Mafia Discussion Thread: Keep Your Torches and Pitchforks at Home!

Yeah, Halloween night is a bad night for me. I'm always V/LA on Halloween for obvious reasons.


Because you are a Jehovah's Witness who boycotts all holidays, especially devil worshipping ones?


No because I spent the night howling at the moon and can't type in my wolf form. Duh Sameech. I mean c'mon it's obvious.

OR, I take my daughter over to her cousins for a big group Trick or Treat fest.

Take your pick. :biggrin:

I'll go with that is your time of the month because it reminds me of that gross limerick about a Vampire Named Mable.

OMG, I'm bitchy enough in these games as it is!! :p
I'll have them invent scripture, like, say, "the Book of Brian, Chapter 12, Verse 32: And Brian did throw then his sandal that his followers would throw they their own."
I'll have them invent scripture, like, say, "the Book of Brian, Chapter 12, Verse 32: And Brian did throw then his sandal that his followers would throw they their own."

I would do something from Islam just because it would make people so mad but since they would know it was a hex, they might not kill me for it.
Ooooh - I should put an annoying religious nut in the game!

A Pat Robertson type? That would be hysterical!! :p

One of those types that follow you around and every single thing you do is "do you think our Lord and Savior would approve?'' and "Are you willing to invite the wrath of God on this household for the sake of your wordly desires?" - kind of a Church Lady type.

Make it like the hex and whoever is targeted has to put scripture from the religion of their choice in every post for the day

I'd rather everyone use musical lyrics from their favorite songs or quote their favorite lines from movies or just quote their favorite quotes like this one for example which fits this site quite well.

"Arguing with a fool only proves there are two."

I think that would be totally fun.
That reminds me, I have always wanted to create a Huckleberry Finn Mafia set up buy cannot quite figure out how to best do that so everybody doesn't have to reread the book to want to play. Just seems like a good starting point to have an adventure puzzle in a game. Canterbury Tales would be a good themed game too I think.
Eh...... If I had to choose between modkilling and replacing, I'd rather replace the slot instead. Otherwise it gives Town or Scum an unfair advantage.

I think the only player I ever modkilled in Mafia was Moonglow. But now, if worst comes to worst, replacement would help keep the integrity of the game intact.
I just watched this old, beautiful painting show on PBS. Gave me a simple idea:

Welcome, _____. You are Bob Ross.

You are part of the Town. You win once all threats to the Town are dead, and at least one member of Town is living.

The Joy of Painting Each Night, you may select and give one player a beautiful, painted masterpiece (Player is PM'd an image of one of Bob Ross's artworks).
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I just watched this old, beautiful painting show on PBS. Gave me a simple idea:

Welcome, _____. You are Bob Ross.

You are part of the Town. You win once all threats to the Town are dead, and at least one member of Town is living.

The Joy of Painting Each Night, you may select and give one player a beautiful, painted masterpiece (Player is PM'd an image of one of Bob Ross's artworks).
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Please confirm in thread here (LINK).

That would be so funny especially if they do not know who gave it to them. Somebody here would sit for hours examining that painting for a clue in its contents--the dumbass would probably me :biggrin:
I just watched this old, beautiful painting show on PBS. Gave me a simple idea:

Welcome, _____. You are Bob Ross.

You are part of the Town. You win once all threats to the Town are dead, and at least one member of Town is living.

The Joy of Painting Each Night, you may select and give one player a beautiful, painted masterpiece (Player is PM'd an image of one of Bob Ross's artworks).
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Please confirm in thread here (LINK).

I love this idea. If for no other reason then it would counteract just a little bit of the hostility that can permeate these games. Between this and some of Grandma's ideas for humorous hexes, it definitely would make the game than much better.

You two and Sameech are more creative than I am. How do you come up with all these good ideas anyway?

I'm impressed.
I just watched this old, beautiful painting show on PBS. Gave me a simple idea:

Welcome, _____. You are Bob Ross.

You are part of the Town. You win once all threats to the Town are dead, and at least one member of Town is living.

The Joy of Painting Each Night, you may select and give one player a beautiful, painted masterpiece (Player is PM'd an image of one of Bob Ross's artworks).
Post You may post in-thread.
Vote You may vote in-thread.

Please confirm in thread here (LINK).

I love this idea. If for no other reason then it would counteract just a little bit of the hostility that can permeate these games. Between this and some of Grandma's ideas for humorous hexes, it definitely would make the game than much better.

You two and Sameech are more creative than I am. How do you come up with all these good ideas anyway?

I'm impressed.

Having a good eye for irony helps I think. I find ironic twists the funniest thing in the world, even when I am the victim of it (well eventually after I am the victim of it and some time passes.....)
Pfft, Mafia. Friggin' Mafia.

It's a complex game, you know.

On the main site I usually try to augment or streamline my play, whether it means using legitimate alts or manipulating my behavior. What I've been told is to... succinct. Say less. Be efficient... but retain your message. Peoples' eyes bleed when they read walls of text. They've got enough going on in their lives, and they certainly don't want to bore through a granite trench of words. Information overload and wordiness are pitfalls in Mafia. You gotta strike a balance, because if you don't the game suffers.

Imagine this, guys. You're in a room with 14 other people. 3 of 'em wanna kill ya. You don't know who they are. There's a bottomless pit in a corner of the room. You need to make a decision on who goes in it. So you decide, and that person goes bye-bye. The nthe lights go off and, when they turn back on, someone's lying in a pool of blood. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. Psychotic, huh? How do you get your bearings in this sort of desperate situation?

Well, here's something. It's a game of numbers. I don't care how honest, smart, or active you are. The deciding factor on who dies during the Days is numbers. Plain and simple. Pissing people off or being suspicious makes those numbers against you. If you don't wanna get lynched, but instead give yourself some social padding, be nice. Making bonds/treaties with players is another side of the game. Why go at it alone when you can persuade Derek and Kate to come to your side? Of course you could still be wrong, but it's better to do stuff to get support in the game.

Now, while it's nice to have a group of minionsfriends to back you up while in the game, you've got to also remember that you're playing as a member of a team. Unless you're a PR, STOP trying to play as if it's all about you. Being self-centered as a member of Town is bad play, because your goal is for the Town to win: not just you. Only the Serial Killer has him or herself as numero uno. Even if town idiotically ragelynches you Day 1, as long as you're active as Hell and contributing... giving READS and ANALYSIS and IDEAS... you're doing your job as a damned good member of Town. Who CARES if you're misguided going after Bob. At least you're DOING SOMETHING to generate reactions and interactions with people. Your voice is your weapon. Be honest, and try using stream-of-consciousness. Using stream-conscious-like posts is VERY tough for Scum to do convincingly. To sum it up, you win as a team even if you're beaned early on. Share as much as you can as Town. That's your strength. Your power. Your voice. Scum can't stop or control that.

If you can figure out how to make waves, while being civil/analytical/honest/active/persuasive... that's powerful indeed. You'll then become the threat Scum immediately wants to kill Night 1. In this game you've really got to know yourself. Through and through. Step back and really evaluate how you engage and behave in the game. Put a different username on your posts and read through. Maybe you'll note some weaknesses or strengths. Hey... Maybe you'll dampen your weaknesses and galvanize your strengths? Gauge where your skills are, and work to do what you can to manipulate them to your best potential.

You're in control of who you are, what you do, and what you say in Mafia.
Basically it's like a way where you share exactly what you're thinking at this very moment, letting you know in no uncertain detail that I'm sharing my very exact and honest thoughts without any hint or trace of deceit, pre-planning, or manipulation, so that you'll better trust me because a Townie like me can talk really quickly and honestly straight from the mind.
Basically it's like a way where you share exactly what you're thinking at this very moment, letting you know in no uncertain detail that I'm sharing my very exact and honest thoughts without any hint or trace of deceit, pre-planning, or manipulation, so that you'll better trust me because a Townie like me can talk really quickly and honestly straight from the mind.

OMGUS!!! Wait until you play with the people here. You will quickly realize honesty is a capital offense. It is a horrible dynamic unless, of course, you are playing against scum designated as "town". LOL
If you can figure out how to make waves, while being civil/analytical/honest/active/persuasive... that's powerful indeed. You'll then become the threat Scum immediately wants to kill Night 1...

So your advice to people is to always be the first person NK'd? Doesn't sound like a solid pro-town position to me...

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