Maddow: Without unions 'Democrats do not have a way to compete'

Unions are OK as long as they give their rank and file the freedom to decide their own political agenda. Municipal unions are different from private sector unions because they rely on taxpayer money and for that reason a courageous governor decided to take a stand. All Scott Walker wanted to do was to limit the municipal union's collective bargaining power and the left went crazy. Teachers violated state law and called in sick to riot and elected democrats fled the state like criminals to avoid doing their duty. Proof that the world is bass-ackward in the lilberal mind is that the teachers didn't get fired and the democrat legislators didn't get fired but the governor faced a recall election.

There was a time in this country for unions, and that time is long past. Not all unions are bad though, and most union members dont see their union as bad because they only see it at the local level, they dont see what the leadership at the national level is doing with their dues money and who it is being given to. If they knew, they would opt out if possible, if they cannot opt out the best thing they could do is vote accordingly at the polls regardless of who their union tells them to vote for.
Unions are a good thing. When people of their own free will, opt to join a union, pay dues and accept that management is going to align with one political party (Democrats), who can argue with that?

However, when you are forced to join a union, especially a public employee union (government), and have the government take a portion of your wages to give to the union who gives to The Democrat Party, that's a problem on two core fronts:

1) Employees have no say and/or choice
2) Ultimately, taxpayers are being forced to contribute to Unions and The Democrat Party in the case(s) where employee union membership is mandatory.

Between ACORN-derived organizations and Public Service Unions, Democrats get to tap into all US Taxpayers for money. The American People are getting wise to this and don't like it. SEE Wisconsin June 2012

yeah, where is boop. I'm pro choice on unions. if you want to join, fine, but you should never be forced to. I remember trying to get a job at Kroger in high school and they said I had to join a union. I was like F that, I'm not gonna fork over my money to some fat ass liberal for nothing.

Free choice is the best idea. Join or not, it's up to you. Kroger let you work there without joining a union however (at least in Texas). Amazingly, the guy I knew received the same pay as the union did for the same basic job.

I, for one, don't think it is a coincidence that as wages have stagnated, union influence has stagnated as well. If someone can think of another reason for the both happening at the same time, I'd like to hear it.
Maddow has learned how to compete without a penis, so we can surely learn how to survive without govt unions.

She only got that job because her uncle works for Msnbc as well. That and she is a flaming lesbian "Msnbc gotta have one of those on there". Not that I have anything against lesbians, in fact if the woman are right, it's a beautiful thing. :lol:
Unions are a good thing. When people of their own free will, opt to join a union, pay dues and accept that management is going to align with one political party (Democrats), who can argue with that?

However, when you are forced to join a union, especially a public employee union (government), and have the government take a portion of your wages to give to the union who gives to The Democrat Party, that's a problem on two core fronts:

1) Employees have no say and/or choice
2) Ultimately, taxpayers are being forced to contribute to Unions and The Democrat Party in the case(s) where employee union membership is mandatory.

Between ACORN-derived organizations and Public Service Unions, Democrats get to tap into all US Taxpayers for money. The American People are getting wise to this and don't like it. SEE Wisconsin June 2012

yeah, where is boop. I'm pro choice on unions. if you want to join, fine, but you should never be forced to. I remember trying to get a job at Kroger in high school and they said I had to join a union. I was like F that, I'm not gonna fork over my money to some fat ass liberal for nothing.

Free choice is the best idea. Join or not, it's up to you. Kroger let you work there without joining a union however (at least in Texas). Amazingly, the guy I knew received the same pay as the union did for the same basic job.

I, for one, don't think it is a coincidence that as wages have stagnated, union influence has stagnated as well. If someone can think of another reason for the both happening at the same time, I'd like to hear it.

People who have the choice to drop from the union are doing it, that hurts membership. Other people need that little bit of money to support their families with, that could be another reason memberships are in decline. I think people are just fed up with it all. The Union thuggery has been exposed and in this day and age there is no call for it, and people are sick of it.
Unions are a good thing. When people of their own free will, opt to join a union, pay dues and accept that management is going to align with one political party (Democrats), who can argue with that?

However, when you are forced to join a union, especially a public employee union (government), and have the government take a portion of your wages to give to the union who gives to The Democrat Party, that's a problem on two core fronts:

1) Employees have no say and/or choice
2) Ultimately, taxpayers are being forced to contribute to Unions and The Democrat Party in the case(s) where employee union membership is mandatory.

Between ACORN-derived organizations and Public Service Unions, Democrats get to tap into all US Taxpayers for money. The American People are getting wise to this and don't like it. SEE Wisconsin June 2012

yeah, where is boop. I'm pro choice on unions. if you want to join, fine, but you should never be forced to. I remember trying to get a job at Kroger in high school and they said I had to join a union. I was like F that, I'm not gonna fork over my money to some fat ass liberal for nothing.

Free choice is the best idea. Join or not, it's up to you. Kroger let you work there without joining a union however (at least in Texas). Amazingly, the guy I knew received the same pay as the union did for the same basic job.

I, for one, don't think it is a coincidence that as wages have stagnated, union influence has stagnated as well. If someone can think of another reason for the both happening at the same time, I'd like to hear it.

Paying dues isnt for nothing. You're not forced to join anything you dont have to work there. The problem is that one group named corporations have privledges attached to being a group. Employees are fools if they believe corps will treat them right just because.

Corps are a group of people trying to achieve a goal. Unions are groups of people trying to achieve a goal. But for some strange reason people have been convinced that a group of employees (union) is a bad thing and hurts employees :confused:

It's like believing that one bee is as strong as an entire hive. It doesnt make sense at all
Why is that? Are their ideas not enough? :confused:
It's just amazing that you would say that after Rightwing billionaires just re-bought the WI Governorship. :lol:

The left must hate even themselves,rather then except the way people voted,they must thumb their nose at their fellow citizens,in a weak attempt at at discrediting the results.

Both sides spent relatively equally disgusting amounts,that returned the same only better results than the 1st time around,ouch!!

Love all the right wing types that are all for deregulation and small government when it comes to billionaires..but want it for labor.

I'd love to see what happens the next time a mine gets shut down over a labor dispute.

Generally..that's when the right wing reaches for the phone to call in government.
Unions are a good thing. When people of their own free will, opt to join a union, pay dues and accept that management is going to align with one political party (Democrats), who can argue with that?

However, when you are forced to join a union, especially a public employee union (government), and have the government take a portion of your wages to give to the union who gives to The Democrat Party, that's a problem on two core fronts:

1) Employees have no say and/or choice
2) Ultimately, taxpayers are being forced to contribute to Unions and The Democrat Party in the case(s) where employee union membership is mandatory.

Between ACORN-derived organizations and Public Service Unions, Democrats get to tap into all US Taxpayers for money. The American People are getting wise to this and don't like it. SEE Wisconsin June 2012

yeah, where is boop. I'm pro choice on unions. if you want to join, fine, but you should never be forced to. I remember trying to get a job at Kroger in high school and they said I had to join a union. I was like F that, I'm not gonna fork over my money to some fat ass liberal for nothing.

Free choice is the best idea. Join or not, it's up to you. Kroger let you work there without joining a union however (at least in Texas). Amazingly, the guy I knew received the same pay as the union did for the same basic job.

I, for one, don't think it is a coincidence that as wages have stagnated, union influence has stagnated as well. If someone can think of another reason for the both happening at the same time, I'd like to hear it.

if your dues are more than a pay raise.....what's the point...?
You people on the Right can't figure out why Republicans encourage a demonization of teachers, and try to scapegoat them as the main cause of every ill in the educational system??

You people on the Right can't figure out why Republicans encourage a demonization of teachers, and try to scapegoat them as the main cause of every ill in the educational system??


That would be because we don't. Dumb ass.
You cannot be forced to join a union. You can be required to pay agency fees, but that is a requirement your employer imposes on you,

not the union.
You people on the Right can't figure out why Republicans encourage a demonization of teachers, and try to scapegoat them as the main cause of every ill in the educational system??


oh brother...
what does that have to do with this thread, and where do Republicans "demonize" teachers?
that's dumb
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Taking the teeth out of unions is good for America... Like any lobby group too much power is not a good thing.

Now maybe democrats will get back to being friendly to capitalistic business interests that help all American's- allowing government its real role of effective regulating and protecting American's.

Making more Americans poorer is not going to magically make your life better. You've been duped.

Pitting one segment of the middle/working class against another is a well worn tactic of the Rich;

you can be sure, if you aren't one of them, after they've gotten the money and rights away from organized labor,

they'll come for yours.
You cannot be forced to join a union. You can be required to pay agency fees, but that is a requirement your employer imposes on you,

not the union.

incorrect, dumb ass...

Can I be required to be a union member or pay dues to a union? | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
Under the NLRA, you cannot be required to be a member of a union or pay it any monies as a condition of employment unless the collective bargaining agreement between your employer and your union contains a provision requiring all employees to either join the union or pay union fees.

Even if there is such a provision in the agreement, the most that can be required of you is to pay the union fees (generally called an "agency fee.")

it's imposed by BOTH the employer and the union in the CBA.

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