Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I even know what you guys are talking about with these characters. I barely watched MASH and certainly don't remember much from it. Not sure I could relate to that theme. But since flavor is nothing more than flavor in these games, I don't think that matters much. The monster one, I recognized some of the movie clips but certainly not all of them. I did want to go rent Cabin in the Woods though. LOL
You barely watched M*A*S*H?

That's downright unamerican!
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I even know what you guys are talking about with these characters. I barely watched MASH and certainly don't remember much from it. Not sure I could relate to that theme. But since flavor is nothing more than flavor in these games, I don't think that matters much. The monster one, I recognized some of the movie clips but certainly not all of them. I did want to go rent Cabin in the Woods though. LOL

Flavor can be far more than flavor in a themed game--they can be a determining factor in the right set up.
Oh gosh, MASH. :D

Being a young home health aide you're probably going to learn a bit about old TV shows. A late elderly client of mine with ALS would always watch MASH and Hogan's Heroes with me. Good television. I've also become familiar with TCM and various actors like Clark Gable, Mary Astor, and Burt Lancaster. And some of these actors were hot, like Astor in Red Dust. Say it ain't so! :p
Oh gosh, MASH. :D

Being a young home health aide you're probably going to learn a bit about old TV shows. A late elderly client of mine with ALS would always watch MASH and Hogan's Heroes with me. Good television. I've also become familiar with TCM and various actors like Clark Gable, Mary Astor, and Burt Lancaster. And some of these actors were hot, like Astor in Red Dust. Say it ain't so! :p

We have a handful of channels on our cable that only show "classic" i.e. cheap to loop licenses shows. I sometimes will watch them. Some are really good.
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I even know what you guys are talking about with these characters. I barely watched MASH and certainly don't remember much from it. Not sure I could relate to that theme. But since flavor is nothing more than flavor in these games, I don't think that matters much. The monster one, I recognized some of the movie clips but certainly not all of them. I did want to go rent Cabin in the Woods though. LOL
You barely watched M*A*S*H?

That's downright unamerican!

Well, I watched it some but don't remember much of it. Mostly because it was on a lot in our house. I'd have to do some research to catch up on this show if it ever got used. I know, I know. I need to go hide my head in shame!!
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure I even know what you guys are talking about with these characters. I barely watched MASH and certainly don't remember much from it. Not sure I could relate to that theme. But since flavor is nothing more than flavor in these games, I don't think that matters much. The monster one, I recognized some of the movie clips but certainly not all of them. I did want to go rent Cabin in the Woods though. LOL
You barely watched M*A*S*H?

That's downright unamerican!

it's unamerican to watch a show preaching about the evils of the American military?

funny show definitely but it gets way too preachy
Grandma, you might want to ask C_K to give you the power to open and close threads in this forum and edit or delete if needed. As an alternative, you can ask Wake or Avi to do it if they are playing without them having to be co-mods or seeing anything regarding the game that would hurt their ability to play it. Up to you there.

Yeah, I was thinking about that this morning, I'll have to get lock/unlocks on the QT threads too.

I don't think it will hurt the game to have Wake or Avi do it here though, there shouldn't be anything that can leak. The QT's might be a problem...
Grandma, you might want to ask C_K to give you the power to open and close threads in this forum and edit or delete if needed. As an alternative, you can ask Wake or Avi to do it if they are playing without them having to be co-mods or seeing anything regarding the game that would hurt their ability to play it. Up to you there.

Yeah, I was thinking about that this morning, I'll have to get lock/unlocks on the QT threads too.

I don't think it will hurt the game to have Wake or Avi do it here though, there shouldn't be anything that can leak. The QT's might be a problem...

I know absolutely nothing about how QT's work, how to set them up, lock or unlock them, etc. You can't have Wake do it if he plays. This is something hopefully he can show you how to do since I doubt USMB staff would be able to help you with this. But you would have to be the one to have control over them and keep them private and open and close and all that fun stuff.
I have a question about Sleeper/Amnesiac PRs. How are the player PMs worded?

"You don't know what your role is" or "You're a Vanilla Townie, your role may change during the game," or what? :dunno:
I have a question about Sleeper/Amnesiac PRs. How are the player PMs worded?

"You don't know what your role is" or "You're a Vanilla Townie, your role may change during the game," or what? :dunno:

Give them the VT role PM and do not hint to them until they are wakened and you tell them. anything else might ruin the effect you are going for. I started to do a setup I never turned into a game where I was going to use a drunk scum so neither they nor the other scum knew the person was scum until Night 2 but I never really developed a theme that worked for me.
If memory serves, with the QT issue you need to register an account first. Then you should be able to create as many QTs as you wish. And you're also given an option there to hide your threads (which I always do), and you're automatically given the option to lock/open your QT. Very nifty and useful for anything. I store recipes in one on the side.

Not sure about the Sleeper/Amnesiac Role PM wording. Never tried it. I'd register at mafiascum and ask staff there. The wording doesn't have to be word-for-word, so long as the message is clear on what you want. I would say "You're a vanilla townie who has lost her memory...." And, for flavor, add in "Will you never get it back?"

I don't know. Checked the mafia wiki dfor amnesiac and got this:

  • An Amnesiac Cop functions as a normal Cop, but does not receive the results of its investigations. Those investigation results are sent to another (unknown) player. This has been commonly subverted by making the unknown recipient a Mafioso or a Serial Killer.

Cop - MafiaWiki
LOL at the idea of a drunk scum that doesn't remember they are scum. That's funny stuff right there. So if I am understanding it properly, whoever got this role would get PM saying they are VT and then later in the game they'd get a PM telling them what they actually are. That's pretty clever actually.
I don't know. Checked the mafia wiki dfor amnesiac and got this:

  • An Amnesiac Cop functions as a normal Cop, but does not receive the results of its investigations. Those investigation results are sent to another (unknown) player. This has been commonly subverted by making the unknown recipient a Mafioso or a Serial Killer.

Cop - MafiaWiki

That is hysterical!
LOL at the idea of a drunk scum that doesn't remember they are scum. That's funny stuff right there. So if I am understanding it properly, whoever got this role would get PM saying they are VT and then later in the game they'd get a PM telling them what they actually are. That's pretty clever actually.

I wasn't going to tell them anything but that they were drunk, wouldn't find out anything until they sobered up some, but they could still vote however they wanted.

IIRC, I was planning 3 scum with the drunk one, town would have a cop who could ghost if they were mislynched by day 3 (post their investigation notes via the Mod in public), a doc who could not protect the same person two days in a row, a martyr if used by Day 3 (they could assume the role of any dead town player), and an object that had to be passed from player to player every single night (but would become a scum double kill and disappear from the game if it was given to them) that made townie immune to the NK that cycle, and a bunch of VT's. I was aiming for a 13-14 person game so it was a little weighted in favor of town I thought using the old Werewolf weighting system, but not too badly. I think it was +/- 20 or so on the balance and I threw in a few extra +1 VT's to offset the one shot vig potentially (likely) happening.
I wasn't going to tell them anything but that they were drunk, wouldn't find out anything until they sobered up some, but they could still vote however they wanted.

IIRC, I was planning 3 scum with the drunk one, town would have a cop who could ghost if they were mislynched by day 3 (post their investigation notes via the Mod in public), a doc who could not protect the same person two days in a row, a martyr if used by Day 3 (they could assume the role of any dead town player), and an object that had to be passed from player to player every single night (but would become a scum double kill and disappear from the game if it was given to them) that made townie immune to the NK that cycle, and a bunch of VT's. I was aiming for a 13-14 person game so it was a little weighted in favor of town I thought using the old Werewolf weighting system, but not too badly. I think it was +/- 20 or so on the balance and I threw in a few extra +1 VT's to offset the one shot vig potentially (likely) happening.

I was with you up until the item that double kills scum on a lucky guess. That's OTT, imho.
LOL at the idea of a drunk scum that doesn't remember they are scum. That's funny stuff right there. So if I am understanding it properly, whoever got this role would get PM saying they are VT and then later in the game they'd get a PM telling them what they actually are. That's pretty clever actually.

I wasn't going to tell them anything but that they were drunk, wouldn't find out anything until they sobered up some, but they could still vote however they wanted.

IIRC, I was planning 3 scum with the drunk one, town would have a cop who could ghost if they were mislynched by day 3 (post their investigation notes via the Mod in public), a doc who could not protect the same person two days in a row, a martyr if used by Day 3 (they could assume the role of any dead town player), and an object that had to be passed from player to player every single night (but would become a scum double kill and disappear from the game if it was given to them) that made townie immune to the NK that cycle, and a bunch of VT's. I was aiming for a 13-14 person game so it was a little weighted in favor of town I thought using the old Werewolf weighting system, but not too badly. I think it was +/- 20 or so on the balance and I threw in a few extra +1 VT's to offset the one shot vig potentially (likely) happening.

Sounds like a lot of fun actually. +1 VT's I'm assuming are 1-shot BP's. Yeah, I can see that being necessary if there's a vig in the game also and they would be protected from that as well for one turn. I would give one of the scum a PR also to balance things out and make sure there were closer to 16 players so town can have the extra VT's. I'm assuming by scum double kill that means for one night scum get 2 NK's if they happen to get this object and then it would disappear right? Otherwise whatever townie had it would be immune from NK that night they had it. That is a very clever idea Sameech and I like it.
Sounds like a lot of fun actually. +1 VT's I'm assuming are 1-shot BP's. Yeah, I can see that being necessary if there's a vig in the game also and they would be protected from that as well for one turn. I would give one of the scum a PR also to balance things out and make sure there were closer to 16 players so town can have the extra VT's. I'm assuming by scum double kill that means for one night scum get 2 NK's if they happen to get this object and then it would disappear right? Otherwise whatever townie had it would be immune from NK that night they had it. That is a very clever idea Sameech and I like it.

Yes on the object no on the VT's. In the balancing of powers the goal was on the werewolf system to have a net zero. VT's were +1 weight, cops were +7 regular scum were -6, so a simple example would be to have 2 scum (2*-6=-12) and hit a zero balance you would need a cop (7) and 5 VT's (5*1). Different roles had different weights and modifiers within roles affected their weight so a full doc was a 7 I think but a doc with certain limits on them might only be a +3 or +4. In my case, I threw in a couple extra 1 pt VT's on the town side just so it was more likely that the when the object hit scum hands and became a double kill it was less likely to be the game winning moment. Nobody would have been told who gave them the object, just that they received it, what it did for them, and they had to pass it to someone else at the end of the night so the person knew they had it the game day before the night it protected them if town.

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