Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

I like these posts from the end of that game.

In [url=]post 735[/url] said:

Tbh I don't lie as scum

I pretend I'm town and then am honest to what that town-me would feel

The only thing I lie about is my read on my buddy

In [url=]post 711[/url] said:
When someone makes a faulty argument against me, I try to pick out the holes in their reasoning. If the one attacking me is town, they'll probably realise their logic is faulty.

In [url=]post 737[/url] said:
As Town I do bumble about like a confused junebug in a small, well-lit room. Tough to emulate that as Scum when you know everything.
A little frazzled atm.

Just filed for unemployment.

Was working 70+ hours a week.

This week: One client died, one client's family cancelled because he's actively dying by choice, another cancelled because he's at end-stage ALS and now has RNs around the clock, another client cancelled because who knows why, one's about to cancel because stupid insurance won't help them any more, another is going to hospital for huge surgery that'll take a year of therapy, and another is cutting hours because can't afford it.

It's not been a good week.

I need job security.

Just now filed unemployment to recoup some losses.

Updating professional resume and applying at 18+ facilities in the surrounding cities.

I'm determing to go to school this winter to become an Acute Care Nursing Assistant (ACNA). Basically, an improved CNA that can perform some nursing skills, like inserting foley catheter, taking blood samples, and operating the concentrator vent.

It's taking a while because I'm deathly afraid of taking on debt. Paying my own way though life. Stress has me rambling from anxiety. Sorry. :D:p
Sorry you are going through such a rough time Wake. My sister went through as similar situation in your line of work. Health care is a growing field and there is always going to be work available and there is always a demand for skilled health care workers.

If you ever need someone to talk to, you an always open up a conversation with me. You've been there for me before when I've been upset. That's what friends are for.

Take care of yourself.


It's been a tremendously stressful time for you. A bit of a break will do you good. Go ahead and sign up for those classes in January. If you take out student loans for just enough to cover books & tuition and you're able to work 30 hours per week, you should be okay financially, just get used to eating ramen noodles.
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That sucks Wake. I can sympathize. My wife and I are moving across country, essentially on faith. I end work here next week and I don't have a new job lined up. It's very stressful not knowing where the income is going to come from. If i wasn't certain this was the right plan, I would be very concerned.
A little frazzled atm.

Just filed for unemployment.

Was working 70+ hours a week.

This week: One client died, one client's family cancelled because he's actively dying by choice, another cancelled because he's at end-stage ALS and now has RNs around the clock, another client cancelled because who knows why, one's about to cancel because stupid insurance won't help them any more, another is going to hospital for huge surgery that'll take a year of therapy, and another is cutting hours because can't afford it.

It's not been a good week.

I need job security....

No such thing anymore I think unless you own a funeral home. The grant that pays for half my job wasn't renewed because of state legislature budget theatrics and the foundation board that pays the other part thus far isn't willing to make up the difference so I will either have my hours significantly slashed or be joining you on the dole ;) Right now we are having a battle of wills with me refusing to take on any more long-term projects until I know I have a job long-term. I am hoping they just fire me at this point--I could use the sleep.

Don't not look at hospitals. The ICU my mom was in had a ton of various levels CNA's on staff.
I'm still working on my bastard game, it looks like I'll need at least 16 players for it to work right since it's very themed.
You're working on a Bastard game, Grandma? Count me in! I'll be able to use my Annihilator Beam, too. ;)

A Bastard game is where the Mod is allowed to lie to the players, to add devilish shenanigans to the mix.

I'm very curious about the theme. :p
Who's getting married?

The two richest kids in town. The local Godfather is displeased, his own daughter wanted to marry the groom, and his nephew wanted to marry the bride.

One can buy a lot of local politicians and bribe a lot of judges with that kind of cash. The Godfather has to stop the wedding and break up the happy couple.
Oh, I like weddings.

Will there be fire-grilled shrimp kabobs?
Well, don't lynch me guys, ok?

I'm really not a clever fellow, you know.

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