MAGA: A Complete Failure

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You have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked feculent finger at communism.

Thanks for playing dumbass but you prove how the public education system has indoctrinated you into being a stupid fuck. Better hope this country doesnt go down the shitter as there is an old saying.


Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Back then i was working while Jimmy the brainless Carter malaised the middle class along with leaving US citizens to be held hostage by Iran, which caused the peanut farmer to be a one term president. As for Unions, when you strike in the government in critical areas like Air Traffic Control, then you need to be fired on the spot, because like a good terrorist you put other peoples lives in jeopardy.


Since air traffic controllers and people in other sensitive government jobs, can't strike without at least giving a notification to the government and public that they're striking to avoid accidents.etc, that somehow means what to you with respect to unions? Workers don't have the right to unionize in the private and public sectors? No unions? What's your point?

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

As for good paying jobs, everytime the wages go up under a Republican, the Democrats end up raising obscene taxes on those wages, like Bill Clinton, Barry Sorento and Joe Biteme have done, thus taking away those wage increases, so the worthless fucking poor can get another hand out for the poor vote.


Trump cut taxes for the rich and increased taxes for the working class. You're not making much sense. You're saying the poor are worthless? Are you a millionaire or billionaire? You're most likely a blue-collar, working-class person, who's brainwashed by his capitalist masters.

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Fact, Ronald brought Prosperity for the US after Carter had ruined the economy.

He brought poverty for most Americans.

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Bill Clinton started ruining the country then made a deal with Newt Gingrich and with the Contract with America lowered Unemployment, he Clinton created, stopped paying worthless fucks welfare after two years, thus making them go to work, which started to balance the budget.

Balancing government budgets in the type of economy that we have, creates recessions:

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So i have worked over 40 years and have saved and invested my money wisely to amass an amount to live comfortably on. How much of my money should be taken from me so the poor can live the same way i can?

Nothing has to be taken from you. You're just getting triggered and upset without even knowing what socialism and communism actually are. No one would lose their homes, on the contrary, they would own it if they're now paying the bank a mortgage. A retiree like yourself would keep everything, along with medicare, social security, everything. Relax grandpa.

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Back then i was working while Jimmy the brainless Carter malaised the middle class along with leaving US citizens to be held hostage by Iran, which caused the peanut farmer to be a one term president. As for Unions, when you strike in the government in critical areas like Air Traffic Control, then you need to be fired on the spot, because like a good terrorist you put other peoples lives in jeopardy.


Since air traffic controllers and people in other sensitive government jobs, can't strike without at least giving a notification to the government and public that they're striking to avoid accidents.etc, that somehow means what to you with respect to unions? Workers don't have the right to unionize in the private and public sectors? No unions? What's your point?

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

As for good paying jobs, everytime the wages go up under a Republican, the Democrats end up raising obscene taxes on those wages, like Bill Clinton, Barry Sorento and Joe Biteme have done, thus taking away those wage increases, so the worthless fucking poor can get another hand out for the poor vote.


Trump cut taxes for the rich and increased taxes for the working class. You're not making much sense. You're saying the poor are worthless? Are you a millionaire or billionaire? You're most likely a blue-collar, working-class person, who's brainwashed by his capitalist masters.

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Fact, Ronald brought Prosperity for the US after Carter had ruined the economy.

He brought poverty for most Americans.

Mikeoxenormous writes:​

Bill Clinton started ruining the country then made a deal with Newt Gingrich and with the Contract with America lowered Unemployment, he Clinton created, stopped paying worthless fucks welfare after two years, thus making them go to work, which started to balance the budget.

Balancing government budgets creates recessions:

I went to work in Maryland and it FORCED me to join a union, if i wanted the job. I was FORCED to pay union dues whether i wanted to or not. The union promised me that in their Ponzi Scheme that the money i put in they would pay me $5,000 a month if i stayed in the union 30 years. I left after 1 year found a better paying job and was able to keep my dues, and have a better retirement. Unions suck because the union leaders always get paid even if the union employees get laid off.

As for recessions i see you have no clue what causes them...
Nothing has to be taken from you. You're just getting triggered and upset without even knowing what socialism and communism actually are. No one would lose their homes, on the contrary, they would own it if they're now paying the bank a mortgage. A retiree like yourself would keep everything, along with medicare, social security, everything. Relax grandpa.
How can you have socialism if someone is more advantaged than someone else? Socialism is all about equality where everyone is equal in outcomes, so while i may have more than the poor, the poor will resent the fact and call me greedy...Didnt you call the billionaires greedy for wanting to keep their money, even though they provide jobs and other services that people want?

Nothing has to be taken from you. You're just getting triggered and upset without even knowing what socialism and communism actually are. No one would lose their homes, on the contrary, they would own it if they're now paying the bank a mortgage. A retiree like yourself would keep everything, along with medicare, social security, everything. Relax grandpa.

Under any and all communist oor socialist models private property is abolished.
I went to work in Maryland and it FORCED me to join a union, if i wanted the job. I was FORCED to pay union dues whether i wanted to or not. The union promised me that in their Ponzi Scheme that the money i put in they would pay me $5,000 a month if i stayed in the union 30 years. I left after 1 year found a better paying job and was able to keep my dues, and have a better retirement. Unions suck because the union leaders always get paid even if the union employees get laid off.

As for recessions i see you have no clue what causes them...
You're exaggerating, pretending all unions are corrupt and that's simply not true. Workers have the right to unionize and negotiate their terms of employment with wealthy and powerful employers as a group and community of laborers. You may not see the value in that, but many workers, including myself, have benefited tremendously from our union memberships. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with that union.
How can you have socialism if someone is more advantaged than someone else? Socialism is all about equality where everyone is equal in outcomes, so while i may have more than the poor, the poor will resent the fact and call me greedy...Didnt you call the billionaires greedy for wanting to keep their money, even though they provide jobs and other services that people want?

Billionaires purchase labor power or the lives of workers for a few hours daily and workers provide paying consumers (no wage labor, no customers, no capitalism). The wealthy capitalists need workers more than workers need them. If banks and organizations like the SBA (small business administration), gave loans to people to start worker-cooperatives, there would be more of them and less need for the rich to start a business enterprise and create jobs. Jobs at a privately owned business are run like dictatorships, authoritarian regimes. People are exploited like cogs in a machine and often mistreated.

Worker-owned and run cooperatives are run democratically and are very competitive in the market. They create better work conditions, pay better, and workers have much better job security than when they work for a privately owned business. No one becomes wealthy in a vacuum, they need others, including a government to provide the infrastructure for commerce.

Everyone is interdependent, no one is truly independent in this world. The only truly independent being is God Almighty. No one should be homeless, hungry, unemployed, or without healthcare or an education in America, especially when there are people living in mansions. You might feel comfortable living in a society with such inequalities, but most people aren't.

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You're exaggerating, pretending all unions are corrupt and that's simply not true. Workers have the right to unionize and negotiate their terms of employment with wealthy and powerful employers as a group and community of laborers. You may not see the value in that, but many workers, including myself, have benefited tremendously from our union memberships. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with that union.
So what you are saying is that some people are too stupid to know how to debate their wages and hours thus a union must be there to be their daddies or mommies so those people can be taken care of?
Billionaires purchase labor power or the lives of workers for a few hours daily and workers provide paying consumers (no wage labor, no customers, no capitalism). The wealthy capitalists need workers more than workers need them. If banks and organizations like the SBA (small business administration), gave loans to people to start worker-cooperatives, there would be more of them and less need for the rich to start a business enterprise and create jobs. Jobs at a privately owned business are run like dictatorships, authoritarian regimes. People are exploited like cogs in a machine and often mistreated.

Worker-owned and run cooperatives are run democratically and are very competitive in the market. They create better work conditions, pay better, and workers have much better job security than when they work for a privately owned business. No one becomes wealthy in a vacuum, they need others, including a government to provide the infrastructure for commerce.

Everyone is interdependent, no one is truly independent in this world. The only truly independent being is God Almighty. No one should be homeless, hungry, unemployed, or without healthcare or an education in America, especially when there are people living in mansions. You might feel comfortable living in a society with such inequalities, but most people aren't.

If someone creates a goods or services, that people want, it isnt up to the billionaire to hire anyone to "work" for them, but to share the success that the billionaire creates, but you just arent smart enough to know how businesses work. Go back to higher education and learn economics.

If someone creates a goods or services, that people want, it isnt up to the billionaire to hire anyone to "work" for them, but to share the success that the billionaire creates, but you just arent smart enough to know how businesses work. Go back to higher education and learn economics.

Creating goods and services that people want at what cost to society? Billionaires shouldn't exist, they have too much power and undermine democracy. Workers don't need the rich to create jobs for them, but the rich need workers, because without wage labor they have no paying consumers. Without paying consumers, there's no market or capitalism.

Workers can form worker-cooperatives, hence they don't need the rich to create businesses or jobs.
Creating goods and services that people want at what cost to society? Billionaires shouldn't exist, they have too much power and undermine democracy. Workers don't need the rich to create jobs for them, but the rich need workers, because without wage labor they have no paying consumers. Without paying consumers, there's no market or capitalism.

Workers can form worker-cooperatives, hence they don't need the rich to create businesses or jobs.
What if the people in the worker-cooperatives dont want to work? But want to make something better of themselves and dont want to share the spoils of what they have created?
So what you are saying is that some people are too stupid to know how to debate their wages and hours thus a union must be there to be their daddies or mommies so those people can be taken care of?

Following your line of reasoning, the rich are stupid, because they create chambers of commerce, super PACS, and trade organizations, and they hire lobbyists to advance their class interests in the halls of government, legally bribing our politicians. All of that makes the rich stupid, according to you. Actually, they're not stupid, that's why they form organizations to better secure their interests. The working class can also form organizations, we call them "labor unions". Those unions or organizations have a lot more power and leverage than one worker (their's strength in numbers). Just as employers have their organizations to defend their financial interests, the working class has its own organizations.
What if the people in the worker-cooperatives dont want to work? But want to make something better of themselves and dont want to share the spoils of what they have created?
When you work for a private company they take everything you produce, plus the profits. More, there's no democracy or mutual accountability when you're just an employee, working in a private business dictatorship. When you're a worker-owner of a democratically run cooperative, in a market economy, you'll get paid a good salary and you have a say on how the workplace and business is run. You'll participate in elections to elect management, hence there's more mutual accountability and workers feel more committed to the company due to owning the business collectively. If people refuse to work in a cooperative, there's a process that has to be taken before a person is let go. People don't get fired as they do in privately owned companies.
Following your line of reasoning, the rich are stupid, because they create chambers of commerce, super PACS, and trade organizations, and they hire lobbyists to advance their class interests in the halls of government, legally bribing our politicians. All of that makes the rich stupid, according to you. Actually, they're not stupid, that's why they form organizations to better secure their interests. The working class can also form organizations, we call them "labor unions". Those unions or organizations have a lot more power and leverage than one worker (their's strength in numbers). Just as employers have their organizations to defend their financial interests, the working class has its own organizations.
Does this cooperation also involve hollywood producers and actors and professional athletes? Should doctors be paid the same as a grocery clerk or baker?
When you work for a private company they take everything you produce, plus the profits. More, there's no democracy or mutual accountability when you're just an employee, working in a private business dictatorship. When you're a worker-owner of a democratically run cooperative, in a market economy, you'll get paid a good salary and you have a say on how the workplace and business is run. You'll participate in elections to elect management, hence there's more mutual accountability and workers feel more committed to the company due to owning the business collectively. If people refuse to work in a cooperative, there's a process that has to be taken before a person is let go. People don't get fired as they do in privately owned companies.
When you work for a private company they take everything you produce, plus the profits.
When i worked for Home Depot, i made lots of money by sharing in those profits. Same with McDonnell Douglas when i was fixing F-15s for the Saudi Royal Air Force, i made tons of money sharing in the profits of that adventure. Are you telling me that you never in your life, shared in the profits of corporations?

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