"Mad Dog"....drunk on war!

So just for shits and giggles, how do you reconcile that Obama can't attack Syria without the military with that you never said the military will ignore his orders?
Wow. You're mental condition is truly sad. How do you conflate your claim Obama was helping ISIS all by himself with a claim the military would ignore orders to attack Syria?
Speaking as a veteran and still a current member serving the United States military, I am never quite surprised how little so many of the American people understand the military.

The military is a 'tool' of the United States government meant to be used as a LAST RESORT to achieve a political goal when diplomacy fails. The military as a whole is not given a vote in the final decision on whether to go to war or not. They go and carry out what they are ordered to do.

Yes, as any professional, they are trained to be the best at what they do. They are trained in the art of every aspect of warfare - kinetic, non-kinetic, cyber, psychological, terrorist - all kinds of warfare. In our line of work training in such a diligent way is imperative, the very difference between life and death and protecting this nation or not.

This does not mean the military is a bunch of blood-thirsty war-mongers who crave engaging in devastating, life-altering/destroying carnage called war that effects so deeply those having the damage inflicted upon them and those being tasked with carrying out their orders.

The military members who fight the very wars our government authorizes...and some they do not...pray harder that they are never called to do so than anyone else...because THEY do the fighting, the bleeding, the dying, who are separated by their loved ones and may never come home to them again except in a body bag. They are the ones who sleep cold and dirty in the mud, beside armored vehicles, and do things that ordinary Americans can not even fathom because they do not see it. They don't want to see it. They are the ones who come home damaged, broken - mentally and physically. They are the ones who pay the price for the decisions made by our politicians.

One of the worst instances of such blatant misunderstanding and misplaced hatred and anger was Viet Nam. Kids right our of high school, who should have been going to proms and making out in the back of mom and dad's car with their high school sweethearts, were drafted trained, and thrown into the middle of jungles to face an enemy whose motivation and dedication was foreign and incomprehensible to them - an enemy that was willing to DIE for what they believed in - even children used as suicide bombers - forcing them to have to shoot women and children.

Some of those troops may have snapped and committed atrocities, but they never should have been there. they weren't ready for that. Some Americans back at home were protesting and hating the soldiers who were drafted and forced there by the politicians who made the decision to go to war, sent them off to war, and then would not let them win the war. When troops came back home they were met by ignorant citizens who spit on them and called them 'baby killers' and more. Again, their hatred and anger was misdirected - they should have been charging the steps of Congress and the White House, not these American soldiers.

When I trained / have trained troops and leaders I always ask them their job I am often given the response of their specific job - radar maintenance, intel specialist, pilot, commander. When I get this response I always make it a point to be brutally honest and tell them the bottom line is their job is to KILL PEOPLE AND BREAK THEIR SHIT! Our job is to inflict as much destruction and death to infrastructure, military, command and control nodes, and government facilities that the enemy loses the will to fight. Unfortunately collateral damage happens and innocent lives are lost during war....but THAT is the role of the United States Military - not by choice but that is what we are trained to do, what we are called to do, and what were exist to do as a 'tool' of the United States government as a last resort when diplomacy and all other options are exhausted.
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
While I disagree with the war in Iraq, I fully supported the war in Afghanistan. Why do you think Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted to attack Iraq? Do you really believe being POTUS is like being a King and they can do as they please without the support of Congress? Are you an American citizen?

WWIII would be the end of the world, which is why all nations have dodged it since 1945. Cost is irrelevant when compared to the death of human race. Still, right is right and wrong is wrong. Do you believe we should appease assholes, terrorists, dictators and despots?
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 either....Bin Laden was in Pakistan. Raygun gave a billion dollars worth of stinger missiles to the Taliban....the same Taliban we've been fighting since 2003. Thirteen years later, they're still there.
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?

I didn't know Clinton won the Presidency.
If we were a democracy...we have a college that makes the choices for us.
i love war, not because it kills people, but because it kills boredom, so i'm all for WWIII!

Its the GOP. War is what they do. And with Trump as their Carnival Barker, he will have the warmongers all lathered up with drool so that even if he wants to attack Canada, they will go along with it. Its the old French Fries routine all over again. We will be in another war, instigated by the Liar in Chief, before the end of 2018. Give him some time to insult enough countries.
i love war, not because it kills people, but because it kills boredom, so i'm all for WWIII!


Yea, you tough guy Republicans are itching for a war, until one starts. Then you shit your pants and come home with PTSD. Be careful what you wish for.
i love war, not because it kills people, but because it kills boredom, so i'm all for WWIII!


Yea, you tough guy Republicans are itching for a war, until one starts. Then you shit your pants and come home with PTSD. Be careful what you wish for.

Trump's a winner. Mad Dog's a winner. there is no way ANYONE can EVER beat us in a war!
So just for shits and giggles, how do you reconcile that Obama can't attack Syria without the military with that you never said the military will ignore his orders?
Wow. You're mental condition is truly sad. How do you conflate your claim Obama was helping ISIS all by himself with a claim the military would ignore orders to attack Syria?

You're an idiot
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
Try running an electable candidate next time. Elections have consequences.

Considering the quality of their candidate and his inclinations, those who voted for him as a big "fuck you" to the establishment are pretty soon going to find that elections do have consequences

Republicans destroyed the economy the last time they got their hands on it, and Paul Ryan, is getting set to do it all over again just the same way - cut taxes and spend. The war dogs can't wait for the military build up.

You tossed out the party that cleaned up the last Republican President's mess and you just voted for someone dumber than Bush.

Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. Voting Republican is always a mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
Try running an electable candidate next time. Elections have consequences.

Considering the quality of their candidate and his inclinations, those who voted for him as a big "fuck you" to the establishment are pretty soon going to find that elections do have consequences

Republicans destroyed the economy the last time they got their hands on it, and Paul Ryan, is getting set to do it all over again just the same way - cut taxes and spend. The war dogs can't wait for the military build up.

You tossed out the party that cleaned up the last Republican President's mess and you just voted for someone dumber than Bush.

Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. Voting Republican is always a mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Gurgling propaganda again, Mrs. Mao
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
Try running an electable candidate next time. Elections have consequences.

Considering the quality of their candidate and his inclinations, those who voted for him as a big "fuck you" to the establishment are pretty soon going to find that elections do have consequences

Republicans destroyed the economy the last time they got their hands on it, and Paul Ryan, is getting set to do it all over again just the same way - cut taxes and spend. The war dogs can't wait for the military build up.

You tossed out the party that cleaned up the last Republican President's mess and you just voted for someone dumber than Bush.

Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. Voting Republican is always a mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Gurgling propaganda again, Mrs. Mao

No, just waiting for the usual shit to hit the fan when the Repugs start cutting taxes and spending like drunken sailors again. No one in the world can take a smoothly running economy and fuck it up the American Republicans. Just look at the job Bush did, and after Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and his Daddy.

The only smart, decent Republican you've had in the last century was Eisenhauer, and he'd be run out of the party as a Rino these days. Tea baggers and clowns are all you have left.
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
Try running an electable candidate next time. Elections have consequences.

Considering the quality of their candidate and his inclinations, those who voted for him as a big "fuck you" to the establishment are pretty soon going to find that elections do have consequences

Republicans destroyed the economy the last time they got their hands on it, and Paul Ryan, is getting set to do it all over again just the same way - cut taxes and spend. The war dogs can't wait for the military build up.

You tossed out the party that cleaned up the last Republican President's mess and you just voted for someone dumber than Bush.

Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. Voting Republican is always a mistake.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Gurgling propaganda again, Mrs. Mao

No, just waiting for the usual shit to hit the fan when the Repugs start cutting taxes and spending like drunken sailors again. No one in the world can take a smoothly running economy and fuck it up the American Republicans. Just look at the job Bush did, and after Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and his Daddy.

The only smart, decent Republican you've had in the last century was Eisenhauer, and he'd be run out of the party as a Rino these days. Tea baggers and clowns are all you have left.

Turn off the propaganda machine, Mrs. Mao
The soldiers, the Pentagon, love Mattis, respect Mattis. That tells me he is a good soldier. Old generals are all war-happy; that is their specialty and their perspective on conflicts. He will be a fine Secretary of Defense, leader of the Pentagon. There is no reason to be alarmed by Mattis as long as Trump and his other advisers keep Mattis on a leash until it is the appropriate time and the appropriate place. Then let him loose.

Mattis isn't the one declaring any wars...but he'd be the one winning one

I certainly hope we do not find ourselves in another war, but.............if we do, with Mattis at the controls, I am willing to bet we won't fight it PC!
Amen. Only three rules of engagement under Mad Dog...

1. Ready
2. Aim
3. Fire!
Amen. Only three rules of engagement under Mad Dog...

1. Ready
2. Aim
3. Fire!

Based on what experience working with or knowing the man? As one who has worked with him I know that not to be the case. FACT: He is also known as 'The Warrior Monk' because he is an avid reader, historian, tactician, and diplomat. He has skillfully avoided conflict as well.
Speaking as a veteran and still a current member serving the United States military, I am never quite surprised how little so many of the American people understand the military.

The military is a 'tool' of the United States government meant to be used as a LAST RESORT to achieve a political goal when diplomacy fails. The military as a whole is not given a vote in the final decision on whether to go to war or not. They go and carry out what they are ordered to do.

Yes, as any professional, they are trained to be the best at what they do. They are trained in the art of every aspect of warfare - kinetic, non-kinetic, cyber, psychological, terrorist - all kinds of warfare. In our line of work training in such a diligent way is imperative, the very difference between life and death and protecting this nation or not.

This does not mean the military is a bunch of blood-thirsty war-mongers who crave engaging in devastating, life-altering/destroying carnage called war that effects so deeply those having the damage inflicted upon them and those being tasked with carrying out their orders.

The military members who fight the very wars our government authorizes...and some they do not...pray harder that they are never called to do so than anyone else...because THEY do the fighting, the bleeding, the dying, who are separated by their loved ones and may never come home to them again except in a body bag. They are the ones who sleep cold and dirty in the mud, beside armored vehicles, and do things that ordinary Americans can not even fathom because they do not see it. They don't want to see it. They are the ones who come home damaged, broken - mentally and physically. They are the ones who pay the price for the decisions made by our politicians.

One of the worst instances of such blatant misunderstanding and misplaced hatred and anger was Viet Nam. Kids right our of high school, who should have been going to proms and making out in the back of mom and dad's car with their high school sweethearts, were drafted trained, and thrown into the middle of jungles to face an enemy whose motivation and dedication was foreign and incomprehensible to them - an enemy that was willing to DIE for what they believed in - even children used as suicide bombers - forcing them to have to shoot women and children.

Some of those troops may have snapped and committed atrocities, but they never should have been there. they weren't ready for that. Some Americans back at home were protesting and hating the soldiers who were drafted and forced there by the politicians who made the decision to go to war, sent them off to war, and then would not let them win the war. When troops came back home they were met by ignorant citizens who spit on them and called them 'baby killers' and more. Again, their hatred and anger was misdirected - they should have been charging the steps of Congress and the White House, not these American soldiers.

When I trained / have trained troops and leaders I always ask them their job I am often given the response of their specific job - radar maintenance, intel specialist, pilot, commander. When I get this response I always make it a point to be brutally honest and tell them the bottom line is their job is to KILL PEOPLE AND BREAK THEIR SHIT! Our job is to inflict as much destruction and death to infrastructure, military, command and control nodes, and government facilities that the enemy loses the will to fight. Unfortunately collateral damage happens and innocent lives are lost during war....but THAT is the role of the United States Military - not by choice but that is what we are trained to do, what we are called to do, and what were exist to do as a 'tool' of the United States government as a last resort when diplomacy and all other options are exhausted.
Good post!

Unfortunately, we're seeing the consequences of an all-volunteer military. One where only 7.3% of all Americans are veterans, a percentage that will drop dramatically over the next few years as we move further from the days of the draft. According to the link below, over half of all living vets are over 60. While the LWers tend to hate the military, the RWers tend to be chickenhawks waving yellow ribbons to send our troops to war then going back to their big screen TVs to watch the war on television.

What Percentage Of Americans Have Served In The Military?
No, just waiting for the usual shit to hit the fan when the Repugs start cutting taxes and spending like drunken sailors again. No one in the world can take a smoothly running economy and fuck it up the American Republicans. Just look at the job Bush did, and after Clinton cleaned up after Reagan and his Daddy.....
That's a huge distortion of the truth if not an outright lie.

Let's not forget that bin Laden was a problem long before GW got into office and that the 9/11 attack began under Clinton's watch. He was more concerned about getting his dick sucked and diddling Monica's cooch than he was in protecting America from terrorists.

By the middle of 1996, according to his account, KSM was back in Afghanistan. He had met Usama Bin Ladin there in the 1980s. Now, in mid-1996, KSM sought to renew that acquaintance, at a point when Bin Ladin had just moved to Afghanistan from the Sudan. At a meeting with Bin Ladin and Mohamed Atef, al Qaeda’s Chief of Operations, KSM presented several ideas for attacks against the United States. One of the operations he pitched, according to KSM, was a scaled-up version of what would become the attacks of September 11. Bin Ladin listened, but did not yet commit himself. Bin Ladin Approves the Plan According to KSM, the 1998 East Africa embassy bombings demonstrated to him that Bin Ladin was willing to attack the United States. In early 1999, Bin Ladin summoned KSM to Kandahar to tell him that his proposal to use aircraft as weapons now had al Qaeda’s full support. KSM met again with Bin Ladin and Atef at Kandahar in the spring of 1999 to develop an initial list of targets. The list included the White House and the Pentagon, which Bin Ladin wanted; the U.S. Capitol; and the World Trade Center, a target favored by KSM.

The Original Plans for 9/11
Mohammed first met with Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at a mountain fortress in Tora Bora, along the Afghan-Pakistan border, in 1996 to pitch his proposal to carry out bin Laden’s expressed desire to kill Americans.

The idea was not a totally original one. Mohammed had been involved in a previous plot, Project Bojinka, which had been led by his nephew, Ramzi Yousef, the terrorist behind the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Yousef’s sprawling, grandiose scheme included assassinating President Bill Clinton and Pope John Paul II, attacking nuclear plants in the U.S., Great Britain and France, and planting and detonating bombs on a dozen airliners headed for the U.S. from Asia, so that they would explode over the Pacific, killing thousands of passengers.....

.....As he worked on setting up the operation in 1999, he saw it as a two-stage operation. The first part would involve flying hijacked planes into U.S. buildings. Additionally, he also wanted seize additional planes in Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, or Malaysia, and simply crash them. Mohammed figured that could be accomplished without putting strains on Al Qaeda’s talent base, because the Asian hijackers wouldn’t have to be trained pilots. Ideally, he hoped to bring down all the planes simultaneously. In the spring of 2000, however, bin Laden cancelled the Asian hijackings, in the belief that they would be too difficult to coordinate with the U.S. attacks.

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