Mad As Hell About ObamaCare?

Not true.

Well LL it seems you and she have a different opinion.

It is not an opinion. Your cashier did not buy a plan on the ACA with a $12,000 deductible. She either lied to you or was mistaken.

Question. What was she doing before she recently went to the exchange? Was she going uninsured? An accident or illness may have destroyed her family's finances. If she was OK with that risk....why didn't she just wait a couple more months to get on Wal-Mart's employer sponsored plan?

Did you ask?

It is really funny watching Democrats and Liberals support the ACA.

A person indicates they are going to have to pay more for a plan that covers what they don't need, while they can't keep the program they can afford that offers what they do need.
Those who support the ACA say that the legislation helps so many people and the person that doesn't get anything they want is just one person.
Then they turn around and talk about one person getting injured snowboarding, or in a car accident or seriously ill ... And that one person is the reasoning behind screwing everyone else.

We were promised we could keep our plans and our doctors ... Along with the promise for the most part that our rates would go down ... Don't be calling other people liars until you clean your own house.

Well LL it seems you and she have a different opinion.

It is not an opinion. Your cashier did not buy a plan on the ACA with a $12,000 deductible. She either lied to you or was mistaken.

Question. What was she doing before she recently went to the exchange? Was she going uninsured? An accident or illness may have destroyed her family's finances. If she was OK with that risk....why didn't she just wait a couple more months to get on Wal-Mart's employer sponsored plan?

Did you ask?

It is really funny watching Democrats and Liberals support the ACA.

A person indicates they are going to have to pay more for a plan that covers what they don't need, while they can't keep the program they can afford that offers what they do need.
Those who support the ACA say that the legislation helps so many people and the person that doesn't get anything they want is just one person.
Then they turn around and talk about one person getting injured snowboarding, or in a car accident or seriously ill ... And that one person is the reasoning behind screwing everyone else.

We were promised we could keep our plans and our doctors ... Along with the promise for the most part that our rates would go down ... Don't be calling other people liars until you clean your own house.


Campaign promises are a bitch to understand, huh? Must be tough being a blank canvas.
Campaign promises are a bitch to understand, huh? Must be tough being a blank canvas.

I am self-insured and handle the insurance for just under 40 employees ... Our premiums for our existing plans just went up 200% ... And will be taxed an additional 40% by 2018.
I am at a point where I cannot see where I have a right to pass that kind of decision on the take-home pay of my employees by sharing the cost of the increase.
That means that I will either eat the increase myself ... Or decide to drop my employees and let them fend for themselves.

You want to talk about blank canvasses and empty scenarios ... You really don't want to argue with me about it ... Because my business, my employees and I are on the front line.
Glad you can find a way to turn it into some smart-assed glib bullsh** ... Because it ain't funny here.

Well, not sounding confused is clearly not proof that one isn't confused. Several entirely confused USMB members seem to think of themselves as infallible.

If she works at Walmart as a cashier, she will likely qualify for a substantial subsidy which will make her plan quite affordable to maintain.....and will protect her family in case of a serious medical issue.


what happens when only the ones who qualify for substantial subsidies show up

what does that do to obamacare

As long as everyone is insured......the law will do fine. You think people who make too much for subsidies are going to risk everything by going uninsured? The pool of insured is larger...premiums for everyone go down.....the insurance companies must give something for the more medical bankruptcies.

It's good stuff.

Let me predict that this complete and factual reply will not meet with your approval.

You think people who make too much for subsidies are going to risk everything by going uninsured?

yup if the costs are too high
Medicare does not work well, and is bankrupt.

The care available to a person under medicare is the absolute bare minimum IF you can find it and IF you can find a doctor that will agree to take a medicare patient.

Peddle your horse crap elsewhere. Ask if the seniors want to give it up.
Last two posts.....


Is that all you have ... Well, go sit back in the corner, and someone will ask you if we want or need your opinion.


When you stop lying, we can have a discussion. 200% my pasty white ass.

Or Don't ... Hell it's a free country, at least now anyways.

When the plan goes from $3892 annually to $12676 annually per individual ... Well, if you are capable, do the math ... And get back with me on what you come up with for the percent increase.
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And if they don't get it, you can bet your leftard ass they WON'T be voting for any DEMOCRAPS come next November.

It will be SWEET.
Is that all you have ... Well, go sit back in the corner, and someone will ask you if we want or need your opinion.


When you stop lying, we can have a discussion. 200% my pasty white ass.

Or Don't ... Hell it's a free country, at least now anyways.

Not going to change your story, huh? Your insurance company raised the rate on your plan by 200%? Please name the plan. I will research the rate and rate changes over the past decade. Provider & product name, please.
Campaign promises are a bitch to understand, huh? Must be tough being a blank canvas.

I am self-insured and handle the insurance for just under 40 employees ... Our premiums for our existing plans just went up 200% ... And will be taxed an additional 40% by 2018.
I am at a point where I cannot see where I have a right to pass that kind of decision on the take-home pay of my employees by sharing the cost of the increase.
That means that I will either eat the increase myself ... Or decide to drop my employees and let them fend for themselves.

You want to talk about blank canvasses and empty scenarios ... You really don't want to argue with me about it ... Because my business, my employees and I are on the front line.
Glad you can find a way to turn it into some smart-assed glib bullsh** ... Because it ain't funny here.


I like LL but he thinks anyone who says they have a high cost and high deductable through the ACA is eithe lying or is confused.

I work with two guys. Both are Brevard County Deputy Sheriffs. One of them, Troy, went to the ACA website and put in what he and his wife make. His monthly payment was through the roof and his deductable was $11,000.00.

Bob, the other Deputy has a friend. A single retired friend who put his info in the site and it told him his monthly was $569 a month and his deductable was $13,999.00. Bob said his pal almost fell out of his chair. Fuck, I almost fell outta mine and I don't even know the man.

Add to that the fact that in 2015 anything spent on HC is going to be regarded as income and will be taxed.

I doubt anyone who isn't subsidized by we the taxpayer is going to the think ACA is affordable.

It will work just great till they run out of everybody elses money.
Is that all you have ... Well, go sit back in the corner, and someone will ask you if we want or need your opinion.


When you stop lying, we can have a discussion. 200% my pasty white ass.

Or Don't ... Hell it's a free country, at least now anyways.

When the plan goes from $3892 annually to $12676 annually per individual ... Well, if you are capable, do the math ... And get back with me on what you come up with for the percent increase.

Bullshit. I am disgusted by the fact that you think others are so fucking stupid.
Campaign promises are a bitch to understand, huh? Must be tough being a blank canvas.

I am self-insured and handle the insurance for just under 40 employees ... Our premiums for our existing plans just went up 200% ... And will be taxed an additional 40% by 2018.
I am at a point where I cannot see where I have a right to pass that kind of decision on the take-home pay of my employees by sharing the cost of the increase.
That means that I will either eat the increase myself ... Or decide to drop my employees and let them fend for themselves.

You want to talk about blank canvasses and empty scenarios ... You really don't want to argue with me about it ... Because my business, my employees and I are on the front line.
Glad you can find a way to turn it into some smart-assed glib bullsh** ... Because it ain't funny here.


I like LL but he thinks anyone who says they have a high cost and high deductable through the ACA is eithe lying or is confused.

I work with two guys. Both are Brevard County Deputy Sheriffs. One of them, Troy, went to the ACA website and put in what he and his wife make. His monthly payment was through the roof and his deductable was $11,000.00.

Bob, the other Deputy has a friend. A single retired friend who put his info in the site and it told him his monthly was $569 a month and his deductable was $13,999.00. Bob said his pal almost fell out of his chair. Fuck, I almost fell outta mine and I don't even know the man.

Add to that the fact that in 2015 anything spent on HC is going to be regarded as income and will be taxed.

I doubt anyone who isn't subsidized by we the taxpayer is going to the think ACA is affordable.

It will work just great till they run out of everybody elses money.

What site?

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