France needs a Margaret Thatcher.

So if the Republicans and other conservative parties do well in the NA elections, that will push Macron and France to the right, which it needs.

Fillon was an excellent candidate, that he still got 19% in the First Round despite all the controversy was very good.

The French Socialist party are finished, thanks to Hollande and Valls, so Fillon's Les Républicains should increase seats in the National Assembly next month, which will be good.

So the French Prime Minister will probably be from Les Républicains and that is excellent for the French domestically.

France has already been pushed to the Right, Hollande after multiple terrorist attacks was forced to go Right, but he was so personally unpopular it didn't help him or his party.

If Macron thinks he can be some semi-Liberal in the unfortunate climate that France is in, then he's going to be in for a lot of trouble.
French people are educated, they can't be fooled like the sheep that voted for Trump.
You think that's all Le Pen was about, huh? Simple minded dweebs. The French have shown they still have some sanity, unlike us.
They do have some sanity. The communists and socialists have been sidelined, hopefully forever.
Forever is a long time, especially in politics.
True, but fascism has become largely extinct. So it shall be with socialism.

America's experiment ended November 8th.
Fascism lives in the heart of all power hungry leaders with no moral center. It will never be extinct and we must always guard against it. When you mislabel social welfare programs as "socialist" and then compare them to fascism, it only makes you look bad.
You think that's all Le Pen was about, huh? Simple minded dweebs. The French have shown they still have some sanity, unlike us.
They do have some sanity. The communists and socialists have been sidelined, hopefully forever.
Forever is a long time, especially in politics.
True, but fascism has become largely extinct. So it shall be with socialism.

America's experiment ended November 8th.
Fascism lives in the heart of all power hungry leaders with no moral center. It will never be extinct and we must always guard against it. When you mislabel social welfare programs as "socialist" and then compare them to fascism, it only makes you look bad.
You seriously have no idea what fascism is, do you? Totalitarianism is not the same thing, although they overlap
People on the European Continent don't give a crap what moron Americans like you think, most of the European Continent hates you, so piss off.

Yeah people tend to hate any place where the far right takes over. We're working on it. Best of luck to you. Carry on shitting your pants now. :laugh:

People hate any place where the Far Left is around also, so again piss off Antifa Troll Boi, go and throw some Molotov Cocktails at the police or something.
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.
If it wasn't for France the US would've never seen the light and produced an ignorant tool like you. Go read history, you are embarrassing your countrymen.

Mr. Hoss served his nation in uniform, was he embarrassing Americans then, why he was fighting another American war?
Did he get captured? B/c we only like those that don't get captured.
People on the European Continent don't give a crap what moron Americans like you think, most of the European Continent hates you, so piss off.

Yeah people tend to hate any place where the far right takes over. We're working on it. Best of luck to you. Carry on shitting your pants now. :laugh:

People hate any place where the Far Left is around also, so again piss off Antifa Troll Boi, go and throw some Molotov Cocktails at the police or something.
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.

No that's you, we know every thread about that stuff you approve of the Antifa's actions, you openly post your approval.
I said earlier Le Pen would have trouble getting above 35%.

This is great news for France, America, and the rest of the world.
People on the European Continent don't give a crap what moron Americans like you think, most of the European Continent hates you, so piss off.

Yeah people tend to hate any place where the far right takes over. We're working on it. Best of luck to you. Carry on shitting your pants now. :laugh:

People hate any place where the Far Left is around also, so again piss off Antifa Troll Boi, go and throw some Molotov Cocktails at the police or something.
Now you're advocating for violence against the police? Holy smokes.

No that's you, we know every thread about that stuff you approve of the Antifa's actions, you openly post your approval.
I don't mind violence against fascists. But I've never called for violence against police, as you just did.

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