MAGA: A Complete Failure

I didn’t think so .. Commie on
The Anarchist doesnt realize that there are two parties of government right now, so any vote for any other party is just a waste of time, and bloviating about the two parties is futile. So you can either vote for the Dims, who will turn this country into a shithole(then Anarchy, i guess the dipper wants that) or the other team that doesnt want to see this country go down the shitter, at least not yet.
Let's not forget that it was REPUBLICANS who were paid by tobacco lobbyists to swear cigarettes didn't cause cancer.

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Same Republicans today swear Global Warming is a hoax.

Same Republicans said lead in drinking water was fine.

Are Republicans today still pro cigarettes? You mean times changed?

Remember Robert E Lee was a Democrat. You love that guy.
Do you have some links for us on republicans saying lead and cigarettes were safe after it was found they were not? Democrats continue to try and distance themselves from their racist pasts by claiming "but they changed". As we see with Biden, this is not the case as shown in my earlier post to you. He is racist, and the democratic party of old is the same as they have always been.

BTW...(your picture) Reagan posed for Chesterfield Cigarettes in 1948. Guess what party he affiliated with at that time ;). He became more conservative and moved over to the republican party in 1962.

Also, please show me where I made any statement about Robert E. Lee.
The Anarchist doesnt realize that there are two parties of government right now, so any vote for any other party is just a waste of time, and bloviating about the two parties is futile. So you can either vote for the Dims, who will turn this country into a shithole(then Anarchy, i guess the dipper wants that) or the other team that doesnt want to see this country go down the shitter, at least not yet.
Nope. If the middle class and poor all showed up and voted Democratic like we should, Republicans would be forced to care about the poor and middle class. They don't even pretend to. Trump did but Republicans never did. They invented NAFTA, hate unions, sent jobs to China, loved Walmart in the 2000's.

Republicans fool poor and middle class voters with social wedge issues. Racism (America is now discriminating against white people) they say. God and Gays. Guns.

And once the Republicans have a poor or middle class person duped with social wedge issues, they'll go along with anything. Deny science? Mock wearing masks? Don't take the vaccine? These people are clearly brainwashed. They toe the line. Look at Liz Chaney. Rino. Mike Pence. Rino. Mitch. Rino. So Republicans finally admit they have been voting for globalist rino's for years? Today they admit we were right Bush sucked? But now today they want us to believe they know best? Ha!
If You're Not a Union Man, You're Not a Man at All. You Are a Manservant.
I was pro union for years. Still am. They created a middle class the world had never seen before. 35% of American workers were in unions. But then Reagan got elected......

So they broke the unions. I told people I'd do fine in an every man for himself world. So today I work at a place where I make $100K, the other machine sales guys make more than me, I'm aftermarket sales, and everyone else there makes $50K to $65K. I used to be for paying everyone $90K. Spread the wealth. But since that's not how things work anymore, I'm sort of a hypocrite. I negotiate my own raises and I don't tell other co workers what I make. Every man for himself.

This way benefits the employer for sure. Collective bargaining and knowing how much everyone else makes and giving labor a seat at the table worked best for all, except the people at the top. More profitable without unions.
I was pro union for years. Still am. They created a middle class the world had never seen before. 35% of American workers were in unions. But then Reagan got elected......

So they broke the unions. I told people I'd do fine in an every man for himself world. So today I work at a place where I make $100K, the other machine sales guys make more than me, I'm aftermarket sales, and everyone else there makes $50K to $65K. I used to be for paying everyone $90K. Spread the wealth. But since that's not how things work anymore, I'm sort of a hypocrite. I negotiate my own raises and I don't tell other co workers what I make. Every man for himself.

This way benefits the employer for sure. Collective bargaining and knowing how much everyone else makes and giving labor a seat at the table worked best for all, except the people at the top. More profitable without unions.
Unions have destroyed the small contractors who built America
Do you have some links for us on republicans saying lead and cigarettes were safe after it was found they were not? Democrats continue to try and distance themselves from their racist pasts by claiming "but they changed". As we see with Biden, this is not the case as shown in my earlier post to you. He is racist, and the democratic party of old is the same as they have always been.

BTW...(your picture) Reagan posed for Chesterfield Cigarettes in 1948. Guess what party he affiliated with at that time ;). He became more conservative and moved over to the republican party in 1962.

Also, please show me where I made any statement about Robert E. Lee.
I have always been a democratic. I'm 51 years old. I'm old enough and smart enough to remember which party said tobacco didn't kill and lead wasn't bad for you. Same politicians and lobbyists today who pay Republicans billions to deny man made climate change.

I'm not going to go dig. You remember it how you want to. I'm telling you these are the types of issues that made me say I can never vote Republican. They are the dark side.

Of the top 20 politicians who get the most from the tobacco industry, 4 are democrats. Blue Dog Democrats no doubt.

Nope. If the middle class and poor all showed up and voted Democratic like we should, Republicans would be forced to care about the poor and middle class. They don't even pretend to. Trump did but Republicans never did. They invented NAFTA, hate unions, sent jobs to China, loved Walmart in the 2000's.

Republicans fool poor and middle class voters with social wedge issues. Racism (America is now discriminating against white people) they say. God and Gays. Guns.

And once the Republicans have a poor or middle class person duped with social wedge issues, they'll go along with anything. Deny science? Mock wearing masks? Don't take the vaccine? These people are clearly brainwashed. They toe the line. Look at Liz Chaney. Rino. Mike Pence. Rino. Mitch. Rino. So Republicans finally admit they have been voting for globalist rino's for years? Today they admit we were right Bush sucked? But now today they want us to believe they know best? Ha!

You are projecting your own lack of any feeling of unity onto others.

Admittedly, many republicans, especially the Country Club types, might fit that well.

But, you are unable to even imagine ANY reason for a rich person to look at us, and think US.

That is a failing on your part.

AND, even if you were right? THe malign neglect from the Right, is still better than the active, racist hate we get from your leaders.

AND, btw, white people ARE discriminated against in America today. You know that. Don't play stupid.
Unions have destroyed the small contractors who built America
Now the small contractors (mexicans) are destroying the middle class.

If you like free market capitalism, let's leave everything the way it is right now. Because right now, the companies who hire illegals can't find workers. So they/we need them. Unemployment is low. Upward mobility is there. A shit ton of Americans retired during covid who would have waited another 10 years to retire if not for covid. But they are done now. Lot's of openings.

There's nothing wrong with America unless your skills are in low demand or everyone can do what you can do. IT support guys aren't going to make shit. Meanwhile good IT people are making 6 figures.

And you know who you should blame for destroying the small contractors? The rich. They've been hiring illegals. And they save billions of dollars every year hiring illegals. I wonder why Bush stopped going after illegal employers? Oh yea, he likes immigrants. So do I. Not illegals though. But don't go after them. That's wack a mole. Go after who draws them here. Illegal employers.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
You are so naive.

Where did that ever happen?

In the Soviet Union, Cuba (where my parents are from), the vast majority of people didn't lose their homes. Some wealthy people who live in 10 or 18-room mansions on 100 acres, lost their homes but seeing how those people used to treat the poor, and their employees, when they had power, I don't feel sorry for them. In the modern age in the United States, we don't have to do things exactly how the Russian Bolshevics and Cubans "did socialism", we will do socialism our own way. We have the American way of doing it, because we're Americans, so even the asshole billionaire would keep his mansion and yacht in American socialism. Everyone will keep their homes. We will house everyone.

It's the 21st century, and we have a lot of technology at our disposal, to improve everyone's standard of living. You'll have everything you have now and more if the communist front party is in power. And this will be our new flag:




Communist Front Party Flag

  1. Everyone keeps their homes and up to 100 acres of land (farmers, ranchers, keep all of their lands)
  2. Everyone keeps their firearms, including combat rifles, with access to ammunition (you retain the right to form militias)
  3. Everyone receives the Economic Bill Of Rights, that says every American has a right to food, housing, employment (public sector), healthcare, and an education. We will eliminate homelessness, hunger and poverty in America.
  4. We become energy independent (we'll build MSRs/LFTRs Molten Salt Reactors/Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors, throughout our country, providing abundant, safe, and clean energy to all Americans. These safe nuclear reactors will also generate liquid fuel for all of our vehicles.
  5. We modernize and build our national infrastructure. Bullet trains, new intelligent highways, new bridges, sewage, electric grid..etc.
  6. All centers of economic power are handed to the people: Banks, Energy Sector (Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Electric Utilities), Mining, All Utilities, Telecom, Mass Transit, Healthcare (private sector remains alongside public healthcare), Pharmaceuticals, and Military Industrial Complex. Profits from those industries are deposited in the public treasury.
  7. Medical Freedom (No need for a prescription from a doctor as it was before the 1930s, a medical license is required to practice medicine).
  8. End of drug-war (drug addiction is decriminalized, narcotics dealing is made a capital crime and those convicted subject to the death penalty).
  9. The colonization of space (American Space Colonies).
  10. Transsexualism is declared a mental illness and children are protected from being subject to dangerous hormone treatments and surgeries. A woman is defined as an adult human female and a man is defined as an adult human male. There are two sexes and genders, we are a binary species, with respect to sex/gender.
  11. National Soviets (councils) are established throughout the country, and members of the party (any American can join the Communist Front Party), can vote for who will serve in congress and who will become president. Direct democracy via the Soviets - People's Councils.
  12. Stop illegal immigration.
  13. Lift all sanctions on foreign states.
  14. Two-year mandatory military service after high school.
  15. Pornography is illegal.
  16. LGBTQ Pride Parades Are Illegal, due to public nudity and indecency.
  17. Homosexuals can't adopt or groom children.
  18. We are willing to negotiate with social conservatives on the question of abortion and come to terms we can all accept. A woman should be able to abort her pregnancy if she is raped or is facing a possible medical emergency or health problem.
  19. Child sexual abuse is a capital crime.
  20. Religious freedom: The right to practice any religion without government interference.
  21. End of no fault divorce.
  22. Parents have joint custody of their children.
  23. NATO returns to its 1997 borders.
  24. Wars can only be declared through congress. The president has no authority to start a war.
  25. Establish good relations with all nations, unless they directly threaten our national security.
Our plan is much more comprehensive and detailed than the above list, but that's a simple summary of a few of the things we would do to improve the lives of all Americans and increase freedom.
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Now the small contractors (mexicans) are destroying the middle class.

If you like free market capitalism, let's leave everything the way it is right now. Because right now, the companies who hire illegals can't find workers. So they/we need them. Unemployment is low. Upward mobility is there. A shit ton of Americans retired during covid who would have waited another 10 years to retire if not for covid. But they are done now. Lot's of openings.

There's nothing wrong with America unless your skills are in low demand or everyone can do what you can do. IT support guys aren't going to make shit. Meanwhile good IT people are making 6 figures.

And you know who you should blame for destroying the small contractors? The rich. They've been hiring illegals. And they save billions of dollars every year hiring illegals. I wonder why Bush stopped going after illegal employers? Oh yea, he likes immigrants. So do I. Not illegals though. But don't go after them. That's wack a mole. Go after who draws them here. Illegal employers.

"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

"In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to three."
You don’t want to enforce immigration laws that kill Americans?
You are projecting your own lack of any feeling of unity onto others.

Admittedly, many republicans, especially the Country Club types, might fit that well.

But, you are unable to even imagine ANY reason for a rich person to look at us, and think US.

That is a failing on your part.

AND, even if you were right? THe malign neglect from the Right, is still better than the active, racist hate we get from your leaders.

AND, btw, white people ARE discriminated against in America today. You know that. Don't play stupid.
Nope. I have friends who are republicans. I allow them to be stupid. Sure I make fun, or push back a little. But I know there is no getting through to them. I just pray god the next generation aren't a bunch of Republicans.

And if they do, it means you conned an awful lot of blacks, mexicans, arabs, women and gays go go along with you.

But even if America doesn't agree with you, so what? You have the Supreme Court for the next generation.
Does this cooperation also involve hollywood producers and actors and professional athletes? Should doctors be paid the same as a grocery clerk or baker?

No, in a market economy, even if it's centrally planned and guided, there isn't that type of equality. That's not the equality that socialists refer to when they speak of equality. Equality is in the sense of, bare essentials. Not having people housed, living in mansions when there are homeless people. People who have plenty of food, while millions are starving. That doesn't imply that those who are living in mansions, lose their mansions, or those who have plenty of food, lose their food. It does mean that those who are homeless, are housed. Those who are hungry, are fed. Those who need jobs, are employed either in the private sector or in the public sector. Get it? You've been misinformed about socialism. We're American socialists/communists, not Russian or Chinese. Our Soviets are American Soviets (People's Councils). The American people will remain armed and capable of defending themselves against tyranny. We support true freedom. Freedom from tyranny, freedom from hunger, freedom from homelessness, freedom from unemployment, and freedom from being deprived of healthcare and an education. We serve the people.


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When i worked for Home Depot, i made lots of money by sharing in those profits. Same with McDonnell Douglas when i was fixing F-15s for the Saudi Royal Air Force, i made tons of money sharing in the profits of that adventure. Are you telling me that you never in your life, shared in the profits of corporations?

You can own stock in some companies and make a profit, sure. But did you have a seat on the board of directors? Were you able to elect your managers? How accountable were your employers and supervisors to you? As socialists, we believe in increasing democracy in the workplace, by supporting unions and the creation of worker-owned cooperatives. Eventually, in the not-to-distant future technology will become so advanced, that there will be no more wage labor or a need for markets. We will produce all of the goods and services that we use for the purpose of using those products, not a monetary profit. That day is coming sooner than we think, perhaps as soon as twenty or thirty years from now. We need to prepare for that, that way America won't suffer from the "tech apocalypse".
I have always been a democratic. I'm 51 years old. I'm old enough and smart enough to remember which party said tobacco didn't kill and lead wasn't bad for you. Same politicians and lobbyists today who pay Republicans billions to deny man made climate change.

I'm not going to go dig. You remember it how you want to. I'm telling you these are the types of issues that made me say I can never vote Republican. They are the dark side.

Of the top 20 politicians who get the most from the tobacco industry, 4 are democrats. Blue Dog Democrats no doubt.

Since you are 51 then it was already well established that smoking causes cancer, and warnings were placed on tabaco in 1964. Well before you were born, so you didn't remember anything. Since you can't support your claims, I can support that your claims are incorrect.

  • The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act of 1965 (Public Law 89–92) required that the warning “Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous to Your Health” be placed in small print on one of the side panels of each cigarette package. The act prohibited additional labeling requirements at the federal, state, or local levels.

Nice try cherry picking 2018 instead of 2022. Latest numbers is was 10/10.

2022 results:

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