Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

I have to completely reorganize the xylbot list first, it's a ridiculous mess. I'm making good headway.
Now remember everybody, I am not a clever nightmare as Scum.

I am not a clever, crazy nightmare as Scum.

I'm still working on my bastard game, it looks like I'll need at least 16 players for it to work right since it's very themed.

You should put an insane role in it just of the LOLZ. I can give you a list of well qualified nominees if you want to put your finger on the scale ;)

People here play with such lack of pizazz it would be good to extract sticks from rectums to force them into a set up where not working toward being a team carries a high and immediate price they can see with every mistake they make.
Well, most have played 4 games or less. Add that to most players' being a good bit older than the usual Mafia players and you're going to wind up with a lot of independent types with strong egos.

They're starting to get it, most of them.

But yeah, the Game I'm working on will be a trip, for sure.
Actually the way the end of this game is playing is showing that we are definitely figuring things out quite well. And it's been a lot of fun too. Once, the pieces fall into place, and people start working together and listening to each other, and not making it harder than it has to be, and if the right people are there, it becomes quite interesting. That's all I'm going to say. It's a learning process. IMO, this game has been the best yet and I'll leave it at that until it is over.
Well, most have played 4 games or less. Add that to most players' being a good bit older than the usual Mafia players and you're going to wind up with a lot of independent types with strong egos.

They're starting to get it, most of them.

But yeah, the Game I'm working on will be a trip, for sure.

I would say some of them more than I would say most of them. I think your analytical side is very strong, but you need to work on selling that when so many people have so much unrelated to the game crap affecting their game play. Avatar is on the cusp of breaking out to be a really good town player since starting to play at the other site too. The current game should be a good learning experience when it is all said and done. Too many people still looking to role claiming and gotcha moments which are exploitable flaws. I probably improved the most from a site where role claiming was strictly against the rules and would get you modkilled to even obviously crumb it. Playing with different people/rules/setups/mods improves people if they want to be better players.

That said, I suggest using wedding events such as kissing the bride, cutting the cake, throwing the bouquet creatively to add some twists in your set up if possible, like add in or take away powers between the events
I'll play in any games you guys create, and I'll see if I can bring some friends over, too. :D

M*A*S*H 4077th v, 2 Live Crew. You can be Fresh Kid Ice and get as nasty as you want to be ;)

Dibs on Trapper.

I would totally do Trapper over boring ass BJ if I modded that game...and Frank instead of Charles.....and Col. Blake over Col. Potter.
Idk, Blake was awesome but I also liked Potter's "grumpy uncle" personality.
Grandma, you might want to ask C_K to give you the power to open and close threads in this forum and edit or delete if needed. As an alternative, you can ask Wake or Avi to do it if they are playing without them having to be co-mods or seeing anything regarding the game that would hurt their ability to play it. Up to you there.
How about the player that is Blake resurrects as Potter with a more powerful ability (to account for the difference in rank)?
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I even know what you guys are talking about with these characters. I barely watched MASH and certainly don't remember much from it. Not sure I could relate to that theme. But since flavor is nothing more than flavor in these games, I don't think that matters much. The monster one, I recognized some of the movie clips but certainly not all of them. I did want to go rent Cabin in the Woods though. LOL

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