"Mad Dog"....drunk on war!

Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
"Now, we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII." So uh....you know this?
I'm not backing down from that you're a virgin who doesn't know anything about women, no
You're "you're a virgin" attack is pure projection. FYI, No, a rubber dolly doesn't deflower a virgin male nor does doing it with farmyard denizens. It has to be with a real human being. While you could hire a hooker or meet someone at a bar, I recommend going to a religious group of your choice if you are looking for a mate, not just a hook up to deflower yourself.

Second, you should consider the First Law of Holes when you go around claiming all women are illogical one week out of four.
....That's being more illogical than a PMSing chick
...It's misogyny to notice that women are illogical on PMS? You didn't know that?

BTW, a woman can't be "on PMS". It's not like whatever drugs you are taking. It's a medical condition. A person has it, they aren't "on it".

PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome; Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - Mayo Clinic
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of symptoms, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. It's estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. But the physical and emotional changes you experience with premenstrual syndrome may vary from just slightly noticeable all the way to intense.

Still, you don't have to let these problems control your life. Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
I don't know much about Mattis but if he is pissing off the left he has my full support.

Mattis is a four star Marine General and he's also an intellectual. He's a great pick for SecDef.

The op thinks generals are all war mongers when in reality most generals know what it takes to fight a war and they know the cost in men that it takes.

I doubt any of them want a war but it would be nice to fight one without ridiculous ROE's and DC trying to micromanage it from the safety of their offices.

Mattis is a great pick and he's the right man for the Secretary of Defense post.
The Iraq war was a serious butt hurt.

Yep, and Hillary voted for it and you voted for her. Kerry voted for it and you voted for him. Says it all, doesn't it?

I opposed it and I haven't voted for anyone who voted for it. Don't you hate it when your hypocrisy smacks you in the face?

You're a fool.

There is no evidence that Trump spoke against the war before it started.

Trump indicated his support for war in a radio interview with shock jock Howard Stern on Sept. 11, 2002 — a little more than six months before the war started.

Stern asked Trump directly if he supported going to war with Iraq, and Trump hesitantly responded, “Yeah, I guess so.”

I voted for Johnson, ass wipe. You know that
It would be more interesting if you two ladies staged your cat fight in a pool of jello wearing bikinis. Better than that if you rip each other's tops off. I'm 60 so wrinkly, sagging flopping boobs are fine with me. :D
Even if Im A dude?

No one's calling out The Great Goose for it.
I don't know much about Mattis but if he is pissing off the left he has my full support.

Mattis is a four star Marine General and he's also an intellectual. He's a great pick for SecDef.

The op thinks generals are all war mongers when in reality most generals know what it takes to fight a war and they know the cost in men that it takes.

I doubt any of them want a war but it would be nice to fight one without ridiculous ROE's and DC trying to micromanage it from the safety of their offices.

Mattis is a great pick and he's the right man for the Secretary of Defense post.

Irrelevant. Endless war is the new paradigm regardless of our little partisanshit bragging rights nonsense. It's just business and we are the arms dealer to the world.
Stop being a partisan hack who forgets YOUR leader lied to us all, you dumb fuck. The brits voted for it too back then. What do they say now? They say America lied to them and they'll never follow us blindly into a war like that again.

You remember who knew we were being lied to? Canada. They wanted no part of it and yes I remember even I was mad at Canada at the time. Now I look back and realize they knew Bush was lying and I didn't. The liberal media my ass.


You keep voting for Democrats who supported, voted for and lead the ME wars and I am the partisan hack who doesn't vote for either party.

Pull down your dress, your twat is shoing ...

Lets see what kind of right wing political hack you are moving forward. I don't know what kind of tool you were in the past. I only know you were a tool.

You're against wars in the middle east yet keep voting for people who voted for them and continued to wage them and I am the "tool."


What a dumb ass

Yes, you're a massive tool regardless of how anyone votes.

You're a tool of Democrats. You continue to support them while they vote for ME wars and Democrat Presidents lead us into more of them.

Who are you even claiming I am a tool of, pox?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, oh look, more partisanshit incoherence, that'll help.
I'm not backing down from that you're a virgin who doesn't know anything about women, no
You're "you're a virgin" attack is pure projection. FYI, No, a rubber dolly doesn't deflower a virgin male nor does doing it with farmyard denizens. It has to be with a real human being. While you could hire a hooker or meet someone at a bar, I recommend going to a religious group of your choice if you are looking for a mate, not just a hook up to deflower yourself.

Second, you should consider the First Law of Holes when you go around claiming all women are illogical one week out of four.
....That's being more illogical than a PMSing chick
...It's misogyny to notice that women are illogical on PMS? You didn't know that?

BTW, a woman can't be "on PMS". It's not like whatever drugs you are taking. It's a medical condition. A person has it, they aren't "on it".

PMS stands for Premenstrual Syndrome; Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - Mayo Clinic
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of symptoms, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. It's estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome.

Symptoms tend to recur in a predictable pattern. But the physical and emotional changes you experience with premenstrual syndrome may vary from just slightly noticeable all the way to intense.

Still, you don't have to let these problems control your life. Treatments and lifestyle adjustments can help you reduce or manage the signs and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Your new sig proves you're a virgin

You keep voting for Democrats who supported, voted for and lead the ME wars and I am the partisan hack who doesn't vote for either party.

Pull down your dress, your twat is shoing ...

Lets see what kind of right wing political hack you are moving forward. I don't know what kind of tool you were in the past. I only know you were a tool.

You're against wars in the middle east yet keep voting for people who voted for them and continued to wage them and I am the "tool."


What a dumb ass

Yes, you're a massive tool regardless of how anyone votes.

You're a tool of Democrats. You continue to support them while they vote for ME wars and Democrat Presidents lead us into more of them.

Who are you even claiming I am a tool of, pox?

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, oh look, more partisanshit incoherence, that'll help.

You're a straight line Democrat, the perk of that is that it makes you not partisan. You just recognize the Democrats are always right.

You may not be American, but you're led by the nose by the American left. You might as well mail your gonads to the DNC like the rest of the Democrats here do
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?

We're already in WWII moron. Do try and keep up. M'kay....
From what I know about Gen. Mattis is that he is a believer in diplomacy, but also believes in a big stick when it fails. Diplomacy does fail on occasion the big issue with that is the US hasn't really wanted to win a war since WWII and that has a detrimental effect on the military. If we are going send our men and women in harms way we need leaders who won't cut and run when the public and politicians change their minds because we don't instantly beat the enemy.
Shrub Jr. was a gun slinger that wasted $10 trillion on a war impossible to win. Now we've got a POTUS itching to start WWIII. And Trump probably thinks he can win it. Trump claims he knows more than ALL THE GENERALS. So Mad Dog will be required to be a yes man...or dog.

Yesterday Trump bragged about "Mad Dog" being like "old blood and guts" Patton.

How much do you think WWIII will cost?
While I disagree with the war in Iraq, I fully supported the war in Afghanistan. Why do you think Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted to attack Iraq? Do you really believe being POTUS is like being a King and they can do as they please without the support of Congress? Are you an American citizen?

WWIII would be the end of the world, which is why all nations have dodged it since 1945. Cost is irrelevant when compared to the death of human race. Still, right is right and wrong is wrong. Do you believe we should appease assholes, terrorists, dictators and despots?
Your new sig proves you're a virgin
Your constant whining and nagging proves you to be a gutless, idiotic coward.

Look man, you are one sick little fuck. You think the military supports al Qaeda? Fuck the shit out of you. My family has been military from the Civil War to WWI all through to Gulf War I and Gulf War II and now to like the sixth tour in Afghanistan.

Our military does not support al Qaeda you sick fuck. Shove your leftist hate of our military up your fucking leftist ass
Look man, you are one sick little fuck. You think the military supports al Qaeda? Fuck the shit out of you. My family has been military from the Civil War to WWI all through to Gulf War I and Gulf War II and now to like the sixth tour in Afghanistan.

Our military does not support al Qaeda you sick fuck. Shove your leftist hate of our military up your fucking leftist ass

Thanks for the emotional breakdown. No doubt that was one of the many reasons you were disqualified to serve....given you even tried.

Being a fucking coward who stands on the graves of ancestors who served their country is pathetic, even for a sick, spineless yellowbelly like you.

Of course, the worst part of you is your lying. Accusing me of supporting terrorists or claiming our military does so proves to me you are either the worst sort of liar or you are so delusional, you cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction.

I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you are mentally ill. Something that is not your fault, but would also explain both your irrational behavior and your inability to serve our nation as many of your ancestors have done. If this is the case, there is nothing to forgive since your condition is an act of God, not your own.
Look man, you are one sick little fuck. You think the military supports al Qaeda? Fuck the shit out of you. My family has been military from the Civil War to WWI all through to Gulf War I and Gulf War II and now to like the sixth tour in Afghanistan.

Our military does not support al Qaeda you sick fuck. Shove your leftist hate of our military up your fucking leftist ass

Thanks for the emotional breakdown. No doubt that was one of the many reasons you were disqualified to serve....given you even tried.

Being a fucking coward who stands on the graves of ancestors who served their country is pathetic, even for a sick, spineless yellowbelly like you.

Of course, the worst part of you is your lying. Accusing me of supporting terrorists or claiming our military does so proves to me you are either the worst sort of liar or you are so delusional, you cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction.

I'm inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you are mentally ill. Something that is not your fault, but would also explain both your irrational behavior and your inability to serve our nation as many of your ancestors have done. If this is the case, there is nothing to forgive since your condition is an act of God, not your own.

You keep saying our military supports al Qaeda and I'm having the meltdown? Shove it up your as, Muslim extremist boy
From what I know about Gen. Mattis is that he is a believer in diplomacy, but also believes in a big stick when it fails. Diplomacy does fail on occasion the big issue with that is the US hasn't really wanted to win a war since WWII and that has a detrimental effect on the military. If we are going send our men and women in harms way we need leaders who won't cut and run when the public and politicians change their minds because we don't instantly beat the enemy.

You and I both know from experience that Teddy Roosevelt's "big stick" maxim works. Older than Teddy's quote is from the the Roman writer Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus classic military book "Epitoma rei militaris" AKA "De Re Militari":
He, therefore, who desires peace, should prepare for war. He who aspires to victory, should spare no pains to form his soldiers. And he who hopes for success, should fight on principle, not chance. No one dares to offend or insult a power of known superiority in action.
You keep saying our military supports al Qaeda and I'm having the meltdown? Shove it up your as, Muslim extremist boy
Quote me where I support or claim our military supports al-Qaeda. If you can, I'll pay you $100. If you cannot, then you will pay $25 into my "gold membership" account. Deal? Or are you the fucking lying, spineless coward I believe you to be?
You keep saying our military supports al Qaeda and I'm having the meltdown? Shove it up your as, Muslim extremist boy
Quote me where I support or claim our military supports al-Qaeda. If you can, I'll pay you $100. If you cannot, then you will pay $25 into my "gold membership" account. Deal? Or are you the fucking lying, spineless coward I believe you to be?

Suddenly you care about what you said? How did that ever translate into you caring what I said? I said Obama supported ISIS and you said oh yeah, I think the troops support al Qaeda? Then you said I think Obama is flying the flights himself?

You're seriously sick, Muslim extremist lover

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